Talk:Novus Ordo Seclorum

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Orignaly formed out of a cluster alliance primarly by VtS command member Chinese, this was known as the legion elite back in R3, however by R4 NoS had fallen out of favour with Legion and departed the "Vts/NOS/Xan" block to allie with Cell under the order of Dingo its then CEO, this forced elysium to fill the void in the vts/xan linkup forming "VeX" that eventualy won the round. R5 followed with a cord leak from Xanadu that lead to NoS/Cell's fall. R6 A new tactic was taken and a new command was formed along with a new JR wing Anoubis, with people such as Wipeout and Anakin(then xd212) joining the command team their was new hope for the alliance, a block was formed (NEWX) and eventualy NoS won the round. Many key members left at this point to join other alliances, some went back to their roots in Legion. NoS was never the same again and became a mediocre 2nd rate alliance.