Round 4 IRC log of VeX block breakdown

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This is an IRC log from shared Legion/Xanadu command channels from shortly after the point where Xanadu refused to target NoS with Legion.

[14:55] *** Grim has joined #bigguns
[14:55] *** ChanServ sets mode: +o Grim
[14:55] <Grim> afternoon
[14:55] <Grim> some intersting posts on the baords
[14:56] <Grim> added to by petru and rampage ic
[14:56] <Grim> thanx for the support...
[14:56] <Grim> much appreciated
[14:56] *** Scorpio has joined #bigguns
[14:56] *** ChanServ sets mode: +o Scorpio
[14:56] <Grim> lo scorp
[14:58] <Petru> just returning the favour Grim
[14:58] <Grim> just commenting on the appreciation of legion supprot on thet thread of lies from fury
[14:58] <Grim> favour?
[14:58] <Grim> pray, which favour.
[14:58] <Petru> heh
[14:59] <Grim> ....
[14:59] <Petru> Scorps posts all over stating VeX is Xan and Xan alone
[14:59] <Grim> i am assuming thats a sarcastic comment.
[14:59] <Grim> lol
[14:59] <Grim> cmon
[14:59] <Grim> xanadu has board posters and so do legion
[14:59] <Petru> anyway, if you read mine i just said you talked ****, my main post was at NoS
[14:59] <Grim> i dont talk ****
[14:59] <Petru> trying to make Dingo realise Rev caused to hassle
[15:00] <Petru> hey, half of PA thinks Im a Nazi for my Legion portal posts
[15:00] <Grim> well i dotn appreciate my own allies knocking me down
[15:00] <Petru> opinions are opinions
[15:00] <Grim> this may be true
[15:00] <Rampage> Grim, nor do I ......
[15:00] <Petru> Scorp enjoys regularly knocking Legion down
[15:00] <Petru> so go figure
[15:00] <Grim> every allaicne ahs people like silver and scoprio
[15:00] <Grim> they dont do it on behal fo the alliance
[15:00] <Grim> hcs shoudl have amore etiquette
[15:00] <Grim> legion ahs peeps liek scorpio, i read their posts all the time
[15:01] *** Scorpio has quit IRC (Ping timeout)
[15:01] <Grim> my own hc allies however are a different matter.
[15:01] *** Grim has left #bigguns
[15:01] *** Scorpio has joined #bigguns
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[15:01] <Petru> netsplit in about 3 seconds by the look of it...
[15:01] <Scorpio> hmmm
[15:03] <Rampage> Well, the trust I once had in xan is _LONG_ gone because of their nos affairs and the latest additions to the board..
[15:03] <Scorpio> hehe
[15:03] <Petru> Buuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuurn them
[15:03] <Petru> Buuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuurn
[15:03] <Scorpio> nothing changed with our NoS affairs
[15:03] <Petru> A wich a wich!
[15:04] <Petru> hm
[15:04] <Scorpio> we've always been friendly with them
[15:04] <Rampage> well, you're weiging a nap higher then an alliance
[15:04] <Rampage> which is BAD
[15:04] <Petru> aye
[15:04] <Scorpio> heh
[15:04] <Scorpio> you got yourself to blame for your situation with NoS as far as i know
[15:04] <Petru> when I put forward Elysium, Xan HC was the first to state the 'no individual triad member can have a nap'
[15:04] <Petru> 'Xanadu doesnt do NAPs'
[15:04] <Petru> etc
[15:04] <Rampage> [3:05pm] <Scorpio> you got yourself to blame for your situation with NoS as far as i know <-- heh, you talked with dingo far to much
[15:05] <Scorpio> nah
[15:05] <Rampage> LegionHC tried it best with nos
[15:05] <Scorpio> I only checked some coords for him
[15:05] <Rampage> but if their member ( rev ) post on their boards
[15:05] <Petru> *cough*Rev*cough*
[15:05] <Rampage> they are atm in legion, they could tear it up from the inside
[15:05] <Rampage> and look it like mistakes
[15:05] <Rampage> technical errors
[15:05] <Rampage> and let that rev also be HC in nos.., that went to far for me
[15:06] <Rampage> so we kicked dingo/rev, and then nos suddenly left, well, they have torpedoed every proposel anyone here brought forward, blocking our progress
[15:06] <Scorpio> oh well
[15:06] <Scorpio> gives us all something to think about, doesn't it?
[15:07] <TU|Afk> Hate it how end of round = restlessness.
[15:08] *** TU|Afk is now known as TheUnknown
[15:09] <TheUnknown> I think it fair enough that Legion did not allow dual membership. I don't see Xan offering that.
[15:09] <Petru> I wanted to be a member :/
[15:09] <Rampage> well, Xan chose nos over it's allies Ely/Legion
[15:09] <Rampage> let them choose that, and see eachother as enemies next round
[15:10] <TheUnknown> If it works, don't fix it :)
[15:10] <TheUnknown> All credit to Xanadu for their 1337ness this round, but shaking things up is hasty.
[15:11] <TheUnknown> Hope you get some enjoyment out of it, its a game, no point crying over spilt milk etc.
[15:12] <Scorpio> blah blah blah
[15:12] <Scorpio> if we go like that
[15:12] <Scorpio> can I also add that Legion BC's have been a pain to work with!
[15:13] <Rampage> so have you
[15:13] <TheUnknown> :)
[15:13] <Scorpio> hardly ever around when you need them
[15:13] <Scorpio> officers launching in-galaxy attacks on our members
[15:13] <Rampage> that was in internal galaxy issue
[15:13] <Rampage> and that has **** all to do with legion/xan
[15:13] <TheUnknown> Mistakes were made as is always the case.
[15:13] <Scorpio> Legion BC's (lo randal) launching on VeX galaxies
[15:13] <Scorpio> etc etc etc
[15:13] <TheUnknown> not just by Legion.
[15:13] <Petru> heh
[15:13] <TheUnknown> Sounds like nit picking
[15:13] <Scorpio> so **** off with all your crap
[15:13] <TheUnknown> hardly positive.
[15:13] <Rampage> xan's raid on an ely galaxy without permission, ....
[15:13] <Petru> since when was randal a BC?
[15:13] <Petru> hes a member ta
[15:14] <Scorpio> oh?
[15:14] <Scorpio> then why did he have BC access on arbiter??
[15:14] <Scorpio> ta
[15:14] <Petru> cos we decided to give him BC access
[15:14] <Petru> there are loads of BC access in there
[15:14] <Scorpio> then I ask why?
[15:14] <Petru> higher access
[15:14] <Scorpio> yes
[15:14] <Scorpio> supporting spying activities??
[15:14] <Rampage> more trusted + he had a good reason
[15:15] <TheUnknown> mong :)
[15:15] <Rampage> heh, I suggest you think next time before you speak
[15:15] <Scorpio> even when he has higher access, then he and his galaxy should launch like 3 times at vex galaxies
[15:15] <Scorpio> should not
[15:16] <Petru> you make it sound like there has never been Xan incoming on a VeX gal
[15:16] <Scorpio> I don't say that
[15:16] <TheUnknown> Who poisoned you mate? You are clutching at straws. You really hate Legion and why? InSaNe
[15:16] <Scorpio> but someone with BC access launching at a vex galaxy?
[15:16] <Petru> so?
[15:16] <Petru> viPi has HC access
[15:16] <Scorpio> I've always hated legion
[15:16] <Petru> and has done so
[15:16] <TheUnknown> there you go
[15:17] <TheUnknown> a personal vendetta
[15:17] <Petru> so ****ing what about Arbiter access?
[15:17] <Scorpio> I thought they could change it this round
[15:17] <TheUnknown> you are tainted
[15:17] <TheUnknown> your thoughts clouded
[15:17] <TheUnknown> you have no concept of compromise
[15:17] <Scorpio> but their lack of organization clearly worked the other way around
[15:17] <Petru> rest your mind young one
[15:17] <TheUnknown> your judgment is off mate
[15:17] <Petru> your mind and body must be singular glasshopper
[15:17] <Scorpio> a what??
[15:17] <Petru> be still with your chi
[15:17] <TheUnknown> you need a cool clam mind to really see anger is not the solution
[15:17] <Petru> Dont give in to hate
[15:18] *** Rumad has joined #bigguns
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[15:18] *** Rumad was kicked by ChanServ (You are not permitted to be on this channel.)
[15:18] <Petru> the dark side is not stronger
[15:18] <Scorpio> not anger
[15:18] *** Rampage sets mode: -b *!~Askme@*
[15:18] <TheUnknown> :)
[15:18] *** Rumad has joined #bigguns
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[15:18] <Petru> take deep breaths Scorpio
[15:18] <Scorpio> just the lack of capable officers online when you need them
[15:18] <Petru> in through the mouth out through the nose
[15:18] <Rampage> heh
[15:18] <Petru> i sense much confusion
[15:18] <Rampage> I remember those days
[15:18] <TheUnknown> Legion are not the evil from whichever round they owned you
[15:18] <Rampage> when there was
[15:18] <Rampage> NO
[15:18] <Rampage> NO
[15:18] <TheUnknown> they are your fking allies
[15:18] <Rampage> xan command person online
[15:19] <Petru> yah Ramp
[15:19] <Petru> my mind goes back 4 days too
[15:19] <Scorpio> ah
[15:19] <Scorpio> only 1 day?
[15:19] <Scorpio> wow
[15:19] <Petru> <member> ive got incoming from VeX, think its Xan || oh look, no Xan in #bigguns
[15:19] <Petru> surprise
[15:19] <Petru> happens a fair bit lately
[15:19] <Scorpio> becoz as I recall it, we always have atleast 1 member in here
[15:20] <Scorpio> most of the time me
[15:20] <Petru> must admit
[15:20] <Petru> i'll miss zip
[15:20] <Scorpio> atul is here often
[15:20] <Petru> she's cooperative
[15:20] <Petru> lol
[15:20] <Petru> rofl
[15:20] <Petru> lmao
[15:20] <Scorpio> ?
[15:20] <Petru> id get better chances of a recall if I prayed to a turnip than asking Atul
[15:20] <Petru> he likes us less than you do :)
[15:21] <Scorpio> wow, suprise
[15:21] <Rampage> zip is always cooporative
[15:21] <Scorpio> hehe
[15:21] <Scorpio> yes
[15:21] <Scorpio> she's a woman
[15:21] <Petru> no **** sherlock
[15:21] *** zip has joined #bigguns
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[15:21] <Scorpio> lo zip
[15:21] <Rampage> there we have zip
[15:22] <TheUnknown> Lets look from another perspective. Legion have always respected Xan because they are our allies. Sure, we have each let each other down on the odd ocassion. Some in Xan still like legion. Some HATE legion like yourself.
[15:22] <TheUnknown> Whats the difference?
[15:22] <TheUnknown> Propa-fking-ganda.
[15:22] <Scorpio> lol
[15:22] <Scorpio> no
[15:22] <TheUnknown> Now how to tell which side is the culpruit.
[15:22] <TheUnknown> is it legion sweet talking some xan into still liking em
[15:22] <TheUnknown> or Someone sweet talking some xan into hating legion
[15:22] <zip> lo
[15:23] <Scorpio> heh
[15:23] <Scorpio> none of that
[15:23] <TheUnknown> pld nos?
[15:23] <TheUnknown> :)
[15:23] <Scorpio> lol
[15:23] <Rampage> pld nos yes
[15:23] <zip> what's up?
[15:23] <Scorpio> you'd be suprised how many legions want to leave your alliance
[15:23] <Rampage> plds nos for tearing VeX appart, no other alliance could do that..
[15:23] <TheUnknown> just rambling on
[15:23] <TheUnknown> about poisoners
[15:23] <Petru> heh
[15:23] <Petru> Scorp
[15:23] <zip> ahh.. ok
[15:23] <TheUnknown> you would be surprised how many Legion dont want to leave our alliance
[15:24] <Petru> were sitting on a couple of dozen Xans looking to move too
[15:24] <Petru> So ?
[15:24] <zip> LOL
[15:24] <zip> ok
[15:24] <Petru> the other mans grass is greener
[15:24] <Petru> that is a fact of life and will never change
[15:24] <zip> yeah.. but whose grass is greener?
[15:24] <Petru> the other mans
[15:24] <Petru> no matter where you are
[15:25] <TheUnknown> Legion are not half as arrogant or inept as you are making out and I think deep down you know it.
[15:25] <Petru> the other grass is
[15:25] <TheUnknown> but so long as you get the result you want
[15:25] <TheUnknown> who cares what you say or do in the process
[15:26] <zip> Legion is inept?
[15:26] <zip> did I miss something?
[15:26] <Petru> aye
[15:26] <Petru> Scorpios love for us
[15:26] <zip> ahhh
[15:26] <zip> It goes back to Nos leaving I think for some Xan
[15:27] <Petru> heh, I still say Rev is at fault for that
[15:27] <zip> Legion had some leadership problems this round no doubt.. but it seems to be sorted
[15:27] <TheUnknown> I did not see Xan quick to accept dual membership from NoS members, especially amongst their HC
[15:27] <Scorpio> umm
[15:27] <Scorpio> why would we have dual membership??
[15:27] <zip> yes why?
[15:28] <Petru> well, you did once, from us tho, not nos
[15:28] <TheUnknown> you wouldnt
[15:28] <TheUnknown> thats the point...
[15:28] <Atul> [15:20] <Petru> he likes us less than you do :)
[15:28] <Atul> depends
[15:28] <Atul> :P
[15:28] <Petru> hehe
[15:28] <Petru> lo Atul :P
[15:28] <Rampage> ah lo atul
[15:28] <Atul> y0h cant run from meh im loggin and readin it all :P
[15:28] <zip> Anyway this is all water under the bridge atm
[15:28] <zip> isn't it?
[15:28] <TheUnknown> yeah just yammering on
[15:28] <Petru> everyones bored i think
[15:28] <Petru> just pissed at each other etc
[15:28] <Rumad> :)
[15:29] <zip> ahh.. I just woke up
[15:29] <zip> :)
[15:29] <TheUnknown> no real purpose, trying to help scorpio with his "legion is evil fs!" problem
[15:29] <Atul> and tbh it wasnt NoS that broke VeX imho
[15:29] <Atul> :P
[15:29] <Petru> scorp harking back to bad legion bcs
[15:29] <Rampage> heh, petru
[15:29] <Petru> and us harking about xan breaking triad rules about having individual treaties etc
[15:29] <zip> hehe.. like Perkeo.. j/k
[15:29] <Petru> OH OH OH
[15:29] <Petru> i remember
[15:29] <Petru> when i requested triad nap with Ely
[15:29] <Rampage> go fetch the HC logs of when we chatted with dingo and rev heh
[15:29] <Petru> 'Xan doesnt do NAPs'
[15:29] <Petru> heh
[15:30] <zip> Well.. we didn't want Nos to leave
[15:30] <Rampage> ] <zip> hehe.. like Perkeo.. j/k <-- if he would ever find out oooooo heh ;p
[15:30] <zip> he would laugh
[15:30] <Rampage> neither did legion
[15:30] <Petru> aye, neither did we
[15:30] <zip> remember I met Perkeo
[15:30] <Petru> Rev**** could die and burn in hell
[15:30] <Petru> but
[15:30] <Petru> didnt want to break us up
[15:30] <TheUnknown> Dingo is an aussie fs, aussies are 1337.
[15:30] <Atul> stop writing have to read logs...
[15:30] <Petru> Dingo was a nice guy before Rev got in
[15:30] <pain> wot?
[15:30] <Petru> Re fs
[15:30] <Petru> Rev even
[15:30] <pain> this is the dirtthrowing hour?
[15:31] <Petru> yeah pain
[15:31] <Petru> join in
[15:31] <Petru> something to do
[15:31] <zip> hehe
[15:31] <Rampage> heh, I know me / lantador / petru just refused to talk to nos because of their utter spirit of NO CO-Operation with Legion
[15:31] <zip> oh.. there was the time that nod's gal attacked my gal
[15:31] <pain> well..well..Petru ur socks smell awful, how can I work with a stinkie person!
[15:31] <Petru> we cant spend the time on organise a joint raid
[15:31] <Petru> cos Xan napped the bad guys
[15:31] <zip> let's see I think Game was responsible for that one
[15:31] <TheUnknown> heh nods gal were ...
[15:32] <zip> that was actually very funny
[15:32] <Atul> hm
[15:32] *** Ell has joined #bigguns
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[15:32] <Rampage> nods gal had it s protection removed right ?:)
[15:32] <TheUnknown> poor Ish :(
[15:32] <Atul> DaVinchi
[15:32] <zip> I pasted the coords of the attacker in here
[15:32] <Atul> reminds y0h of somethin legion hc?
[15:32] <Atul> :P
[15:32] <zip> and Nod said.. "oh.. that's my gal"
[15:32] <Ell> aloha
[15:32] <zip> hehe
[15:32] <Petru> wasnt he an italian guy Atul?
[15:32] <Petru> some painter or something
[15:32] <TheUnknown> Leonardo
[15:32] <Petru> never was good on historyu
[15:32] <zip> so Legion took Game back now?
[15:32] <Petru> aye thats it
[15:33] <Petru> Leonardo Davinchi
[15:33] <Ell> zip, yus under an alias as a BC I think :P
[15:33] <Petru> hmmm
[15:33] <Petru> or is it Davinci ?
[15:33] <Petru> sure theres no H in it
[15:33] <TheUnknown> Da Vinci
[15:33] <TheUnknown> I think
[15:33] <Petru> ya thought so
[15:33] <Atul> just one thing
[15:33] <Atul> :)
[15:33] <Petru> heh
[15:33] <Petru> i 0wn game
[15:33] <Petru> he is my creation etc
[15:33] * TheUnknown laughs
[15:33] <Atul> i give him 5 weeks till goin back to wp
[15:33] <Ell> Petru, you wish
[15:33] <Petru> Ell
[15:33] <Petru> fs
[15:34] <Petru> he got into VtS cos he was my SK guy in WaC
[15:34] <Atul> hm
[15:34] <Ell> I know the story thx
[15:34] <Petru> end of r2 he was emailing every VtS move to me
[15:34] <Ell> He's outgrown you
[15:34] <zip> Game shouls be in PACK where the rest of the rouges are.. LOL
[15:34] <Atul> how many times did he rejoin VtS ?
[15:34] <Atul> 3? 4?
[15:34] <Petru> 3 i think
[15:34] <zip> LOL
[15:34] <Atul> sorry but you have to admit: thats l4m3
[15:34] <Ell> Did he kill anyone big other than KR on Lgion HC?
[15:34] <TheUnknown> hardly
[15:34] <TheUnknown> he has skill in some departments
[15:35] <TheUnknown> better to have them work for you
[15:35] <TheUnknown> then against
[15:35] <Petru> well
[15:35] <Ell> And what # account is he on :P ?
[15:35] <TheUnknown> so long as you are careful
[15:35] <Petru> he talks crap with the best
[15:35] <Petru> and he tried it on with meh ex-gf, who was pasting me all his poems and ****
[15:35] <Petru> which was funneh
[15:35] <Petru> endless amusement
[15:35] <TheUnknown> hehe
[15:35] <TheUnknown> Game the romantic
[15:35] <TheUnknown> beardy
[15:35] <Atul> game sux
[15:36] <Atul> nothin more
[15:36] <zip> Game romantic?
[15:36] <zip> hmmm
[15:36] <Ell> Desperate enough to take your rejects, I actually feel for him :P
[15:36] <Atul> and vts hc must really have big problems to recruit him again
[15:36] <TheUnknown> ahahaha
[15:36] <Petru> ive seen printer cartridges that are more romantic than mistar windal
[15:36] <TheUnknown> you are looking at the wrong angle Atul
[15:36] <TheUnknown> he wasnt recruited because Vts was farked
[15:36] <TheUnknown> he was recruited to add value
[15:36] <Petru> its cos VtS was doing SO well
[15:36] <TheUnknown> which is the whole point of recruiting...
[15:36] <Atul> game doesnt add value
[15:36] <Petru> we had to introduce something
[15:36] <Ell> ROFL
[15:36] <Petru> to mess it up
[15:37] <Petru> see we didnt want arrogance etc
[15:37] <Petru> so we had to tone things down
[15:37] <TheUnknown> well he adds value in some departments
[15:37] <Petru> sure you understand
[15:37] <TheUnknown> but you are right
[15:37] <TheUnknown> the ledger is sometimes in the red
[15:37] <Ell> Excuse me if I laugh in your face but don't you have the leave never come back policy, well you bloody well should heh :P
[15:37] <Atul> actually i think you recruited him cuz u didnt think there could be any worse
[15:37] <Petru> heh
[15:37] * Petru prods Scorpio
[15:37] <TheUnknown> I guess we are too kind
[15:38] <TheUnknown> we dont like being mean and evil
[15:38] <Petru> at least your arguments were intelligent, COME BACK ta
[15:38] <zip> where did my gal m8 go?
[15:38] * zip looks around for Scorp
[15:38] * Ell pokes Scorpio wif a biggish stick
[15:38] <Petru> oi Scorp wasnt it kinda risky moving planet?
[15:38] <Scorpio> ?
[15:39] <Scorpio> moving planet??
[15:39] <Ell> eh?
[15:39] <Petru> didnt you move to P24?
[15:39] <Scorpio> rofl
[15:39] <Scorpio> no
[15:39] <zip> hehe
[15:39] <zip> no
[15:39] <Scorpio> HAHA
[15:39] <Ell> Petru, you need to move planet more heh :P
[15:39] <TheUnknown> damn
[15:39] <TheUnknown> we are so owned :)
[15:39] <Petru> must be Scorpio_ then
[15:39] * zip wonders sho has Scorps planet now.. hehe
[15:39] *** Aviendha has joined #bigguns
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[15:39] <Atul> actually you are TheU
[15:39] <Petru> choose a more unique name
[15:39] <Ell> tut tut, acusing us of cheating
[15:39] <Rampage> Aviendha joins in.. ph33r the avie
[15:39] <Petru> accuse ?
[15:39] <Petru> i asked
[15:40] <TheUnknown> we are? bugga.
[15:40] <Atul> yeh
[15:40] <TheUnknown> can I join Xan?
[15:40] <Ell> Well, in a sarcy tone implying
[15:40] <Petru> heh
[15:40] <Petru> Ell
[15:40] <Rampage> Ell, can't deny there is something fishy about all the lithuanions being in C46 (heh)
[15:40] <Scorpio> true Petru, but it is what you implied with the question that counts ;)
[15:40] <zip> I'm the recruiter >:)
[15:40] <Atul> u asked cuz u are great legion and dont realise that a ****tish alliance named xanadu is better than you
[15:40] <Petru> Thats just your own insecurity complex
[15:40] <Scorpio> agreed ell :D
[15:40] <Petru> Used to the fact the world hates you :)
[15:40] <TheUnknown> its not about measuring penises Atul
[15:40] <TheUnknown> no one alliance owns the game this round
[15:40] <Atul> actually it is
[15:40] <Atul> :P
[15:40] <TheUnknown> its about team work at the top
[15:40] <TheUnknown> well
[15:41] <TheUnknown> thats your error then
[15:41] *** Beefy has joined #bigguns
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[15:41] <Ell> NOT BEEFY
[15:41] <Atul> whos beefy?
[15:41] <TheUnknown> if you want to be better then Vts and thats your only goal
[15:41] <TheUnknown> you need to find the criteria
[15:41] <Scorpio> Atul: don't ask
[15:41] <zip> I know beefy
[15:41] <Ell> There's not enough room with him in here now
[15:41] <zip> Shhh
[15:41] <TheUnknown> to know how to judge it
[15:41] <Aviendha> beefeh :)
[15:41] <Petru> its teh rahrah
[15:41] <TheUnknown> wierd goal
[15:41] <Petru> your all d00med now
[15:41] <TheUnknown> would have thought dominating PA more fun
[15:41] <Beefy> lo Ell, nice to see you as well
[15:41] <Petru> ph33r the Beffeh
[15:41] * Ell pokes Beefeh in teh stomach
[15:42] <Beefy> hah
[15:42] <Ell> Ripples I mistook for attack waves there
[15:42] <Beefy> you wont get your hand back for a while now
[15:42] <Aviendha> lol
[15:42] <Aviendha> eat it Beefy :)
[15:42] <Ell> Beefy VeA HC or somethin?
[15:42] <Petru> Leadar of Teh Leejun
[15:42] <Atul> another VeA HC?
[15:42] <Petru> He's our god
[15:42] <Petru> Touch him and die Ell
[15:43] <Atul> isnt the 20 HC access on Arbiter enough Petru?
[15:43] <TheUnknown> you will call him MR Beefy
[15:43] <TheUnknown> k thx
[15:43] * Ell smacks Beefy
[15:43] *** Ell has quit IRC (Killed (Petru (like I said)))
[15:43] <Petru> 20?
[15:43] <Atul> at least
[15:43] <Atul> :P
[15:43] <Petru> bah, we mustve lost some
[15:43] <Atul> hm
[15:43] *** Ell has joined #bigguns
[15:43] *** ChanServ sets mode: +o Ell
[15:43] <Ell> Erm
[15:43] <TheUnknown> thought they all joined xan?
[15:43] <Atul> having a protected gal in arbiter memberlist is l4m3 enough
[15:43] <Atul> but givin them HC access is really a LOL
[15:44] <Petru> we give it out as prizes see
[15:44] <Petru> each week we do a raffle
[15:44] *** Petru was kicked by Ell (That o-line does you no favours in game does it fs :P)
[15:44] *** Petru has joined #bigguns
[15:44] *** ChanServ sets mode: +o Petru
[15:44] <Ell> wb
[15:44] <Beefy> lol
[15:44] <TheUnknown> hmm
[15:45] <Atul> i really have to admit, legion security on arbiter cl33rly 0wns
[15:45] <Atul> i mean
[15:45] <Ell> ah, whatever you do don't gline me and make me use another free isp Petru please :P
[15:45] <Atul> ok this PROTECTED PLANETS button is really small
[15:45] <zip> hehe.. yeah so many are locked out
[15:45] <Petru> I dont need to Ell
[15:45] <Ell> Good good
[15:45] <Petru> I can just drop all your chan access to -2
[15:45] <Ell> heh
[15:45] <Atul> and i understand that all protected gals/planets have to be added to memberlist
[15:46] <Ell> That would increase workload for Legion HC though
[15:46] <Atul> and having hc accesses on ppl who rnt even bcs is understandable
[15:46] <Atul> theres no chance that legion has a spy
[15:46] <Petru> of course not
[15:46] <Petru> were l33t
[15:46] <Atul> y0h
[15:46] <Atul> absolutely
[15:46] <Scorpio> no comment
[15:46] <Petru> good lad
[15:46] <Rampage> all the people with HC access are part of the Legion command ( vea HC / Legion BC / Legion officer / Legion HC )
[15:46] <TheUnknown> I wonder if any alliance greater then 1 member is spyless.
[15:46] *** DarkEvil has joined #bigguns
[15:46] *** ChanServ sets mode: +o DarkEvil
[15:47] <zip> lo DE
[15:47] <DarkEvil> lo
[15:47] <Petru> lo Dark
[15:47] <zip> this could almost be our gal channel :)
[15:47] <Atul> Rampage
[15:47] <DarkEvil> ?
[15:47] <Atul> u can explain that Protected t8p gal having HC access then?
[15:47] <Petru> depends which one it is
[15:48] <Atul> the answer alone is a lol sorry :P
[15:49] <Rampage> if you look again
[15:49] <Rampage> there is no protected t8p gal with hc access fs
[15:49] <Atul> well
[15:49] <TheUnknown> If all these issues are issues
[15:49] <TheUnknown> why were they not discussed
[15:49] <Atul> actually there was a few days ago
[15:49] <TheUnknown> PRIOR to the propaganda wars?
[15:49] <Atul> well
[15:50] <TheUnknown> its all well and good to get self righteous after the fact
[15:50] <Ell> Atul, my gal is t8P with Dirtball in, weren't that woz it?
[15:50] <Atul> cuz there was no legion officer ever in this room for bout 1 month for more than 10 minutesß
[15:50] <Atul> ?
[15:50] <TheUnknown> but when all is said and done, very weak reasoning to break a winning combination other then "legion are cnuts and I hate them fs!!"
[15:50] <TheUnknown> use PA mail
[15:50] <TheUnknown> sms
[15:50] <TheUnknown> email
[15:50] <Atul> i dont say your cnuts
[15:50] <Atul> i hate y0h tho
[15:50] <TheUnknown> flying fox
[15:50] <TheUnknown> :)
[15:50] <Rampage> <Atul> cuz there was no legion officer ever in this room for bout 1 month for more than 10 minutesß <-- nothing but bs
[15:51] <TheUnknown> somehow
[15:51] <Scorpio> no rampage
[15:51] <TheUnknown> I think someone from legion
[15:51] <TheUnknown> somewhere
[15:51] <TheUnknown> was on
[15:51] <zip> we did have some issues during my hours
[15:51] <TheUnknown> during that month :)
[15:51] <Scorpio> very often there was noone online
[15:51] <TheUnknown> for a whole month?
[15:51] <Atul> more
[15:51] <Scorpio> or when there were any legions online they were afk
[15:51] <TheUnknown> take the initiative
[15:51] <TheUnknown> post on a forum
[15:51] <Atul> lol
[15:51] <Ell> I must agree usually there's no Legion active here
[15:51] <Atul> what forum do u propose?
[15:51] <Atul> pa boards?
[15:51] <zip> I had to go to #vts to find peeps several times
[15:51] <Ell> idlers like Perkeo do not count
[15:52] <TheUnknown> start a joint one
[15:52] <Petru> heh
[15:52] <Scorpio> TU: we have complained about it, Legion even re-organized I believe?
[15:52] <Petru> there was a joint one
[15:52] <Rampage> Ell
[15:52] *** Rumad has quit IRC (SVSKilled: NickServ: NickServ (GHOST command used by Rumad_))
[15:52] <Rampage> you have been in here like for perhaps, 1 / 2 weeks ?
[15:52] <Petru> one that myself, Dingo and Sastul spent a long time setting up
[15:52] <TheUnknown> im sure some of you know vts members
[15:52] <zip> Scorp is coorrect
[15:52] <Petru> but then noone used it
[15:52] <Atul> heh
[15:52] <TheUnknown> and can ask them to spam #legion
[15:52] <Atul> actually thats not our fault
[15:52] <zip> we spoke with Grendal about it
[15:52] <Petru> and i mean noone
[15:52] <Ell> Rampage, still seen it :P But nice pint m8
[15:52] <Atul> since nearly only xan posted there
[15:52] <Rampage> the time legion was already with WAR with nos, and dream on as we're not telling you the targets of our nos raids...
[15:52] <Petru> not Xan, Leg, NoS at the time, r Ely
[15:52] <Ell> Point though could do with a lager fs
[15:52] *** Beefy is now known as Beefy|work
[15:53] <TheUnknown> Whilst yes, poor communication = not good. Its better to actually meet and work out a solution then to fester and stew and plot
[15:53] <Atul> rampage we know the targets tho
[15:53] <Atul> -> legion 1337 security
[15:53] <Ell> :P
[15:53] <Petru> sure you do
[15:53] <Petru> hence the last minute surprise when Fury hit 265 21
[15:54] <Atul> and NoS/CELL do before u
[15:54] <Petru> such l33t preparation there
[15:54] <Atul> s
[15:54] *** Rumad has joined #bigguns
[15:54] *** ChanServ sets mode: +o Rumad
[15:54] <zip> thougth that was an RB hit?
[15:54] <Petru> RB hit only one planet
[15:54] <Ell> Rampage, let them come on their own, do not bring your officers in to look active now heh
[15:54] <Atul> lol
[15:54] <Atul> yeh!
[15:54] <Scorpio> Petru: "<@Atul> -> legion 1337 security" vs "<@Petru> hence the last minute surprise when Fury hit 265 21"
[15:54] <Scorpio> 2 different alliances ;)
[15:55] <Petru> well
[15:55] <Petru> look at it this way
[15:55] <Petru> I designed the raid on P21
[15:55] <Petru> Im Legion
[15:55] <Aviendha> nah ell, they're here to look at you, that's all :o)
[15:55] <Atul> i never said our sec is good enough :P
[15:55] <Petru> If you know my targets
[15:55] <Petru> Youd have known them all
[15:55] <Petru> Surely?
[15:55] <zip> guys.. guys
[15:55] <Ell> Aviendha, Rampage invited Rumad into channel #bigguns.
[15:55] <Petru> Foot...gun...shoot yerself ta
[15:55] <Scorpio> Petru: I read something about Legion not having any agreements with Fury etc?
[15:55] <Ell> As beautiful as I may be I'm not stupisd
[15:55] <Petru> Scorpio we dont
[15:55] <Aviendha> just to watch you m8, i would be flattered :o)
[15:55] <Ell> I can't spell but nm :P
[15:55] <Scorpio> suprisingly you coordinate attacks with them
[15:56] <Atul> 68:10
[15:56] <Atul> :P
[15:56] <Petru> We need an agreement to attack together?
[15:56] <Petru> what is this is fking business deal?
[15:56] <Petru> confidentiality agreements?
[15:56] <Scorpio> umm, attacking together imho is an agreement
[15:56] <Petru> then thats your opinion, and i cant alter that
[15:56] <Petru> but to us its not
[15:56] <TheUnknown> you mean its smart
[15:56] <Rumad> attacking together is a action
[15:56] <Petru> the enemy of my enemy is my friend
[15:57] <Ell> Seein as you've closed up on us and are acting like we only have a nap now no attack cooperation
[15:57] <Petru> but nothing stopping Fury hitting us and vice versa
[15:57] <Atul> actually NoS would love it if we attack together
[15:57] <Ell> Seems we need an agreement
[15:57] <Scorpio> so Petru: your enemy becomes your friend?
[15:57] <Atul> in y0r definition this wont be an agreement
[15:57] <Scorpio> lol
[15:57] <TheUnknown> We closed up on you?
[15:57] <TheUnknown> fark me
[15:57] <Atul> so no vex rules broken
[15:57] <Petru> heh
[15:57] <TheUnknown> Xanadu have been spouting "we 0wn j00 legion" everywhere
[15:57] <Rampage> Ell, how the **** can we attack nos with you , you tell me ..
[15:57] <Petru> you closed up on us when you signed a nap with our enemy
[15:57] <Atul> TU legion did the same bout xanadu
[15:57] <TheUnknown> WOT!
[15:57] <TheUnknown> we did not :)
[15:57] <Petru> Atul - in return only
[15:57] <Atul> dont be l4m3
[15:57] <TheUnknown> we have always treated Xanadu with respect.
[15:57] <Atul> neva petru
[15:58] <Ell> Rampage, I proposed same para attacks but Petru would have none of it
[15:58] <Atul> loooooool
[15:58] <Petru> heh
[15:58] <Petru> Ell
[15:58] <Petru> Youre gonna lead Xan against NoS?
[15:58] <Petru> Feel free
[15:58] <Ell> <TheUnknown> Xanadu have been spouting "we 0wn j00 legion" everywhere << Don't agree with that
[15:58] <Petru> Bring Xanadu on our attack tonight against NoS
[15:58] <Petru> Please
[15:58] <TheUnknown> obviously not every member
[15:58] <Petru> Be my guest
[15:58] <Atul> acually even if its the truth
[15:58] <TheUnknown> but I hear it all the time
[15:58] *** Grim has joined #bigguns
[15:58] *** ChanServ sets mode: +o Grim
[15:58] <TheUnknown> its not how allies act towards their mates.
[15:58] <zip> lo Grim :)
[15:58] <Atul> hm TU
[15:58] <Grim> greetings
[15:58] <Petru> wb Grim
[15:58] <TheUnknown> all credit to xan etc etc
[15:58] <Atul> reminds meh of old #battleorders times
[15:58] <TheUnknown> but blowing your own trumpet = ffs
[15:59] <Grim> im on pairc, i can be in one room at a time only!
[15:59] <zip> hehe
[15:59] <Atul> where legion members asked for alliance when bc asked em for def
[15:59] <Atul> and they didnt send to xanadu i.e.
[15:59] <TheUnknown> i sent to xanadu plenty in #battleorders
[15:59] <Atul> or just be lame and said that bcs shouldnt pm ppl
[15:59] <Atul> LOL
[15:59] <Grim> ahem
[15:59] <TheUnknown> at least three times :)
[15:59] <Atul> wow
[15:59] <Atul> :)
[15:59] <Grim> i think thats quite enough
[15:59] <Atul> how often did we sent def to vts?
[16:00] <Grim> bickering wont get anyone anywhere
[16:00] <TheUnknown> my ships were out most nights
[16:00] <Atul> in every damn incomin u had maybe?
[16:00] <TheUnknown> yes
[16:00] <Rampage> Atul
[16:00] <TheUnknown> once again something that could have been brought to our attention YESTERDAY (Adam Sandler)
[16:00] <Rampage> if you look closer nos / cell attacked Legion / elysuim, just with the idea to tear us apart..
[16:00] <TheUnknown> if you are disgruntled
[16:00] <Ell> Adam Sandler isn't he an actor?
[16:00] <TheUnknown> spit it out
[16:00] <TheUnknown> dont bottle it up
[16:00] <Petru> yeah Atul
[16:00] <Petru> be free
[16:01] <TheUnknown> Comedian / Actor
[16:01] <Petru> come out of the closet
[16:01] <TheUnknown> you will just lose hair if you dont
[16:01] <Petru> were open minded people
[16:01] <TheUnknown> like sid
[16:01] <Scorpio> there you have it TU: comedian
[16:01] <Petru> we wont be harsh to you
[16:01] <Petru> be freeeeeeeeeeee
[16:01] <Ell> Hardly someone the quote TheUnknown :P
[16:01] <TheUnknown> its just a quote fs
[16:01] <Scorpio> heh
[16:01] <TheUnknown> seemed appropriate
[16:02] <Ell> Wise man once said when you've nothing nice or useful to say remain silent ;)
[16:02] <Rampage> so I suppose xan's moving to the nos/cell server soon ?
Session Close: Tue Aug 07 16:02:30 2001

[02:46] <Petru> Xanadu will honour VeX until the end of the round eh?
[02:46] <Petru> Crock of **** as per usual
[02:48] *** Scorpio changes topic to 'I didn't start it, Petru is trying to start it.'
[02:48] *** Retrieving #bigguns info...
[02:48] <Atul> what do u mean petru?
[02:48] <Petru> heh
[02:48] <Petru> Xan defending Dingo
[02:49] <Atul> were not
[02:49] <Scorpio> we're defending ziukis afaik
[02:49] <Petru> <+BlueyWuey> Atul, u got ships at home?
[02:49] <Petru> <+BlueyWuey> i'm under attack
[02:49] <Petru> <@Atul> all out on dingo :(
[02:49] <Atul> actually, every xan member that defends dingo is doin it on his own
[02:50] <Atul> feel free to kill meh and my 27k spiders
[02:50] <[Ely]Wibla> seems to be a few i guess
[02:50] <[Ely]Wibla> Atul, this round aint over
[02:50] <Petru> Quite a few
[02:50] <[Ely]Wibla> keep that in mind
[02:50] <Petru> Quarter of a mil ships from 279 8 too
[02:50] <[Ely]Wibla> so why the hell r u defending against the REST of VeX?
[02:50] <[Ely]Wibla> i'd like an answer to that
[02:50] <Atul> actually, xanadu isnt defending vs vex
[02:50] <[Ely]Wibla> before i go g-lining people
[02:50] <Atul> its meh that defends
[02:50] <Scorpio> lol Wibla
[02:51] <Petru> Given Grim and zips promise Xan would stick with VeX for the round
[02:51] <Petru> Why do you defend against VeX?
[02:51] <Atul> okok
[02:51] <Atul> im leaving xanadu till end of round
[02:51] <Atul> fine with that?
[02:51] <Atul> so i can defend vs vts
[02:52] <[75k]Rampage> heh, i've heared that bull**** crap from 11:6 , tagging down while attacking / defending fury .....
[02:52] <[Ely]Wibla> Atul, mind if i help u off this network?
[02:52] <[Ely]Wibla> Atul, if u are leaving
[02:52] <Atul> wibla
[02:52] <[Ely]Wibla> i guess u wont mind if i set an akill on you
[02:52] <Atul> ill leave on my own
[02:53] <[Ely]Wibla> Scorpio, u condone Atul leaving xan?
[02:53] <Scorpio> condone?
[02:53] <Scorpio> dunno the word?
[02:54] <[Ely]Wibla> tolerate, whatever
[02:54] <[Ely]Wibla> neways
[02:54] <Scorpio> I do
[02:54] <Scorpio> but Grim doesn't
[02:54] <[Ely]Wibla> well
[02:54] *** smoKING has quit IRC (Ping timeout)
[02:54] <[Ely]Wibla> as he has stated that he left Xanadu
[02:54] <[Ely]Wibla> as of now
[02:54] <[Ely]Wibla> for the rest of the round
[02:54] <Scorpio> hehe
[02:54] <Scorpio> he can't
[02:54] <[Ely]Wibla> he has no right to be here
[02:54] <Scorpio> :)
[02:55] <[75k]Rampage> he cant
[02:55] <[75k]Rampage> well
[02:55] <[75k]Rampage> then he has to pull his defence from Dingo ..
[02:55] <Scorpio> I agree
[02:55] <Atul> i wont and y0h know that
[02:55] <[Ely]Wibla> then u leave
Session Close: Thu Aug 09 02:55:43 2001