Round 15:End of Round Ceremony

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  • Appocomaster sets mode: +m

<Appocomaster> Well, it's about time to start <Jolt-biffy> <Jolt-biffy> Welcome to the closing ceremony for Round 15 <Jolt-biffy> To start off I'd just like to say a few words before handing over to Appoco to do the interviews with the various winners <Jolt-biffy> From a personal point of view I've really enjoyed this round, perhaps the most since I became involved with Planetarion and started playing again back in January of last year <Jolt-biffy> a big thanks go to my gal m8s in 16:5 for their help defending me

  • Jolt-biffy slaps [Angels]Maniac around a bit with a large trout

<Jolt-biffy> I'd also like to thank PA Team for their efforts in this round <Jolt-biffy> With the exception system issue it hasn't been easy at times <Jolt-biffy> but I think they did a great job <Jolt-biffy> and when it came to in-game support they were fantastic <Jolt-biffy> not just PA Team but the other support guys <Jolt-biffy> As all of you will be aware 2006 will bring with it the first fully free round of Planetarion for quite some time <Jolt-biffy> and after this round I'm personally really looking forward to it <Jolt-biffy> I'm confident we'll reach 5,000 users, if not more, which should create an excellent round <Jolt-biffy> but there is a hell of a lot of work to be done <Jolt-biffy> hopefully with the help of the PA Community - even u Kargool - we can make it a success <Jolt-biffy> but that is next year <Jolt-biffy> and first we have Christmas, Havoc, Speedgames and all sorts of other stuff <Jolt-biffy> and of course this round to look back on <Jolt-biffy> so thanks for your time, and its over to Appoco <Appocomaster> thank you, biffy <Appocomaster> firstly, I'd like to thank everyone for turning up and congratulate the top planets, galaxy and alliance for doing so well this round <Appocomaster> Firstly, the #1 and #3 planet - this round the top 3 planets are awarded planets, but the #2 planet has just gone on holiday <Appocomaster> congrats on winning the round, BlackG <[]LCH[]BlackG> thx Appocomaster <[Romania]Smash> \o/ <Appocomaster> and well done on coming third, Smasher <[Romania]Smash> thank you <Appocomaster> I lost you for a minute, you keep changing your nicknames <[Romania]Smash> sneaky romanians we are <Appocomaster> well, romania did well this round in terms of top planets, it seems <Appocomaster> yes <[]LCH[]BlackG> top 3 all romanians... is more then good <Appocomaster> also, interestingly enough, none of the top (2)3 alliances were in the top 3 ? <Appocomaster> oh, yes Angels were third <Appocomaster> so who in particular helped you to win the round? <[Romania]Smash> well <[Romania]Smash> i tried <[Romania]Smash> tried* <Appocomaster> and did your choice in race help you? stats were a bit contraversal this round <[]LCH[]BlackG> ok <[]LCH[]BlackG> may i ? <Appocomaster> sure <[]LCH[]BlackG> have a tons of ppl to thank to <[]LCH[]BlackG> let's strat with u... for making cath so damn good this round <[]LCH[]BlackG> couse my race choice helped ofc <[]LCH[]BlackG> <Jolt-biffy> all the good players go cath <Appocomaster> most people thought xan were the most popular <Appocomaster> well, the most fun to play <Appocomaster> tzen/ghost/sabre fleets were everywhere <[]LCH[]BlackG> second have to thank my wonderfull galaxy... they are really cool guys <[]LCH[]BlackG> specialy to almeida who built a nice BP this round <[]LCH[]BlackG> to all lch'ers in my gal who did great <[]LCH[]BlackG> job <[]LCH[]BlackG> have to thank LCH in general couse they rocked <[]LCH[]BlackG> and sleepless the best dc i ever meat <Appocomaster> I'm sure CAT would feel similar with regards to the support from his alliance, at least <[]LCH[]BlackG> and most unconventional wanna thank GOKU who deserved the #1 place more then any1 <[]LCH[]BlackG> thx m8 <Appocomaster> Smasher, do you have anything to add? <[Romania]Smash> well <[Romania]Smash> congrats to BlackG <[Romania]Smash> can i thank some ppl also? <[Romania]Smash> will make it short <Appocomaster> sure <[Romania]Smash> first of all i'm extremly pleased and proud that the first 3 players are romanians <[Romania]Smash> it means alot for me <[Romania]Smash> i've been "leading" the romanian community for a long time <[Romania]Smash> anyways <[Romania]Smash> on a personal note <[Romania]Smash> i would like to thank <[Romania]Smash> first of all <[Romania]Smash> to daku <[Romania]Smash> who helped me get where i am <[Romania]Smash> and second to my alliance,Angels, who even if it lost did a good job <[Romania]Smash> and oh <[Romania]Smash> <[Angels]Irvine> Keglomanic is a *****? <Appocomaster> lol <[Romania]Smash> that's my thanx to Irvine the n00b <[Romania]Smash> so thanx all supporting me to get where i am,my romanians etc <[Romania]Smash> u guys are the best <Appocomaster> Keg missed his minute of fame <[Romania]Smash> that's about it <Appocomaster> ok, thanks <[Romania]Smash> sorry if i forgot many of u <[]LCH[]BlackG> wait.... i still have a few words to add <Appocomaster> oh <Appocomaster> yes? <[]LCH[]BlackG> i still have to thank 1up <[]LCH[]BlackG> i just forgot <[]LCH[]BlackG> for beeing so big noobs <Appocomaster> that's not very nice :9 <Appocomaster> :| <[]LCH[]BlackG> hey guys why aren't u try something else ? <Appocomaster> sorry <Appocomaster> moving on, we have the top galaxy, who again won by a fair margin <Appocomaster> I'll let crusie voice them all - last time i managed to voice all sorts of people by accident <Appocomaster> hmm <[17-9]crusie> there we go <Appocomaster> thank you <[17-9]crusie> hello <Appocomaster> well, congratulations to you all <[17-9]crusie> thx <[17-9]Zhukov> <Appocomaster> again, another galaxy has shot away and most galaxies aren't much more than half your score <[17-9]crusie> u have to excuse em, they are a bit shy <[17-9][eX]Green> Go copy paste crusie.. <Appocomaster> how did you do it? <Appocomaster> Sand, what have you done to upset Pea? <Appocomaster> :/ <[17-9][eX]Green> hey...slap that bot <[17-9]crusie> Sand is away atm <Appocomaster> ok <[17-9]crusie> he shud be in a few minutes <[17-9]crusie> from all the prizes there is to win i like the topgal the most <[17-9]crusie> because u work together as a very close team and u can't win being an individual strong player <[17-9]crusie> we acted as a strong core who all believed its worth fighting for the gal <[17-9]crusie> we had some tough nights and continious incomming the last weeks <[17-9]crusie> but we survived and i think that is the proof we belong on top <[17-9]crusie> <Appocomaster> so who was the galaxy formed around? <Appocomaster> which buddypack? <[17-9]crusie> greeny help me <[17-9][eX]Green> qSp/Stonekin/Bazza/Sandvold/Greenhills <Appocomaster> when I checked, there weren't too many people that exiled into the galaxy <Appocomaster> ah, a merc buddypack <[17-9][eX]Green> That was the bp..but those were to lazy to write something <[17-9][eX]Green> <[17-9]crusie> merc all the way <[17-9][eX]Green> Stonekin & Avalen also didnt manage to make it, they both have a job.. wherever thats good for <[17-9][eX]Green> Tey cannot be here at the ceremony btw <[17-9]Bazza> We had prolly the best BP in the uni with a good mix of ally's <[17-9]crusie> and best randoms *cough* <Appocomaster> lol <[17-9]Bazza> After taking control of the gal from tick 1 we set about exiling anyone not on irc within 24 hours & ones unpaid. <Appocomaster> were there many in that category then? <[17-9]Bazza> quite a few <Appocomaster> a lot of people have had issues with the galaxy and exile system this round <[17-9]crusie> can't complain about that tho <[17-9]Bazza> After we got the gal we wanted it was a case of keeping the activity high, reporting all incs promptly & cross deffing ingal. <[17-9]Bazza> Donation to the caths ingal to build vipers helped against FR incs while the xans build lancer/ghost/pk's & crusie did the scans <[17-9]Bazza> & ofc SMS was handy too - tho cost me @ £20 this round <Appocomaster> so it was really the high levels of organisation <[17-9][eX]Green> Enkillinix and BigP did awsome defending with their viper fleets <[17-9]Bazza> yup - but special thanx to STONEKIN for watching over me while I slept & to Irvine, Goku, Superfly & rest of Angels for arranging def for me <Appocomaster> and you all specialising according to races? <[17-9]Zhukov> I think we were very good at cross-deffing in gal, and we worked hard on that <[17-9][eX]Green> qSp was suppost to be the bp defwhore, but instead of that he decided to end #10 in universe that was really awsome, but he ****ed up as a defwhore.. <[17-9]crusie> we kinda ordered the cath's to build vipers & ziks to build marauders <[17-9]General1> <[17-9][eX]Green> sorry <[17-9][LCH]qSp> <[17-9]Zhukov> (and my wyverns ) <[17-9]crusie> oh right the wyvern <Appocomaster> anyway, well done <[17-9][eX]Green> I said before, round was great <[17-9][eX]Green> And good its over <Appocomaster> was there anyone in particular you wanted to thank? <[17-9]crusie> yes i do <[17-9]General1> we do? <[17-9]crusie> we wouldn't be up there for the alliances that covered us <[17-9][eX]Green> I wanna thank Rkz for supporting me morally whole round <[17-9]crusie> so special thanks to Angels, 1up, ND, TGV and all others <[17-9]crusie> i'd also like to thank the admins and the multihunters for a great job this round <[17-9][eX]Green> And I wanna thank Cain for doing nothing whole round <[17-9][eX]Green> <[17-9][LCH]qSp> and i wanna say thnx to [xVx]Night-Sky <3 <[17-9]crusie> and congratz to eXilition for being the topgal and BlackG for being #1 planet <[17-9]crusie> topally* <[17-9]crusie> we wish every1 a merry christmass and a happy roidfull newyear <Appocomaster> well, havoc should be fun <[17-9]Zhukov> on behalf of myself and general1, thanks to VGN, our ally <[17-9]crusie> i wish for my christmass a buddypack of 15 people <[17-9][eX]Green> And Maximillion is great he pwns.. <[17-9]General1> I wanna thank my galm8es for never deffing me, and always letting me def my galm8es . <[17-9][xVx]Mark> id like to thank qSp for all the encouragement he gave me and helping me stay in the gal <[17-9][LCH]qSp> :] <[17-9]General1> nah kidding <[17-9]crusie> you can find us in #um <[17-9]General1> lol Ali] <Appocomaster> no advertising <[17-9]crusie> sorry Appocomaster sorry for joking around etc. Have a good vacation all.. see you again soon <Appocomaster> it's ok <Appocomaster> <[17-9]General1> Oh yes. Last round my galaxy ended rank3, this round rank1, so people get me in your gal next round <[17-9]crusie> it was a great round <Appocomaster> pfft General1 that was a fluke <[17-9]crusie> we'll be here for the next <[17-9]General1> <[17-9][eX]Green> ty Nagdash <[17-9][eX]Green> nagash <[17-9][eX]Green> <Appocomaster> ok <Appocomaster> well, thank you I've added the relevant credits <[17-9][TGV]BigP> thanks 17:9 its been a pleasure this round, I felt looked after which was very nice <[ND]Painy> id like to thank nd for when they roided qsp earl on in the round <[17-9]crusie> goodie <Appocomaster> lol <Appocomaster> you're getting silly now :/ <Appocomaster> <Appocomaster> moving on, Exil won the second round that they've played, having sat out last round <Appocomaster> with their seasonal tagging they're confusing me <[eX]NitinA> :P <Appocomaster> anyway, congratulations - another victory. For a while it looked like ND were going to win. When did you feel sure that you were going to win? <[eX-HC]Kaifux> =) <[eX-HC]Kaifux> Appocomaster: it was a tough decision to make <[eX-HC]Kaifux> to make it short, it was a situation we had to decide, wether it's ND first and Angels join it <[eX-HC]Kaifux> or we give a shot and Angels and pray that ND and 1up don't jump on <[eX-HC]Kaifux> we have choosen to hit Angels, because they napped ND after 2 nights of fight, which seemed to be hostile action towards eXilition <[eX-HC]Kaifux> 2nd night, ND attacked eXilition, but our attacks were successful on Angels <[eX-HC]Kaifux> so 3rd night was on ND <[eX-HC]Kaifux> and on and on <[eX-HC]Kaifux> after successful hitting on ND and less rumours about last minute jumps <[eX-HC]Kaifux> we were pretty sure <[eX-HC]Kaifux> we can stay at #1 <Appocomaster> <Appocomaster> it was an interesting round, with a couple of new alliances and a few possible contenders for top alliance <[eX-HC]Kaifux> yeah, mainly i wanna thank subh, for sticking with us from round start to the end <Appocomaster> going into the round, how did you feel the competition was? <[eX-HC]Kaifux> tough once again <[eX-HC]Kaifux> after spreading the fire around through 1up/angels/ND <[eX-HC]Kaifux> we got huge backfire <[eX-HC]Kaifux> that's when we felt the competition first (even 2 alliances on 1, with reasonable fr fleets = more than enough) <[eX-HC]Kaifux> especially when it was top alliance <[eX-HC]Kaifux> so had to work the way through the smaller alliances, which are great this round all top 13 alliances got reasonable control over their members <[eX-HC]Kaifux> they did politics, tactics pretty good enough <Appocomaster> AD was as busy as normal <[eX-HC]Kaifux> thanks to VGN for choosing to nap eXilition at mid-round, this showed appreciation <[eX-HC]Kaifux> and understanding on the situation <[eX-HC]Kaifux> Appocomaster: yes AD was busy as it is always <Appocomaster> I know that you run the alliance - does anyone else want to comment on how they felt the round went? <[eX]NitinA> hm <[eX-HC]Kaifux> yes, i ran the alliance <[eX-HC]Kaifux> with my head officer team <Appocomaster> well, the CEO figure <[eX-HC]Kaifux> which are those with +v atm <[eX-HC]Kaifux> guys, how did you feel about this round? <Appocomaster> apparently every member had incomings on average every 16-17 ticks, which obviously made organisation essential <[eX]NitinA> I think the round went pretty well <[eX]NitinA> some unexpected events some expected <[eX]NitinA> But overall our members all worked hard <[eX]NitinA> and things ended up in our favor <[eX-Mas]snra> It was tough round in all levels <[eX-HC]Kaifux> for some statistics: we had just a bit less than 6k fleets incoming + unreported, that's pretty 4.75~ fleets per tick, yes it was pretty busy <[eX-Mas]bwtmc> I came to eXilition with a lot of misconceptions this round, it didn't take long for me to appreciate that. <[eX-Mas]bwtmc> Round 15's been great in nearly every respect, I genuinely find that it's been a brilliant contest decided justly by a better political environment than I've seen in a long time. <[eX-Mas]Hude> special thanks to yggdra for helping me in the techie field, we had to create new tools at the round beginning <Appocomaster> I'm sure many people will want to know, are you playing next round? either the free one or the first one with the PAN code? <[eX-Mas]bwtmc> We won't be playing as an alliance in the free round <[eX]NitinA> Our members may spread around and/or do what they wish <[eX]NitinA> But eX won't have a tag <[eX-Mas]bwtmc> the fact that Kaifux has ran everything with such a (needed) hands-on approach has been a real factor there <[eX-Mas]bwtmc> but everyone's very tired, i've barely played in-game all round and I'm thoroughly knackered, I know a few of us are immune to phone calls now ;-) <[eX-HC]Kaifux> it was tough again with working 8hours and university + gf (had to cancel sport tho) <[eX-Mas]Hude> one more thing from me, i dont want to bore people to death <[eX-Mas]Hude> i loved this round, thanks to everyone who made it worth playing <[eX-HC]Kaifux> this round took lots of effort and lots of time. I can keep counting the nights when i slept 4/5 hours and many of us had those and it lead even to health problems, which is not the thing we want to see <[eX]NitinA> As for the handson approach we had, kaifux guided everything wonderfully, and our mil + dc teams all did their part and worked hard till the finish <[eX-HC]Kaifux> so yes, this round we are going to skip, players spreading around, testing how PAN looks and how well can you play it <[eX-HC]Kaifux> special thanks for the opposition: <Appocomaster> were you going to list them? :-) <[eX-HC]Kaifux> 1up - for the good fight till the end of it, pretty biggest fleet counts we had from you, you are the reason universe should thank, that we couldn't breath so easily (tho even it was annoying) <Appocomaster> ok <[eX-Mas]bwtmc> 1up played very respectably, comments I've seen about them not playing a major part in the round are ultimately wrong <[eX-HC]Kaifux> Angels - i would suggest m8s to be more practical and flexible, some things you did were pretty wrong, especially the fact that this round you wanted to dedicate to stop eXilition. Your military was great and you had big potential, but some actions didn't work out in the best way, try to be more delicate and tactical <[eX-Mas]bwtmc> they played sensibly and held good priorities, they played for themselves <[eX]NitinA> Angels HC need to work on public display of politics, imho. Angels all in all is a very respectable alliance and has what it takes <[eX]NitinA> (i speak for myself) <[eX-Mas]HudezZz> nn and merry xmas <Appocomaster> nn <[eX-HC]Kaifux> ND - #2 is a good spot, even tho you aren't satisfied i'm sure. Some things which make it a bit sad, was last day tryings. And guys, if you wanna keep ranks, don't sit there praying that we might run out of time to take you down. Act faster... this is war game and the winner is the fighter, the one who is offensive <Appocomaster> any more comments, Kaifux? if not we'll move on <Appocomaster> ok <[eX-HC]Kaifux> Subh: for being great allies from mid-round, for sticking to agreements and putting your effort into your first round <[eX-HC]Kaifux> HR: for being great m8s and doing things on good level, congrats on staying in top 10 <[eX-HC]Kaifux> VGN: for giving us a chance to be your companions with NAP agreement <Appocomaster> thank you <[eX-HC]Kaifux> LCH: last days of some cooperation was nice, reminded me hand to hand working in R13, which were again on high level <[eX-HC]Kaifux> those were alliances we had contacts with <Appocomaster> I'm afraid we're going to have to move on <Appocomaster> but thank you <[eX-HC]Kaifux> yes <Appocomaster> right, we have something a bit unusual now <Appocomaster> sorry, missed you <Appocomaster> ok <Appocomaster> <[eX-HC]Kaifux> last words from me about our best scanner, which is Odihnitoru. He put his effort staying up to 12hours online each day to get the scans flowing. Without you, we might of not did that <Appocomaster> Kaifux has some last words <[ROCK]KiekerJan> ty <[HR]Misty> ok wtf is going on ? <Appocomaster> now, this is a bit of a surprise <[ROCK]KiekerJan> hush lemme talk <[ROCK]KiekerJan> first of gratz to all the winners on behalf of ROCK <[ROCK]KiekerJan> and a big thank-you-fluffle to every1, especialy for pa-team for a fun round <[ROCK]KiekerJan> anyway the reason why im talkin now is Mistwraith (gotta make this fast shes already glaring @ me) <[ROCK]KiekerJan> this round was kinda special to her. as it is her 15th(!!) round as PA HC <[ROCK]KiekerJan> those of you that are or have been HC know what a stressfull job this is and what it sacrifises of your own playing <[ROCK]KiekerJan> Hence why we (me and her pups @ HR) didnt want to let this pass by without a erm.. w00f. <[ROCK]KiekerJan> So without further adue i'd like to offer mistwraith her present, out of HR and my own name <[ROCK]KiekerJan> Darling u tend to underestimate urself and what you do to much... every1 (current- and ex-pups) who neko and i approached where eager to chip in and prove u wrong <[ROCK]KiekerJan> (those hr that havent got details yet and/or those we forgot and wanna help pm me after the ceremony is over) <[ROCK]KiekerJan> we know how stressed u can get so we thought wed give you a day away from the stress and send u of to a spa.. massages pools steambaths sauna the works, even bathrobe and slippers are provided <[ROCK]KiekerJan> we hope u enjoy and want to thank you for all the work u have dun and will do in the future. <[ROCK]KiekerJan> rests me only to thank PA-team for the time they granted me and hand the mic. to misty <[ROCK]KiekerJan> /me runs and hides before misty can kill him <Appocomaster> [HR]Misty, we're a bit pressed for time, but did you want to say something? <[HR]Misty> i cant swear <[ROCK]KiekerJan> ps u should see her face right now <[HR]Misty> erm... i'm speachless <[HR]Misty> thank-you <[HR]Misty> erm <[HR]Misty> i really dont know how to say it adequaetly <[HR]Misty> but really thank-you <Appocomaster> <[HR]Misty> is all i can ay <Appocomaster> thank you <Appocomaster> I'll let you have a quiet word with him <[HR]Misty> thanx <Appocomaster> ok, we're running slightly over so I'll be fast <Appocomaster> after the ceremony, I'll be setting all constructions to 10, completing everyone's tech tree, and setting everyone at 300 mil resources and 15000 roids - 100 mil of each resource / 5000 of each roid to xan, and adjustments to all the other alliances <Appocomaster> due to the fact that mysql isn't quite as great as perl, and my perl sucks, I'm afraid that I'm going to be setting the values as those, not adding to them. basically, if you have resources, spend them now! <Appocomaster> hi Kloopy <Kloopy> Hi there! We can add resources rather than re-set them if you want. <Appocomaster> oh, ok <Appocomaster> Kloopy to the rescue, we'll add them <Appocomaster> and he can remove the mining limit <Appocomaster> havoc will run from 12:00 GMT tomorrow until 12:00GMT on the 31st <Appocomaster> we'll then have a couple of speedgames before the free round starts in mid / end january <Assassin> <Appocomaster> the dates aren't quite confirmed yet, and will be announced later, probably along with another creators hour <Appocomaster> but will probably be at weekends <Appocomaster> did anyone else have anything to say? I've been hogging the PA Team mic all evening <Kloopy> Have a very merry Christmas if we don't speak to you before! <Kloopy> But not too merry, you don't want to embarass yourself infront of the family <Appocomaster> We'll hopefully have lots of fun things for you to do in the new year

  • Appocomaster sets mode: -m