Knights Guild

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Knights Guild was many things, it started out a defence group I suppose - and I think this is where it prospered. I (Sinnocence) arrived at Knights Guild at the end of Round 6. The heads of the alliance/group at the time were Odin, CoD (Cake_or_Death), and a few others I'm sure... there were many promenant members also ; Lurg, Gelf, Stace, Targon, and others.

Soon after CoD & Lurg left, and Odin made me HC - we then grow quite large in the coming rounds. We played upto round 9, round 8 being our largest round I believe. At our peak we had 60 members, and we took people from all and any alliance - and somehow it worked. We defended each other when possible, and were friends - there were some great days when people from all sides of every block were defending. We had members from Dawn, FanG, Flash, Elysium, Fury, Lost, MDK, Templar, Angel, Rock, and many others too.

We had a close alliance with Angel for many rounds, and we got on very well - we had the same objectives and goals, and a similar structure.

Note : Will tidy up this page when get time.