
From Planetarion Wiki
Revision as of 13:42, 4 February 2005 by InitHello (talk | contribs)
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Idimmu first started to play Planetarion in Round 2, where he met Bananana, Skiddy and MT. Due to being annoyed at getting attacked he quickly joined the SAS alliance as they were the only people that would have him and was constantly top 100 until someone from 1:4 organised a retal on him involving 100s of thousands of ships (large for the time, yet small potatos compared to later rounds) which effectively knocked him out of the game.

Idimmu can always be found in HashLinux as he needs their help so that he doesn't get fired.

Idimmu occassionally posts on General_Discussion but noone really likes him despite saving the Internet!


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