Round 4 Attack on 253:1

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An Attack in Round 4 by VeX on a top Fury galaxy.

Coords  	Planet  	                        ETA  	Size(H/F)
253:1:1 	Hyperspace 	  	                        100320/337898
  	- Counter-Striker (5:6:1) 	                7 	7695
  	- eternity (6:5:2) 	                	7 	7592
  	- Hellfire (53:1:4) 	                	6 	5118
  	- A Genocidal Nature (97:3:2)                 	7 	19471
  	- Pumpin' Iron (52:13:9) 	                8 	2200
  	- Draycon (6:5:10) 	                	5 	4873
  	- Lutetia (227:14:1)                 		6 	3840
  	- Terra Mistica (55:8:6) 	                6 	8433
  	- Verthandi (210:1:4)                 		5 	24106
  	- = Ravenloft = (210:1:5) 	                5       6170
  	- Being (189:1:2) 	                	0 	6600
  	- Shad0wLands (52:13:12) 	                7 	9750
  	- The Shinsen Gumi (253:16:2) 	                7 	7300
  	- Gesundheit (253:16:4) 	                6 	1700
  	- Tikal (279:8:4) 	                	6 	6200
  	- $hadar Logoth^ (290:25:6) 	                6 	11827
  	- The robot retirement planet (144:20:16) 	5 	5632
  	- Rindaveien 24 (205:17:2) 	                7 	5727
  	- Aristarchus (210:1:7) 	                5 	5456
  	- Ancient Crane Trib (265:11:12) 	        5 	11046
  	- Bizzare Cosmic Industries (265:11:13) 	0 	23729
  	- The sunlight experience (253:16:12)     	7 	2000
  	- The sunlight experience (253:16:12)           9 	372
  	- Land_of_Death (144:20:17) 	                5 	16072
  	- Vergon 6 (253:16:13)                 		7 	4850
  	- Imperium Of Norway (253:16:16)           	8 	183
  	- MaD Weekend (304:14:5) 	                6 	8500
  	- Astonishing Empire (265:11:17)          	5 	4500
  	- Nothing Special fs (135:7:21)         	7 	10668
  	- Hitokiri Battousai (253:16:19)        	7 	5800
  	- Hitokiri Battousai (253:16:19)          	8 	225
  	- Not Recommended Behavior (6:5:18)        	5 	6000
  	- Philli (277:17:16)                 		6 	3013
  	- Yellow (210:1:15) 	                	5 	8345
  	- Tarriel (304:14:10) 	                	5 	8000
  	- Ph33r m3! (144:20:20) 	                7 	11927
  	- Excavation Bertrand (20:9:21)         	6 	34000
  	- Home of the MAD killer lambs (306:1:3) 	0 	19531
  	- DarkColony (253:16:20) 	                7 	10055
  	- Blossom Hill (48:1:19) 	                0 	5000
  	- Last Man Lying (253:16:22) 	                7 	5371
  	- Last Man Lying (253:16:22) 	                6 	8366
  	- Stineworld (135:23:18) 	                7 	4589
  	- The Golden Rock (205:17:3) 	                7 	4354
  	- Protekt Ya Neck (304:14:19) 	                6 	4371
  	- -Racing Genk- (306:1:13) 	                0 	6000
  	- The Erotic Fire (265:11:24) 	                7 	5095
  	- Khauran (94:17:7) 	                	5 	8500
  	- Khauran (94:17:7) 	                	7 	14500
  	- JamCookie (94:17:11)                 		8 	8300
  	- 1000 Feet Under the Sea (94:17:16)     	0 	3311
  	- Samos Island (114:9:14) 	                6 	1252
  	- slosarise (210:1:25)                 		5 	2302
  	- slosarise (210:1:25)                 		3 	6000
  	- .Tjummer Planet. (187:1:25)                  	0 	5999
  	- .Tjummer Planet. (187:1:25) 	                0 	802
  	- Challenger (210:1:2)                 		5 	5600
253:1:2 	Sphynx 	  	                	45985/77530
  	- Nova Terra (110:12:2) 	                5 	6612
  	- Starcon (53:1:7) 	                	3 	2500
  	- DannnWorld (130:1:2)                 		7 	3995
  	- Biotope (48:1:6) 	                	5 	12516
  	- Starsiege MystShadow (141:1:11)       	6 	1826
  	- Battlecruiser (277:17:1) 	                5 	24380
  	- chris- (253:1:10) 	                	4 	30161
  	- The Via Nova (79:8:10) 	                5 	5100
  	- The Via Nova (79:8:10) 	                6 	0
  	- Smurfsville (279:8:22) 	                5 	16505
  	- Erebor (309:1:15) 	                	5 	12618
  	- Ulrichskirchen (252:3:9) 	                8 	4656
  	- Xelembris (75:22:14) 	                	6 	432
  	- Planet Gabber (115:1:21) 	                5 	2214
253:1:3 	Thunder Moon 	  	                32924/70304
  	- Tamsusis Seselis (65:15:3) 	                6 	4131
  	- Korpuskulus (53:1:6)                 		6 	3721
  	- C3sium² (4:20:13) 	                	7 	7086
  	- DEVILazija (46:3:14)                 		5 	21526
  	- DEVILazija (46:3:14)                 		5 	7267
  	- Magnetic Storm (253:1:16) 	                4 	39842
  	- CEL Prime (193:20:15) 	                6 	983
  	- Heaven`s Gate (253:1:18) 	                4 	18672
253:1:4 	Zagros 	  	                        15400/61666
  	- Land of Death (7:18:4) 	                6 	5907
  	- The Imperium (80:23:1) 	                5 	4718
  	- The Emeshi People (115:24:1) 	                6 	3200
  	- The Emeshi People (115:24:1) 	                5 	5800
  	- ozenius (15:22:8) 	                	7 	2129
  	- ozenius (15:22:8) 	                	5 	3500
  	- New Athens (280:19:1) 	                5 	15400
  	- Baghan (115:24:6) 	                	4 	2000
  	- Desert Moon (212:23:20) 	                6 	1796
  	- Free World III (238:24:1) 	                4 	6428
  	- nimbor (15:1:13) 	                	4 	1515
  	- Psychedelic^Dream (26:12:24) 	                5 	4390
  	- Germany (104:1:13) 	                	6 	838
  	- the Planes of Azeroth (277:17:20) 	        4 	2327
  	- Z|CON (195:18:20) 	                	6 	4446
  	- 'Calpurnia (120:21:18) 	                7 	1000
  	- 'Calpurnia (120:21:18) 	                5 	2017
  	- Pompel_Pilt (212:23:21) 	                6 	3675
  	- THe CHiLLiN' PLaNeT (238:24:23)       	7 	2165
  	- THe CHiLLiN' PLaNeT (238:24:23)        	5 	1655
  	- THe CHiLLiN' PLaNeT (238:24:23)            	7 	50
  	- MW_Tatooin (212:23:24) 	                7 	1594
  	- Itherna (171:5:7)                 		7 	516
253:1:5 	GoldStar 	  	                11500/34237
  	- Hidden Course (280:23:5) 	                4 	6000
  	- WooDDy CarMaker (151:23:7)                 	4 	2145
  	- De Laredo (160:10:9)                 		4 	3000
  	- Dark Star Core (280:23:11) 	                4 	12696
  	- The soul of the professional (280:23:12) 	3 	10396
  	- Island of Honeybunnies (279:8:13)        	5 	11500
253:1:7 	The Ap0calypse 	  	                48528/165585
  	- Am I Evil (10:4:1) 	                	7 	17854
  	- Sikrit Underground Lair (33:19:2)     	6 	6750
  	- TRUKMDGTUEFDSIETZPSMABUL (53:5:2)       	6 	3296
  	- TRUKMDGTUEFDSIETZPSMABUL (53:5:2)      	7 	3063
  	- Me-Lon IV (53:5:3) 	                	7 	6200
  	- Bigger Larger and Uncut (38:13:5)        	4 	6000
  	- Never-Never Land (53:5:10)                 	7 	8146
  	- Golgotha (105:11:7)                 		6 	3661
  	- Esra IV (144:17:3)                 		7 	4241
  	- Xenophon (19:6:14)                 		7 	2532
  	- Xenophon (19:6:14)                 		5 	6406
  	- The Holy Grail (178:11:13)                 	4 	8500
  	- Silence of the Lambs (253:16:5)        	5 	2518
  	- meow (253:16:7) 	                	5 	3575
  	- Flighiness (290:25:2) 	                6 	5694
  	- Campi Custos (290:25:3) 	                6 	4173
  	- Excelsis (290:25:4)                 		6 	6000
  	- Thrawn (82:9:11) 	                	7 	4966
  	- The Q Continuum (290:25:13) 	                6 	10422
  	- Mayhem in Space (290:25:14) 	                6 	8839
  	- |a dark place| (285:19:12) 	                5 	3000
  	- The Shadow Lands. (178:11:19)         	6 	3225
  	- Mortazza (253:16:14)                 	        6 	16713
  	- eRavage (267:2:4) 	                	4 	10000
  	- The Hyperion Dynasty (279:8:19)       	6 	10400
  	- Capable Connexis (93:3:10)                 	6 	3000
  	- Capable Connexis (93:3:10)                 	5 	4000
  	- Taxon (304:14:16) 	                	6 	5500
  	- Neverwinter (6:5:4) 	                	6 	8500
  	- Cabbage Planet (210:1:22) 	                5 	4238
  	- Palisades Exemplar (76:4:22)                 	4 	13760
  	- Mac^World (211:20:19) 	                6 	3050
  	- Kil (33:19:25) 	                	7 	5891
253:1:8 	Home of Hell 	                 	3325/0
  	- Planetropia (113:19:11)                  	5 	3325
253:1:9 	Quantum Leap 	                  	8481/46551
  	- Grasslands (52:13:8) 	                	7 	5800
  	- Holocast (110:12:10) 	                	6 	21002
  	- Calimport (265:11:3) 	                	5 	8410
  	- Murder (301:2:2) 	                	6 	2500
  	- Murder (301:2:2) 	                	6 	3361
  	- Crumbs! (6:5:23) 	                	6 	5999
  	- Tschek'Prak (197:4:13) 	                7 	2700
  	- SeventhEye (113:19:17) 	                8 	2620
  	- der_planet_von_mir (197:4:19) 	        9 	2640
253:1:10 	chris- 	  	                        13000/11136
  	- The Dolls (285:19:1)                 		7 	13000
  	- That thing (309:1:10)                 	7 	11136
253:1:11 	Animatronic 	                  	32338/7500
  	- Bullside Planet (114:23:1)                 	5 	1881
  	- 8ball (114:23:4)                 		6 	5000
  	- 8ball (114:23:4)                 		5 	5547
  	- Fallen Hope (290:25:20) 	                5 	11400
  	- Saustall (115:1:12)                 		4 	7500
  	- Chris1701-planet (114:23:5)                 	5 	7111
  	- Station Radifect (114:23:23)                 	5 	1399
253:1:13 	Stavromula Beta II 	           	5034/0
  	- Darkwood (253:1:6)                 		0 	51
  	- xxxLion Planet (114:23:11) 	                6 	600
  	- xxxLion Planet (114:23:11) 	                5 	4383
253:1:14 	The Roadhouse 	  	                50/0
  	- Zagros (253:1:4) 	                	1 	50
253:1:15 	Mirador 	                  	41845/38194
  	- Clockers (12:18:1) 	                	6 	3685
  	- ~-.eNVy.-~ (12:18:2) 	                	6 	8928
  	- Rincewind (132:5:1) 	                	6 	3799
  	- Blue Thunder (132:5:6) 	                7 	3230
  	- x-tinction (12:18:9) 	                	5 	1856
  	- demonplanet (12:18:11) 	                5 	2168
  	- Morbeau (149:21:6) 	                	5 	6581
  	- U-planet (285:19:24)                 		5 	18627
  	- Booty Planet (187:1:21) 	                5 	21000
  	- Chicks for free (115:1:18) 	                4 	3000
  	- Flying Pirate Ship (132:5:21)         	6 	5500
  	- Flying Pirate Ship (132:5:21)             	8 	1665
253:1:16 	Magnetic Storm 	  	                58021/57332
  	- Bet You Like It (52:13:7)                   	0 	4295
  	- the Endless (92:3:2)                 		1 	2000
  	- BeanoTown (92:3:5)                 		1 	1
  	- zoopa fly (52:13:13)                 		0 	3776
  	- Free Roids (285:19:8) 	                7 	12764
  	- Free Roids (285:19:8) 	                7 	20000
  	- New HongKong (280:19:9) 	                7 	3787
  	- Sillicon Alps (279:8:15)                 	7 	13750
  	- Sega (258:19:13)                 		7 	7720
  	- Time Travel (253:1:22)                 	0 	17416
  	- Bersepha V (115:1:14)                 	0 	340
  	- TempusConfusion (131:5:18)                 	0 	12500
  	- Panzer Division (189:1:17)                 	1 	11587
  	- Human Logic (210:1:3) 	                0 	2000
  	- The North Pole Gang (210:1:18)        	0 	3417
253:1:17 	Da Real =BBB= 	                  	44466/194620
  	- Tower of Power (53:1:1) 	                4 	9439
  	- The Muppets (93:10:1) 	                6 	12319
  	- The Muppets (93:10:1) 	                7 	100
  	- very cold im freezing (67:22:9)          	8 	2801
  	- StAhLwErK (135:7:7) 	                	6 	19492
  	- Kernow (178:11:9) 	                	4 	5800
  	- The Hutt (93:10:5) 	                	5 	8043
  	- The Hutt (93:10:5)                 		6 	1646
  	- -Graveyard- (210:1:6)                 	4 	29000
  	- Tareh (237:2:3) 	                	6 	2646
  	- HaagBaard (201:23:2)                 		7 	2000
  	- Kernel Panic (210:1:12)                       4 	6454
  	- Higher Than Heaven (267:2:1)                 	4 	14695
  	- Shrine of Asuryan (302:1:4)                 	4 	13618
  	- Egypy (187:5:7) 	                	7 	5903
  	- Iridescence (160:10:8) 	                4 	1000
  	- denome (103:14:18) 	                	4 	8100
  	- - The final destination - (58:15:25)  	5 	41954
  	- - The final destination - (58:15:25)  	5 	2512
  	- W a r (267:2:15) 	                	4 	20996
  	- HeadShot (160:10:16)                 		4 	3572
  	- Sacred Waters (151:23:21)                 	4 	1660
  	- Mentally divergent (267:2:22)         	4 	11000
  	- Aquinas (75:8:11)                 		6 	5370
  	- Norwegium (91:18:8)                 		6 	3500
  	- Norwegium (91:18:8)                 		7 	400
  	- Some Time Ago (160:10:25)                 	4 	876
  	- Tokyo_HQ (95:23:18)                 		6 	1525
  	- the EveningStar (307:1:21)                 	5 	2665
253:1:18 	Heaven`s Gate 	  	                7450/46115
  	- DE@TH (104:20:1)                 		8 	1000
  	- Fremen (2:7:5) 	                	7 	826
  	- Shayol Ghul (178:11:1) 	                5 	19119
  	- Cummalot (14:9:8)                 		8 	5500
  	- VENGANZA (309:1:4)                 		5 	10100
  	- Freedom-X 2 (309:1:12) 	                5 	3793
  	- Juustobanaanipiirakka (20:16:13)       	6 	2083
  	- SolarLights (251:5:12) 	                7 	2694
  	- Topia (19:11:15)                 		8 	1000
  	- Northbeach (285:19:25) 	                6 	7450
253:1:19 	Valiant Annex 	  	                19173/55863
  	- G force (111:16:6)                 		7 	1150
  	- Land of the dark (285:19:4) 	                7 	19173
  	- Jotunheim (65:19:4)                 		7 	3356
  	- Shimonoseki (157:13:5) 	                8 	3796
  	- Shimonoseki (157:13:5) 	                9 	1674
  	- Grindstone (307:1:2)                 		6 	6024
  	- GoD's Wrath (305:1:1) 	                6 	3393
  	- Rhiwdonia (223:3:2) 	                	7 	1700
  	- Manifold Six (109:12:12) 	                9 	56
  	- Manifold Six (109:12:12) 	                8 	2333
  	- Orange Squad (305:1:7) 	                6 	4163
  	- Mayberry (166:6:6) 	                	6 	3455
  	- The Rivals Of Hell (305:1:14)         	6 	4343
  	- the Dunedain (107:18:19) 	                7 	2700
  	- -Carve Canem- (34:25:10) 	                6 	14320
  	- ^PLANETS^ (252:3:24)                 		7 	3400
253:1:20 	Révolution 	  	                25565/117584
  	- The NetherRealms (6:5:5)                 	2 	4000
  	- Lucious Homeworlds (52:13:1)                 	2 	18200
  	- Zentil Keep (27:24:4) 	                2 	2465
  	- Succubus Paradise (144:7:1) 	                6 	20000
  	- Succubus Paradise (144:7:1) 	                9 	2000
  	- Fear no Longer (144:20:5) 	                5 	14000
  	- CubaLibre (198:3:1)                 		3 	1530
  	- lack of sleep (115:1:4) 	                6 	900
  	- Tir n'a Noir (110:12:8) 	                7 	4691
  	- Kuat II (167:23:13)                 		0 	3574
  	- huwbacca land (252:3:13) 	                2 	1648
  	- huwbacca land (252:3:13) 	                0 	4283
  	- Xematus Zalvante (285:19:22) 	                6 	23100
  	- Demise (257:11:1) 	                	1 	13564
  	- Arklow (261:18:9) 	                	1 	3925
  	- Bersepha V (115:1:14) 	                0 	2800
  	- Medi-Night (295:9:7)                 		1 	3077
  	- 1000 Feet Under the Sea (94:17:16)       	2 	524
  	- Home of the punishing lambs (306:1:20) 	7 	5399
  	- M4YH3M (110:12:24) 	                	1 	9250
  	- Darius Twin (234:13:14) 	                2 	4219
253:1:22 	Time Travel 	  	                21000/71024
  	- - Quest for Tires - (58:15:1)         	7 	19000
  	- - Quest for Tires - (58:15:1) 	        7 	2000
  	- The Great Imperial Fleet (138:20:1)          	8 	5000
  	- The Pumpkin Lantern (106:19:11)       	8 	8042
  	- Many tears (227:16:3) 	                5 	6735
  	- Deacon (193:2:7) 	                	8 	3249
  	- Psychotic central (23:4:18) 	                8 	6900
  	- Kasus (138:20:6) 	                	9 	4574
  	- Kasus (138:20:6) 	                	10 	5
  	- -=Treasure's Gem=- (66:4:19)                 	8 	7385
  	- Energizer Prime (32:18:24) 	                7 	9313
  	- Energizer Prime (32:18:24) 	                8 	63
  	- ChocoCity (151:1:10)                 		7 	7233
  	- Cobble (61:13:22) 	                	7 	8025
  	- AnG3|_|n_HeaV3n (8:2:19) 	                9 	4500
253:1:23 	The Red October 	          	13700/26017
  	- The Lonely Mountain (113:25:5)         	5 	4000
  	- The Lonely Mountain (113:25:5)        	5 	9700
  	- Bradford (309:1:3) 	                	4 	5000
  	- Interesting Times (187:1:8) 	                4 	8000
  	- Interesting Times (187:1:8) 	                4 	9451
  	- Easter Island (309:1:24) 	                5 	3566
253:1:24 	-Orthanc- 	  	                0/9577
  	- Voorhees (309:1:14)                 		0 	1777
  	- Symetricum (94:17:4)                 		0 	3910
  	- .Tjummer Planet. (187:1:25)                 	0 	3890
253:1:25 	The Lizard King 	        	12467/27417
  	- whoPUTthatTHERE (48:1:4) 	                2 	8171
  	- Defiant (189:1:4)                     	4 	540
  	- Oasis (48:1:12) 	                	5 	1182
  	- Rockorama (115:1:7) 	                	4 	1938
  	- potassum (279:8:21)                 		5 	4094
  	- potassum (279:8:21) 	                	5 	2000
  	- router (98:25:16) 	                	5 	1463
  	- router (98:25:16) 	                	5 	158
  	- The Annihilation (189:1:15)                 	4 	6010
  	- Templar Sanctiarum (53:1:13)                 	5 	6319
  	- El Casa de Pauw (113:25:13) 	                5 	4752
  	- Deutschland187 (115:1:24) 	4 	3257