Round 9

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At start of this round there where 3 blocks WEET, NAHR and VVOMM, in this round also was parallels and cluster(?) short traveltime, and was private galaxies (not random). VVOMM was standing against WEETNAHR block.

I will tell only about start of the round.

View from member of VVOMM galaxy: At start i want to say few words about Eclipse, before round started i knew they have outstanding power and i forecast they win the round. As they got a lot of members from alliances falled appart/ceased being active in round8, like adelante,fury,fang,titans, ie lots of best players from other alliances. Now about main thingie at start.. ppls saing that it was VVOMM (5 alliances) at war with WEETNAHR(9 alliances - 4 in WEET among them Eclipse and 5 in NAHR - A is Auld - itself 2 alliances), but actually it wasn't that way, it was way simper VVOMM against rest of Universe. Let's see at start there no wars until tick 72, parralel alliances being formed, every galaxy in para geting accepted, as WEETNAHR have way more members, they control para, geting intellegence, figuring out VVOMM galaxies coords(very easy, as it's mainly only VVOMM and WEETNAHR galaxies). Soon enought after protection over, they start kicking VVOMM galaxies from para alliance (starting from weakest ones) and all para start bashing them(all not VVOMM, i.e. Universe) as they only targets allowed to be attacked in para, and we all know all attacks at first in para. We tried to defend as we could, but odds wasn't on ours side, one thing fight again 9 alliances, another - with rest of Universe, unable to get roids, as they get defence in para, others (not VVOMM/WEETNAHR) wasn't mind kicking others VVOMM (even top para galaxies) from para alliances, i think they just was gutless, really i can't blame them, poor puppets. :P Well, the rest is very simple standing against galaxy is impossible. What happened after in round? - I have no idea.

P.S. i will edit and reformat ^it^ a bit later..

See also: