Round 3,

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Session Start: Sun Apr 15 17:14:26 2001
[17:14] *** Now talking in #pacrew
[17:14] *** Topic is '20:00CET MONDAY Meeting - ALL BE THERE - Job assignment -next round details,etc...'
[17:14] *** Set by Messiah on Sun Apr 15 14:43:01
[17:14] *** P sets mode: +o Jakey_coding -
[17:16] neo-bahamut No such nick
[17:16] neo-bahamut End of /WHOIS list. -
[17:16] star No such nick
[17:16] star End of /WHOIS list. -
[17:16] gonzo No such nick
[17:16] gonzo End of /WHOIS list. -
[17:22] *** DarkWarior ([email protected]) has joined #pacrew
[17:22] *** P sets mode: +o DarkWarior
[17:22] <DarkWarior> ;p
[17:22] <DarkWarior> lo
[17:22] <Jakey_coding> Hi
[17:22] -Jakey_coding- chan: #pretorian: Wainieee You Jakey the guy who took over Harry?
[17:22] <Irons> lo m8
[17:22] <DarkWarior> Jakey_coding, you got a moment?
[17:23] <Jakey_coding> Sure
[17:23] <Jakey_coding> Hi Irons
[17:23] *DarkWarior* i need a win2k server /w terminal server installed
[17:23] <Irons> Hows it going m8y
[17:23] <Jakey_coding> Good, to ensure I get the AH done tonight I moved my computer into my closet and stuck myself in there to ensure I can't get away from it
[17:24] <Spinner> rofl
[17:24] <Spinner> Good one Jakey (-:
[17:24] <Jakey_coding> haha
[17:24] <DarkWarior> lo Spinner
[17:24] <Irons> lol
[17:25] <Jakey_coding> I haven't been sleeping this last week, I've been averaging 2-4 hours per day. If I can't lay down then I won't sleep to easily and I'll wake up and be infront of ma PC :)
[17:25] <Irons> rotfl
[17:25] <Irons> played m8y
[17:25] <Jakey_coding> I've purchase 5 cigars and made byself 2 litres of green tea :) Everything is in order
[17:25] <Irons> And authorise me on icq already
[17:26] <Irons> Its Warren btw
[17:26] <Irons> i have a real life somewhere :-)
[17:26] <Spinner> rofl
[17:26] <Spinner> No you dont
[17:26] <Irons> lol
[17:26] <Irons> no your right
[17:26] <Irons> i dont
[17:27] <Irons> that should have been 'i had'
[17:27] <Jakey_coding> Aaah
[17:27] <Spinner> "Hello, my name is Spinner, and I am a PAlcoholic"
[17:27] <Jakey_coding> Hee hee, soz
[17:27] * DarkWarior pokes Spinner
[17:27] <Irons> :-)
[17:27] <Jakey_coding> I keep my ICQ secret cause its only 6 digits and its worth $150 USD on Ebay :)
[17:28] <Spinner> rofl
[17:28] <Irons> lol
[17:28] <DarkWarior> erm.. a 6 digit ICQ # = $150?
[17:28] <Jakey_coding> Yup
[17:28] <Irons> geesh
[17:28] <Messiah> wow
[17:28] <Irons> i have one of those
[17:28] <Messiah> sell it!
[17:32] <Idler> how much if a 8digit worth +
[17:32] <Idler> ?
[17:32] <Jakey_coding> 8 digit isn't worth anything
[17:32] <Jakey_coding> The easier your ICQ is to remember, the more its worth at any digit count
[17:33] <Messiah> 26106098
[17:33] *** Irons has quit IRC (Ping timeout)
[17:33] <Messiah> VERU easy to remember
[17:33] <Jakey_coding> I'll give you 2 bits
[17:33] <Jakey_coding> But you'll have to include your planet login/pass too
[17:34] <Messiah> heh
[17:36] <Spinner> Hm, I shoudl start selling ships at EBay
[17:36] <Spinner> Or , heh, techs
[17:37] <Jakey_coding> haha
[17:37] <Spinner> Oh, you want the new Dreadnaughts do ya (-:
[17:37] <Spinner> heh
[17:37] *** Irons ([email protected]) has joined #pacrew
[17:37] *** P sets mode: +o Irons
[17:37] [Irons SOUND]
[17:37] <Jakey_coding> Sure, give me 40k and I'll send you a PA t-shirt, or course it'll never arrive haha
[17:37] <Spinner> Let me guess: Zeus still hasnt sent them....
[17:37] <Spinner> sigh
[17:38] <Messiah> spinner i'm convinced
[17:38] <Jakey_coding> Its ok, I didn't like the design of it. I have a couple designs I want instead for it
[17:38] <Messiah> zeus gets "turned on" by them
[17:38] <Messiah> and has a hardcore session every night with them
[17:38] <Jakey_coding> But they are secret until I get my column up
[17:38] <Jakey_coding> lol
[17:38] <Irons> I spoke to him
[17:38] <Messiah> which is why he refuses tos end em
[17:38] <Jakey_coding> haha
[17:38] <Irons> They are going out Tuesday
[17:38] <Spinner> hmpf
[17:38] <Messiah> spinner, sack him
[17:38] <Messiah> and give me his job
[17:38] <Messiah> ;-)
[17:38] <Jakey_coding> lol
[17:41] <Jakey_coding> hey, check out:
[17:41] <Jakey_coding> :)
[17:42] <Spinner> bah
[17:42] <Spinner> not found
[17:42] <Spinner> (-:
[17:42] <Irons> lol
[17:43] <Jakey_coding> haha
[17:45] <Messiah> i'm off to bed now
[17:45] <Messiah> nn
[17:45] <Jakey_coding> ok, nn m8
[17:45] <Irons> night
[17:45] <Spinner> night messiah
[17:46] *** Messiah has quit IRC (Leaving)
[17:46] * Idler wishes he had his PACrew cap on TG, imagine all the ppl who would think I'm l33t :)
[17:46] <Irons> lol
[17:46] <Irons> :-)
[17:46] <Jakey_coding> haha
[17:46] <Idler> nice repotage in btw Spinner
[17:46] <Spinner> oooh, havent read it yet
[17:46] <Spinner> must now
[17:46] <Spinner> brb
[17:47] <Idler> you should :p
[17:49] <Spinner> heh
[17:49] <Spinner> phat
[17:49] <Spinner> (-:
[17:50] <Idler> yer:)
[17:50] <Spinner> a couple of lies in there, or rather some adjusted figures...but no biggie
[17:51] <Idler> I'm insulted they didnt even bother to bring me along for the group pic, *sniff*
[17:51] <Idler> ( that is)
[17:56] <Spinner> jeez, I look horrible on that pic though
[17:56] <Spinner> (-:
[17:56] <Idler> :)
[17:56] <Irons> Spinner, odd that m8, cos you look great normally :-Þ
[17:57] <Irons> me expects instant deletion
[17:57] <Irons> :-)
[17:57] <Jakey_coding> That pic looks good actually
[17:57] <Idler> Oero looks cool, heh
[17:58] <Idler> a bit different from what I had imagined
[17:58] <Jakey_coding> I picture Oreo looking like a round brown biscuit with a creamy while filling inside
[17:59] <Irons> lol
[17:59] <Spinner> lol
[17:59] <Spinner> He is half spanish, half danish
[18:00] <Spinner> Yet lived in Norway all his life
[18:00] <Spinner> (-:
[18:00] <Spinner> Does horribly well with women
[18:00] <Spinner> (-:
[18:00] <Irons> lol
[18:00] <Jakey_coding> Lol.
[18:00] <Irons> i hate him already
[18:00] <Irons> lol
[18:00] <Idler> hehe
[18:00] <Spinner> 3 spanish words, and they are hostory
[18:00] <Spinner> bastard
[18:00] <Jakey_coding> lol
[18:00] <Spinner> history
[18:00] <Spinner> even
[18:00] <Spinner> lol
[18:00] <Jakey_coding> haha
[18:00] <Irons> :-)
[18:05] <Irons> Methinks the troops are waning now
[18:05] <Irons> its all going quiet
[18:05] <Spinner> troops?
[18:05] <Spinner> quiet?
[18:05] <Spinner> I am working (-:
[18:05] <Jakey_coding> I'm working too
[18:05] <Irons> lol soz dad
[18:05] <Spinner> rofl
[18:06] <Jakey_coding> haha
[18:06] * Irons goes back to playing with his toys
[18:17] <snow> Irons outlaw is KiLuMiNaTi right?
[18:17] <Irons> yes m8
[18:18] <snow> i thought he was perm banned
[18:18] <Irons> me too
[18:18] <snow> but he's on the forums now..?
[18:18] <Irons> guess the gline was temp
[18:18] <snow> "/me spits on #homely
[18:18] <snow> KiLuMiNaTi
[18:18] <snow> Lieutenant Junior Grade
[18:18] <snow> (9) Apr 2001
[18:18] <snow> (9) 28
[18:18] <snow> OH
[18:18] <snow> i mean on boards
[18:18] <Irons> Ah
[18:18] <snow> glined ran out about 3 hours ago
[18:18] <Irons> See mess about the boards m8y
[18:19] <Jakey_coding> I'll bbl, need to code hardcore 4 a bit
[18:19] *** Disconnected Session Close: Sun Apr 15 18:19:49 2001