Tourists of Terror

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  • Full Name: Tourists of Terror
  • Short Name: ToT
  • Public IRC Channel: #ToT
  • Alliance motto: FICKÖÖÖÖÖÖÖÖÖÖÖÖÖN!
  • Affectionate nickname:
  • Public Website:
  • IRC Server:
  • Status: Returning for Round 13.

The Start

It all started in june 2001. Due to the disloyalty and respectlessness of some OT members I was forced to turn my back on OT. Actually I was close to joining some other alliance, when I was amased at howmuch help I got from some active OT users , begging me to make an own alliance.

That night the first rough concept was ready, which was nothing like the fun alliance OT's concept. The new goal was to be a strong , active but still fun, while if needed ready to jump and help the alliance in an instant. Quickly trustworthy members were recruited, who still today are ToT with all their heart. Round 4 was , even if only very short for ToT, a super success. Strong allies were found quickly, and a few ToT galaxies managed to place themselves right in the top 100.

In a last desperate act a few OT members tried to destroy the ToT leader, but so badly failed that the leftover fleets returned home demoralised to their home planets only after loosing 600mio score in the attack, while the ToT leader lost only 2mio score. Now that we can almost reach out at the start of the new round , we await Round 5 eagerly. --[ToT]Marduk

The End

Planetarion went new ways. The gamestyle and combat system was changed very much compared to all other rounds before. Like Round8 it was a complete random universe. No privat gals. Summary of the political siuation - blocks:



Both blocks were formed before roundstart and whole political situation was stabil during the whole round. Only ViruS and Templar disbanded during the round, but both werent really important regarding their power. But sad to see 2 more old Planetarion allys disbanding.

Both blocks fighted from roundstart on and there was no stagnation during the whole round. At the beginning it looked like a FAnG comeback-round and onliest alliance that was able to compare with them was ToT. During first 700ticks FAnG and ToT switched often between rank1 and rank2.

But sadly our ToT members didnt like the PAX style and a lot of them quitted or went inactiv in the middle of R10. So we werent able to fight them anymore. Only a core of 40-50 members stayed activ and fighted with ToT till round ended. But also FAnG got a lot of intern problems and after some strange happenings, even FAnG fall down. The FAnG core left the alliance and joined the ToT allied Elysium. With this mass recruiting of 40 FAnG members, Elysium went to the top in planet and alliance ranking and finally won the round.

Our old allys from Eclipse made rank2 in allianceranking. ToT finished the round on rank6. But our core was still quiet successfull even when 60% of our members quitted or went inactiv. The rank1 gals was a ToT/Elysium gal and we had still 1 top10 planet and around 10 top100 planets. So even this round wasnt that bad, we had still a lot good rankings, still a lot good players, but seen for the whole alliance also a lot of problems. Planetarion chapter closed (Final annoucement: See ToT Leaving PA). --[ToT]Sonnenbomber

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