TFD announcement

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Official announcement from TFD posted by GA-Thrawn

Many people have asked themselves and us what TFD will do next round and why they are not mentioned in the announcement about the new powerblock of round 7. To be honest, we were just as surprised as you when we read that post. Only one day before the announcement we had a conversation with Xanadu hc about our relations in round 7. Xanadu had some doubts about it, which is very understandable since nobody can deny that Xanadu is just a better alliance than TFD, but they still wanted to be friendly. Sharing galaxies and a NAP was at least possible and maybe also being allied again.

Now we have read the announcement about the cooperation between Xanadu, Elysium, NoS and Wolfpack we certainly feel, like someone in the other thread said "like a bit of a used condom". When we asked Xanadu hc if they were talking to NoS and Wolfpack about a possible cooperartion, they said: "yes, we are talking to them, but we are talking to every alliance". We concluded that nothing was sure yet. We were mistaken though. We were completely left outside the conversations and we are sure both Xanadu and Elysium have no intentions in taking us as a serious ally next round.

This means that TFD will have nothing to do with Xanadu and Elysium next round. At the start of the round we will be neutral with them like we will be with any other alliance which will not be our ally. Now we will look for some decent allies to play with next round, we are sure there are enough of them.

Thanks for your time,

The Frying Dutchmen