A week of Progression and scandal

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Posted by Yam

Newsgroups: rec.games.computer.planetarion 
From: Yam <[email protected]> - 
Date: Wed, 03 Dec 2003 00:18:36 +0000 
Local: Tues, Dec 2 2003 4:18 pm  
Subject: the latest official Planetarion news as taken from www.planetarion.com 

A Week of Progress & Scandal Posted by MrBrick on 2003-11-27 16:10:23

Well, it's been quite a turbulent few days, all in all, but things are moving along nicely. We've seen the scandal of the recent closures and openings of a variety of planets. This has been more than helpful in assessing the current hunting methods, the way players try to cheat and firing up Alliance politics into heated debates and flaming. So I'd like to take this opportunity to clarify a few points.

Closure Process

Currently when a planet is closed, you will receive a mail from [email protected] containing a closure message. Once you receive this you will obviously want to contact the hunting team to discuss your closure. To do so you may either find the hunters in #support on irc.netgamers.org or mail [email protected] . The current hunting team representatives I suggest you contact are : NB3, Phil^, Mit, A2 or myself.

Recent Closures / Reporting

Now to move on into detail on the closures you've recently seen in the top 100 and below. The planets that were closed and reopened have been opened because of a lack of evidence, corroborative statements from the planet owners or an inability to close the case in question due to dubious evidence against the individual. Please may I remind you that we CANNOT accept IRC logs as direct evidence of cheating, but we may use it to begin an investigation should we deem the log suspicious. However the log will never be used as the sole piece of evidence for closures. If you have what you consider to be strong evidence against any planet, and feel it proves they cheat then use the Support System's 'Report Player' function (found on the portal) or mail the hunting team at the address mentioned above.

The Next Round

The next round of Planetarion is scheduled to start in December, and as I'm sure you can gather, it will NOT be the new Planetarion which is currently under development. We are, instead, going to launch a new innovation based on the current and previous rounds. So, may I introduce to you 'Planetarion Leagues'. The Planetarion League scheme will allow players to play in a series of speedgames and 30 minute tick rounds using an elimination ladder scheme. There will be some very sexy prizes involved (Not Aryn). Jolt have told me they intend to provide some shiny PC hardware to the final winners of the series. Graphics cards have been mentioned. There will be more details announced soon as to the structure and rules for PA Leagues, and this announcement will also include the pricing details. Jolt however inform me that the pricing should be significantly less that the current PAX price. For those that already have purchased Speedgame credits, may I clarify that these will be independent games from the PA Leagues series. The first independent Speedgame is a long time time due currently, but we have a few hardware issues to resolve at present, I apologise for the delay as it's something I feel that you become far too accustomed to, and this is by no means desired.

Other News

The Suggestions forums are a great success, and I encourage you all to continue with your valued input. Planetarion Team are currently restructuring various processes within daily admin, hunting and support schema to further improve the base methods. This will see a testing of new hunting methods, support systems and even staff over the next few weeks. I hope you welcome both the additions to the teams and the new innovations introduced to better the current systems.

Happy Roiding,
