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'''Asteroids''' are the primary source of revenue for a planet, and you can get them by either initiating them or by capturing them through [[combat]]. Also known simply as 'roids'.
by the end of the decade we will walk on the moon, what was the pentercage of spending(of the overall budget) on Nasa? That is your homework for your reply. Once you have figured that out, then come up with an argument that would appease the "Tea Party" and the Republicans for spending that much more money on NASA, without cutting something else. Yes this country went from the space leader, to an also ran, in a period of 20 years. Why should we go back to the moon? To set up a base of operations for future missions. It would be dramatically easier to fly from the moon to anywhere, than to leave here and go there. Less fuel, less everything. How would everyone feel if the Chinese built a base on the moon? Would you feel safer? Probably not. I will check back when you have that number.
The base cost of an asteroid is 1000, and every asteroid costs 150 more resources to initiate than the one before it, though [[metal]] asteroids, for example, do not influence the cost of [[crystal]] or [[eonium]] asteroids. It is usually not recommended to initiate more than 300 asteroids in total. In order to initiate asteroids of a certain type, you will have to pay resources of the same type: it takes Metal to initiate Metal asteroids, it takes Crystal to initiate Crystal asteroids, and it takes Eonium to initiate Eonium asteroids.  
Unlike in earlier rounds of Planetarion, you do not have to scan for asteroids.  
Each asteroid gives a base income of 250 resources of one type per tick. Additionally, government bonuses, population bonuses and [[Structures|Finance Centres]] can increase your income, sometimes by more than 50%.
Great arctile, thank you again for writing.do5gIn  <a href="">lscmvbywfuft</a>bXCno9 , [url=]rgvsishznssl[/url], [link=]ojjoerkehvmp[/link],

Revision as of 08:09, 28 April 2012

by the end of the decade we will walk on the moon, what was the pentercage of spending(of the overall budget) on Nasa? That is your homework for your reply. Once you have figured that out, then come up with an argument that would appease the "Tea Party" and the Republicans for spending that much more money on NASA, without cutting something else. Yes this country went from the space leader, to an also ran, in a period of 20 years. Why should we go back to the moon? To set up a base of operations for future missions. It would be dramatically easier to fly from the moon to anywhere, than to leave here and go there. Less fuel, less everything. How would everyone feel if the Chinese built a base on the moon? Would you feel safer? Probably not. I will check back when you have that number.