NoCeX Early Round Announcement

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This was an announcement from CELL HC Lockhead to all NoCeX members during the early days of Round 5 when NoCeX were coming under immense pressure from the opposing WTFVE block.

Hello every NoCeX member out there!

Hello to every Planetarion- Player who reads this, I guess there will be many guys reading it.

Yes, indeed - not all of us had a good night. Many of us had been online for a long time to gather defense - some made it, some didnt. There is no point for me in saying: "We are doing all well, we covered all our planets" or something like this. Everyone knows that it isnt true. Why should I lie?

Yes, we had some stressing days – but so our “enemies” were kinda stressed, too. Everyone in WTF or Ve saying that they got “every planet covered” we attacked, would be lieing, too. They lost roids – we lost roids. Even [Fury]Syn_Sid and VtS Officer ribs agreed with me on that point.

I want to get any rumours down, telling that NoCeX is dead. I have heared that many times today and it really sucks to hear such a lie.

NoCeX is alive, like it was earlier in the round.

WE still are strong.

I don’t really care about myself loosing roids. I don’t really care about loosing places in the player-ranking (I aint even top250 at the moment).

I care about NoCeX, I care about Cell, I care about my galaxy.

I want to see Cell alive, I want to see every Cell and NoCeX member active like if everything he does is to save his own live. I want ACTION, I want attacks. I want to show Legion, Fury, WPO, the whole PA Universe that NoCeX isnt dead. I want to show them, who WE are. WE are someone, we can make PA- history.

I ask you, not to give up now. This round isnt over yet, it just started. How many players are already building Newsscans? – I don’t think there are many. When the first guys get newsscans, we will suddenly have a new kind of game, it will change again. Noone expected alliance attacks that early in the game, but after the NoCeX memberlists leaked out, we took the decision to start. We took the decision to SHOW WHO WE ARE. And now, I don’t want to see anyone resigning from this. We are an alliance, working & acting together.

We still have the chance to make this round ending like we wanted. I ask every NoCeX member to work on this, if you all believe in the work, yourself, your HCs and your BCs are doing things will change a lot.

We are still in the game, we are NOT lost. Believe in this, believe in yourself. YOU can make us to win this round.

Greetings & good luck to everyone,

Lockhead Cell & NoCeX HC