Basic Tactics

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From a Strategic Discussions forum post made by Monroe on Sept. 23rd, 2005.

Intermediate Tactics Advanced Tactics

Tactic: Send, recall, resend Description: Launch an attack, jumpgate the attack near the end of the first tick to see if there is defense, if there is defence recall right at the end of the tick and resend the following tick. The advantage of this often used tactic is it soaks up out of galaxy defense, and gives you a second opportunity to attack. Counter: The best counter to this strategy is active defense, rather then passive defense. Having defenders on at the end of the first tick to recall can be very useful. Another good counter strategy is to organize an attack on your would be attacker that will require him to keep his attack fleet home to defend. Then use the same tactic back at him, ie jpg at the end of the first tick and recall if he got defense.

Tactic: Run fleet Description: When you are faced with a heavy amount of incs, that you can't really do anything about (i.e. you didn't get much defence), send your fleet away. Move your fleet into an open fleetslot, and send it to some target where nothing's going on. (i.e defend 1:1:1 with +11 prelaunch) Put it on prelaunch because, if a fleet is on prelaunch, it is not considered to be at your planet. Make sure to cancel the prelaunch after the attackers land. Why: Roids are generally easier to replace than ships. Counter: No specific counter, since you can't tell if a target has run his fleet. Don't worry about it, because you'll still get his roids.

Tactic: Single class attack Description: Send only one class of ships on any given attack, thereby limiting which of your targets ships can target your fleet. Counter: No specific counter, just find the right defense.

Tactic: Fake Defense Description: When a friend has incomming and you have the correct type of ships, but those ships are not home send a different type of ship instead in the exact quantity you have of the ship that would be effective. If the attacker does a jumpgate he will not know that the defense is fake and will have to assume it is real and will therefor recall. Counter: No known counter, other then landing anyway and seeing what shows up. If the defense is from outside the target gal you CAN do a news scan at eta 1 and see what the initial eta of the defense was, if the defense eta is different then what it should have been (ie 7 because the fake def is FI rather then 8 because the real def would have been FR) then you know the def is fake. (In my personal experiance however this rarely is useful.)