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Planetarion / IRC lingo by Chippeh and Eriond.

ofc - Of course
pld - Played (like a good job)
ty - thank you
yw - your welcome
lmao - laughing my ass off
rotflmao - rolling on the floor laughing my ass off
omg - oh my god
plz/pls - please
sry - sorry
nn - night night
PA - Planetarion
def - defence
inc - incomming
gal - galaxy
lo - hello
gfx - graphics
rl - real life
ffs - for **** sakes
afk - away from keyboard
ta - thanks
wtf - what the ****
j/k - just kidding
mil - military (usualy used as mil page)
gn - goodnight
coz - because
o/ - happy sign thing
=/ - confused
bg - Background
hw - homework
m8's - mates
mates - friends
flaming - when you insult people on-line (used a lot on the PA forums, fun stuff)
r# - Refering to a round of PA, this round will be r8
pic - picture
chan - channel
@ - at
dnd - do not disturb
zzzz - someone sleeping
cs - counterstrike
pm - private message
:) or :-) or =)
Smiley face (There are many variations of all the face expressions)

:( or :-( or =(
Sad face

;) or ;-)

:P or :p or =P
Tongue stuck out

brb Be right back
bbl Be back latter
bbiab Be back in a bit
wb or re Welcome back
lol Laugh out loud
imo In my opinion
rotfl Rolling on the floor laughing
btw By the way
ttyl Talk to you later