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pig also is one of the few AD posters with max rep, so he can throw his weight around a bit and rep people and actually have an impact, although this was partly gained through AD it was also gained from the infamous GD where pig is a community member, posting regurlarly, chatting in #forums and attending the meets.
pig also is one of the few AD posters with max rep, so he can throw his weight around a bit and rep people and actually have an impact, although this was partly gained through AD it was also gained from the infamous GD where pig is a community member, posting regurlarly, chatting in #forums and attending the meets.
*[http://pirate.planetarion.com/showthread.php?t=189106 pig met Zhil after r15]

Revision as of 16:20, 8 January 2006

pig is a delightful young character, who is a member of 1up. He enjoys roiding people and scanning people. He has been in 1up since rnd 11. That round he was a scanner and enjoyed giving jgps to such people as Dreadnought (FTW).

In rnd 12, he joined jerome`s galaxy where he took up the planet name BiggDog of VTS, while jerome` took up the name Synthetic_Sid. This galaxy theme proved to attain a lot of public attention due to the early round success. This however lead to a lot of hostiles, even though we (me and jerome`) were top 15 and top 5 respectively, with our galaxy sitting high on top3, LCH & co decided to attack us for 2 weeks straight (probably thinking we were sid and biggdogg :rolleyes: ) It is considered that because this gal, took one for the team, 1up went on to win the rnd.

Rnd 13 pig buddypacked with Storebo and golden, although a difficult round for 1up, a few battles were won, with one notable one (imo) of myself and Idler roiding cbk in the middle of the day with a simple attack, recall, attack. Getting good roids and good xp. Other battles like that occured and a xan hit squad was kind of created in 1up, with successes taking place most nights (thanks to Idler BCing) All in all wasnt that successful round but had fun sharing a gal with Storebo and pulling off some nice attacks with Idler et al (I also crashed my fleet too many times :p)

Rnd 14 pig buddypacked with Stifler. However the galaxy was shit, so well stifler exiled, following that pig exiled and exiled and landed in an okish galaxy. He maintained a top 100 rank for the first few weeks. Then his internet was cut at work coupled with work he went more than inactive only being able to come on hear and there. Basically he was shit round 14 but it wont happen again.

Rnd 15 pig is 1up again. This time back at university, stable internet connection and a good lecture timetable he sould be competition for all.

pigs previous alliances have been Wolfpack and Elysium and his previous battlegroups have been Snugglehbunnies, Nubtards, Wreckers and Plottingevil.

pigs Favourite round was round 9. Why? Because when your galaxy mates are virtually australian/american/canadian you can sleep. pig slept for most of round 9 providing defence and attacking. Most notably was attacked by focht at the end of the WE v ET war. Parthos defended, Focht recalled. ph33r Focht :p <3

pig also is one of the few AD posters with max rep, so he can throw his weight around a bit and rep people and actually have an impact, although this was partly gained through AD it was also gained from the infamous GD where pig is a community member, posting regurlarly, chatting in #forums and attending the meets.