Ship class
Ships in Planetarion can be divided into six ship classes. Which class a ship is plays a decisive role in determining their travel speed and which ships can target it
A ship class is a type of ships that may be built when a certain technology has been researched. The first level gives you access to fighters and corvettes, the next to frigates and destroyers, and the final level enables cruisers, battleships.
Structure killers, regardless of actual class, always require the final level of hull research, siege weapons.
No such exception exists for constructing ships. Fighters and corvettes are built in the light factory, frigates and destroyers in the medium factory and cruisers and battleships in the heavy factory.
Travel time
A ship's travel time outside of a galaxy is determined by its class. Fighters and corvettes have a base ETA of 12 ticks, frigates and destroyers have a base ETA of 13, and cruisers and battleships have a base ETA of 14. If there are multiple ship classes in a fleet, the fleet's ETA is determined by the slowest class.
The ETA of a fleet may be reduced by means of ETA research. Additionally, The ETA of your fleet is lowered by 1 if you are defending someone in your alliance. Inside of galaxies, all ships have an ETA of 5 ticks, regardless of class or z-coordinate and this cannot be affected by research.