Ultra Violence

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  • Full Name: Ultra Violence
  • Short Name: UV
  • Public IRC Channel: #UV
  • Alliance motto:
  • Current status: Merged with BD, now known as VGN

History from an UV member

From the ruins of the round one Alliance Dominion, came the founders of Ultra Violence. In round two, we were the strong arm behind The Empire as a wing under the name of Ultra Violence, known for retals and great courage in the face of the waves of attacks from Legion and newly found allies Fury. As a wing, we grew little in size but the all members were highly active and skilled warriors, and fought courageously in the face of the oppression under the guidance of highly skilled UV officers.

The Empire started Operation STEL with Sedition and LOST, to create stability in the universe. All went well for a few months, then the unavoidable happened. The Triad saw the threat we posed and decided to test our strength and organization. Under continuous attacks for days at a time, the alliances organization and tactics did not grow to meet demand. So with the end of Operation STEL, TE found, courageously but fell to the masses, the survivors scattering among the alliances or the universe or joined UV.

To meet the demand for targets, defence and retals by its members in round three, UV with less than 100 warriors held our ground alone, with no allies and was the tenth highest alliance, coming under the ruling parties of the triad (VTS, FURY &RB) and associates. We were able to do this by becoming the Masters of Defensive Tactics. This allowed us to survive the mass incoming from the Triad, which in turn allowed us to turn our attacking fleets out on the universe in search of resources.

We avoided Triad targets and because of our defence and relative small member base, they left us alone, so we roided to our hearts content among the smaller less well-trained alliances. So round three brought us skill of battle. To the end of the round, RB was found to be cheating by the creators, and deleted most of its best and brightness. Legion and Fury, of course in support of the creators and the enviable death of Reborn, decided to take it personally and destroy their once close ally before the rest of us had the chance.

UV, however, on the back of a good round newfound skills and tactics, looked to the past for some guidance into the future. We remembered the possibilities of STEL, and with our technical know how and skills created Project DAMIEN.

So in round four, we joined with LOST, BDU and TSU. Another failure because BDU and LOST had lack of participation and contribution to the alliance. It came to a head when TSU, with large numbers of members in Legion, found some members of their alliance selling out the other alliances members and so the seeds of deceit were laid.

UV fought on bravely with the faithful warriors who survived the aftermath, to finish the round around the rank of twenty, which in the face of massive alliance numbers was not bad, considering we only had two hundred members in the end. Round four brought end with the legendary alliance of Fury and Legion. UV learned the meaning of honour, when she found it lacking in the eyes of her friends, it was often a spoken word that was more than often a mask to hide deceit.

Round five started with a crisis - the announcement of no more free accounts, and so saw the birth of Pay to Play. Alliances struggled to survive with large drops in players from 180,000+ players to 30,000, which meant a lot less targets and possible members. Those who did not or could not pay for a planet, found other games to play.

All the alliances struggled to retain their members who now wanted even more fun out of the game, but there were less targets. Reduced targets called for the skill to attack and grow. UV joined with BlackDeath and Howling Rain to create DarkSun. We organized defence and raiding parties together. The lack of enthusiasm from the members and officers saw to the then gradual break down of the alliance, with a lot of members going to NoS or other alliances who were more than willing to take on the members who were so highly skilled.

In round six, the warriors mainly went their separate ways but came together in war to defend fellow warriors and to talk and remember old times. Real life commitments pulled a majority of the hard-core officers from active duty.

However, the spirit that was UV survived and grew to become a group once more under a new order, the return of the old and the combination of the new in round seven. UV stepped out from behind the shadows and made themselves more publicly known than in previous rounds.

Round 8 was suppose to be the last round of Planetarion and in many ways it was, with the death of Fury and Legion UV's Arch enemies from the past now faded into the mists of time. This round saw major wars fought over every sector of the universe. Super Block against Super Blocks, Allies against Allies, Galaxy Mates against Galaxy Mates. Long time allies broke down and new ones formed. We allied with MDK and BD this proved to be successful for the first month or so, then we saw a steep decline in MDK activity. Along with that there was various Intelligence leaks located in MDK as high up as Command level forcing UV and BD to drop MDK as allies. UV and BD continued to work together until they merged.

The decision to merge with BlackDeath did not come lightly as we are both come with very strong and proud histories of our own. We both had our experience and tools and resources. We had worked together with BlackDeath in the Past and we shared many qualities that we found lacking in other alliances, those of Courage, Honour and Loyalty. So the members decided that it was time for Ultra Violence and BlackDeath to become one under the new name Violent Death