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This is the second F-Crew story wrote during round 21
This is the second F-Crew story written by Zimra during round 21

Okay, I'm going to warn you, this is pretty damn long, so you better have some spare time to read it. I'll be happy as long as one person bothers, lol, that'll make it all worth while. I tried to shove in as many people as possible and I'm sorry if you got missed you.  
Okay, I'm going to warn you, this is pretty damn long, so you better have some spare time to read it. I'll be happy as long as one person bothers, lol, that'll make it all worth while. I tried to shove in as many people as possible and I'm sorry if you got missed you.  

Latest revision as of 22:57, 3 June 2007

This is the second F-Crew story written by Zimra during round 21

Okay, I'm going to warn you, this is pretty damn long, so you better have some spare time to read it. I'll be happy as long as one person bothers, lol, that'll make it all worth while. I tried to shove in as many people as possible and I'm sorry if you got missed you.

And a little bit of forward info. This story, while browing a tiny bit from the premise of the last one, is set in an alternate reality, which is explained in the first paragraph.

And for anyone who doesn't know, Ceadrath was a member of F-Crew who's in another alliance right now.

Hope you enjoy!

ETA - ???

It is said that there is more to life than we can see. Alternate dimensions that we can't begin to fathom, let alone view. Could it be possible that, in these strange places, we exist there, too? Every action we take resounds across the dimensions, changing things, altering them, making what is true false, rewriting the future, bringing the dead back to life. In one world you could be a millionare and in another, who knows. But these dimensions do exist. In fact, the great scientist Cm discovered them not long ago. He used this knowledge to form F-Crew.

But this was in another reality, and F-Crew differs in each dimension. Sometimes it prospers, and sometimes it is destroyed. But, luckily, it is almost impossible to completely obliterate something when it exists in a billion places at once. This is the story of F-Crew. Or, more appropriately speaking, one of the many F-Crews. Whether or not this is the real one is up to you to decide.


ETA - No defence calls.

An alarm clocked buzzed furiously. Juice groaned and sat up, flailing out wildly with his hands. He got in a lucky shot, and the clock made a horrendous smash as it fell onto a discarded Vodka bottle. Taking careful steps, Juice got out of bed and made his way out of the bedroom. He arrived in the kitchen and, ignoring the mess of empty beer cans and bottles, headed straight for the fridge. Upon opening it, he was pleasantly surprised to see there was still plenty of beer left. Twenty cans, at least. Enough to last him until lunch.

He pulled out a beer, opened it, and took a swig. Instantly he was awake and ready to face the world. He took out another five cans and stashed them in his trousers before closing the fridge and leaving the kitchen. Next he headed for the living room. It was a mess, too, but he was oblivious to it. Empty beer cans were to him as decorative plants were to anyone else.

Sitting down on the sofa, he pulled out his laptop and set it across his knees. He loaded up a file and cracked his fingers in preperation.

---Opening file... ERROR!!! c:\Documents and Settings\user\ApplicationData\Gay Porn\Frat Gay Cum Party.jpg c:\Documents and Settings\user\ApplicationData\Gay Porn\Guys sucking other guys off! c:\Documents and Settings\user\Desktop\New Folder (4)\F-Crew Males\Imperial naked woot .jpg ---

'For fucks sake, which smartass did that?' He looked around the room suspiciously. No one was there.

Satisfied that he'd just pressed the wrong button, Juice continued to hunt for the file he was looking for. Two minutes and three beers later, he found it. It was a text file, entitled 'Novel - Too drunk to think of a title', and was around fifty pages long.

He quickly glanced over what he had already wrote and then got to work.

'Markie entered the room.' Juice read out loud as he typed. 'He was wearing a silk nightie. It was cute, I liked it. He walked up to me and as he moved the silk rustled, sounding to my ears like a chorus of Angel song. He began to fiddle ineptly with the buttons - obviously he wasn't used to wearing these - and I got up to help him.'

Juice cracked open his last beer, then continued writing.

'As the gown fell to his feet, I stared in wonder. His little knobby was standing out proud, shouting defiance to the world. It seemed to cry to me: 'I may be small, but I have other ways to make it up to you!' I smiled at it, knowing I was ready to see whatever it had to offer.'

Abrubtly Juice was cut off from his writing by a knock on the door. He tried to ignore it, but whoever was there was pretty determined. He growled angrily, closed the laptop and went to the door.

'Hello?' He opened the door.

'Ah, Juice. What took you so long?' It was Markie. He looked like he was in a hurry and his tone was terse.

'I was... Busy. You know, doing... Stuff.'

'Well you can finish it later. Everybody is to report to the briefing room and I need you to help me round them up.'

'I want beer for this, Markie.'

'Heh, have you ever wanted anything else?'

'One time I did. We both did.'

They looked at each other and for a second their eyes clouded. Memories seemed to float between the two of them as they remembered something from long ago that should have been forgotten.

'Shit, look at the time!' Markie said randomly, then ran off in the other direction.

Juice sighed as he watched Markie run down the corridor and turn round the corner. He began to follow, muttering to himself: 'There's never enough time Markie. Never enough time for us.'


ETA - INCOMING DEFENCE CALL - [Race] Human [Amount] ??? [ETA] 4 [BC] Cm [Notes] WE NEED GUNS

The briefing room was packed. For once more than two people where actually awake when a defence call was on. People jostled for a better position, trying to see up to the empty stage at the front of the room. No one knew what was going on, but it was obviously something big. An air of excitement spread across the room.

'A defence call, ETA 4? How are we supposed to defend that?' Carld shouted angrily. He was near the back of the room and was jumping up and down to get attention. 'I need defence points or else Wakey is going to lynch me! Let me send some ships! COME ON! EVEN A FAKE! COME OOOOOOONNN!!!

Shut up!' Grif yelled from near the front. He was facing the mass of bodies. 'I don't know why the call is so late, so stop asking. And no Carld, you can't send a fucking fake. Now shut up.'

Everyone quietened for a few seconds while Grif spoke. When he finished, a hand timidly rose from the back of the room.

'Hi.' It was Kalos. His voice was as shaky as his hand.

'Hello Kalos. What do you want?' Grif asked.

'Well, about the ETA 4. It was originally 10, but it took me 6 hours to work out how to report it correctly...'

All heads turned to face Kalos. They looked very angry, especially Carld. Kalos flinched and started to walk backwards. He soon came up against the wall and couldn't move any further. Carld stepped infront of him and glared menacingly.

'You're nothing but shit, Kalos.' He spat. 'I could have gotten a defence point.'

'I didn't mean to do it! It's complicated you know!' Kalos whined, holding his hands up to protect himself.

'Complicated? Well, I'll show you something simple. My fist, plus your face, equals pain.' Carld raised his arm to strike.

'EVERYONE SHUT UP!' A voice abrubtly yelled from the front of the room.

The attention of the room shifted in unison. Everyone was now looking at the stage, trying to figure out where the voice had come from. Music began to play; a heavenly choir coming from the walls themselves. The lights dimmed and a set of spotlights burst into life, training their gaze on the roof.

'Behold!' The voice commanded. 'It is I, Cm!'

Cm floated down from the Heavens like an Angel, his journey followed by the spotlights. All eyes followed his graceful descent. The room was thick with a sense of awe and wonder. Cm smiled and mentally patted himself on the back. Good job, buddy.

He waited for the music to reach a crescendo before he planted his feet on the stage and secretly unclipped the hidden wire that had been lowering him down. Unfortunately, there was a knot somewhere on the wire. Once the strain of his body was released from it the line whipped out violently, tearing into Acer's face. Acer let out a scream as his nose was torn in half. One of his eyeballs was decimated and flew out of the socket, flying into the wall and exploding in a big, gooey mess.

Cm blinked in suprise then started to think quickly. 'Acer disobeyed me, therefore he was punished. Behold my power!' The members of F-Crew gasped in shock and got down on their knees. One after one they acknowledged his ultimate power.

'Stand up!' Cm commanded. The masses obeyed. 'Okay. What we've got here isn't an enemy fleet, but an invasion force. Now, I hate dealing with defence calls, so I'm putting Lionne in charge.'

'What?' Lionne stammered, suprised at being mentioned. 'Why? I'm busy, you can't do this! I'm not a DC!'

'Shut up Lionne.' Cm roared. Lionne shrank back and whimpered quietly. With that accomplished, Cm turned his gaze back to the room and smiled serenely. 'I'm off to cook, be back later.'

Cm left the room, leaving Lionne face to face with the crowd. Lionne nervously got up on the stage and cleared his throat. He was handed a piece of paper by Grif. It had all the details about the defence call on it. Lionnes eyes widened in terror which he quickly concealed.

'I'm sure you've all heard about Beth.' Lionne waited for everyone to nod. No one did. 'Okay. Beth left F-crew to form her own Alliance. She didn't like the way we do things here. Supposedly she wasn't getting enough attention.' He paused theatrically, and everyone laughed. Lionne smiled. I'm good at this, he thought.

'What does this have to do with the defence call you idiot?' Rob yelled from the back. 'Why don't we do something important instead of this? Like, does anyone have anti-co to come with me on wave-3? Please? I need help, man. I can't land on my own. I'm inept.'

'Someone kill him please.' Lionne sighed.

The crowd spread out in shock as GiR pulled out a revolver. He pointed it at rob and slowly squeezed the trigger.

'Shit!' Rob yelled, turning to run. 'I just wanted some fucking anti-co!'

    • BANG**

Rob's head turned to mush in an instant, spraying a bright funnel of blood across the room. For a second he looked like a walking fountain, with blood instead of water spraying from his neck.

'Nice work GiR.' Lionne complimented him. He recieved no reply. 'GiR?'

GiR's lifeless corpse lay on the floor. The head was almost completely severed from a massive bullet wound to the neck. Blood spread across the floor rapidly and people started to slip and fall over each other.

'Hmm...' This came from Zimra, who had just arrived. He walked up to the corpse and picked up the revolver. 'It looks like he added a double-death function.... What the hell kind of gun does that?' He stashed the revolver then leaned back against the wall and lit up a cigarette. 'I'll keep the gun. What are the chances it'll kill the user twice in a row? It's safe.'

'Whatever you say, Zim.' Lionne replied, staring dubiously at the body of GiR. 'Tbfh I don't give a shit.'

Grif stood up beside Lionne and blew on a whistle. 'Everyone, stop looking at the bodies and pay attention.'

'Thanks babe.' Lionne winked at Grif and squeezed his ass. 'Now, where was I? Ah, yes. Beth created a splinter alliance and called it Beth-Crew. Somewhere along the line she went crazy, and now she's trying to take over the universe. She's already destroyed WP and CT. We're next.'

'How could she be so strong? How many members does she have? Can we stop her?' Sabotage asked.

Lionne sighed, his face grave. 'She's unstoppable. She has an army of over one thousand guys horny for anything that even sounds like a girl. How can we face up to that?'

'Did you say girl?' This came from Maskaler. His face was lit up like a christmas tree and he looked unusually excited. 'An actual girl? You're not shitting me?'

Lionne nodded.

'Fuck this hell hole, then! I'm going to go get me some pussy!'

Maskaler abrubtly ran out of the door, shoving aside his friends violently. Everyone stared, stunned. The power of Beth-Crew was now undeniable. It could turn anyone into an enemy.

'Jesus Christ...' Whispered Grif in awe.


ETA - 11 (7 hours ago)

Beth stood before the assembled masses, smiling sweetly down at them. There were thousands in the room already, and even more pouring through the doors. People milled around impatiently, jostling each other for a better position. They all wanted to be able to see her clearly, just incase she flashed a little bit of tit.

'hi boys.' She thrust her arms out wide, encompassing the whole hall. 'i am glad u all came.'

'Beth! Beth! Beth!' The crowd screamed, going wild at the sound of her voice.

'calm down or i will get the whip out lol' She told them. Beth couldn't help admire her own performance. She knew she was driving them into a frenzy with each carefully chosen word.

'Show us your boobs!' One brave man yelled.

'now now calm down. i will show u wehn the time is rite.' They roared their dissaproval and she made a sign for them to quiet down. 'pls dont be like that. ok here is the paln. we hav already destroid WP and CT. the whole universe is ready for us to tak. all we need to do now is destroy F-Crew.'

Beth-Crew roared it's approval and within seconds they were heading towards the docks, squeezing into any ship they could find. Beth followed them, settling into her private ship, and got ready to launch.

'this is to easy lol' She said to herself.

She had discovered the secret to defeating alliances. The key wasn't to blow up their ships and steal their roids, but to kill the members themselves. Without anyone to control their vast armies, they would fall apart within minutes.

Now she was ready to get revenge on F-Crew. They had forced her to take this path. Now it was time for them all to pay. She would enjoy killing every single one of them.

Especially he who she hated most...



ETA - 2

The preperations were going smoothly. F-Crew HQ was being barricaded until it looked more like a fortress than anything else. Tables and chairs blocked strategic corridors, machine gun posts were set up on the perimiter and traps were laid down deserted corridors. Blizz was in charge of directing the defence, and he was making sure he did it quickly. Speed was of the essence. There was no time to calculate, no time to do anything but send orders.

On the other side of the HQ from Blizz, Imperial was working on his own project. He had taken two of the stronger looking members in for some routine 'tests' and had tied them up before they knew what had happend. Now he paced back and forth before them triumphantly.

'It won't hurt.' Imperial grinned at them. 'I promise it won't. I want you make you stronger.'

'Let me GO!' Wero screamed, desperately trying to free himself from his bondage.

'Yeah! Fuck off Imp!' Man_At_War cried.

Imperial waggled his finger at them. 'Now, this won't hurt a bit. Stay still.'

Imp walked up to a control console and pulled a large lever. A huge glass tube slid out from the ceiling and descended on Wero and Man_At_War. When it hit the ground there was a sucking sound as it pressured, trapping them inside. They both started to struggle furiously, gasping for breath as they realised their oxygen was vanishing. The tube slowly began to fill with a cloud of steam.

'Little insects.' Imp laughed. 'Daddy is going to make you better.'

There was a flash of bright light and a deafeningly loud crack. The tube shattered into pieces and a huge cloud of steam burst outwards, spreading across the room. As it began to dissipate, a huge, hulking figure stepped appeared out of the mist. It had two heads that looked like they had been melted together, four arms and, suprisingly, only two legs.

'Yes! It worked! Aaaaaaaahahahahahhahaha!' Imperial threw back his head and laughed madly.

'M...Master?' The creature groaned. 'Master... Master!' It ran towards him and gave him a four-armed hug.

'Yes, I am your Master. And you are my pet. I will call you... Man_At_Wero.'

Man_At_Wero smiled and hugged Imperial again. 'I will do your bidding, master.'

'I will keep you secret for now, and we will wait for our moment to strike.'

Man_At_Wero smiled and nodded happily.

'Now,' Imperial continued while unzipping his pants, 'Let's put those hands of yours to use...'

Back in the briefing room it was mostly quiet. Aside from the bodies of Rob and GiR, not many people remained. On the stage stood Wakey, alone, resting against the wall with his head in his hands. He was infuriated. How dare anyone invade F-Crew, he yelled in his mind. What kind of people would do that? It's insane! This isn't how a war is supposed to be fought... There's honour and valor to consider.

'Wakey?' Somebody tugged on his sleeve.

'What?' He turned to face them, trying to get his thoughts straight, and squinted when he didn't recognise them. 'Who are you?'

'I'm Judas, Sir.' He saluted. 'When will the TOTW results be up?'

Wakey growled and drew his pistol, placing the barrel against Judas' head. 'If another fucking person asks me that goddamn question I'm going to get really, really pissed off.'

Carld strode up beside the two of them and smiled.

'Wakey!' Carld greeted him. 'Did I hear TOTW? When do we get the results? I mean, it's been a while Wakey. It's going to be soon, right?'

'You just don't fucking get it, do you?' Wakey screamed in rage.

'Jeez, calm down man. I just want to know when you're going to post the TOTW results. Is it that hard-'

Carld didn't get a chance to finish the sentence. His head was blown to pieces in less than a second, throwing shards of skull and brain across the room. The gunshot was deafening, and the noise rebounded off of the walls and seemed to amplify in the confines of the small room. Judas screamed and turned to run. Bang. A huge gaping hole miraculously appeared in his back and a cloud of blood sprayed from his chest as he hit the ground, dead almost instantaneously.

Wakey took aim and fired randomly at the few remaining people in the room. Deacon took a hit to the chest and managed to cry out in pain as his heart exploded. Lillieman almost made it to the door before a couple of bullets hamstringed him and third one shattered his spine.

'WAKEYS GONE POSTAL!!' Nika cried in terror as the gun barrel was leveled at his head.

'Fuck you. Fuck TOTW. Fuck F-Crew. Fuck everything.'

Nika moaned and cried with fear, sobbing pathetically as tears ran uncontrolled down his face. Nika's bowels voided noislessly, spreading a puddle of excrement beneath him. The gun shook in Wakey's hand. His finger tightened on the trigger. Nika squeezed his eyes shut...

    • BANG**

There was a short cry and a body hit the floor.

Nika opened one of his eyes and blinked away his tears. Wakey was lieing on the floor, dead, his own gun in his mouth. The back of his head had been blown open, spreading a suspiciously small amount of brain all over the floor. Nobody else in the room was moving. Aside from Lillieman, but he was a lost cause and was bound to die within the next minute or so.

'I'm alive! It's a miracle!' Nika suddenly smiled ear-to-ear. 'I must be protected by God himself. I'm invincible!'

Nika raised his hands to the roof and praised God. Then, with a slightly insane grin on his face, ran out of the door.


ETA - 1

'Here they come.' Lionne ominously reported.

Outside of the giant docking-bay window a huge fleet was approaching. On any other day, the F-Crew HQ defences would be able to shoot down an army twice the size. But unfortunately, P was broken. And P commanded their defences. But not only their defences were effected. Communication suffered too. All they could do was send messages via empty tin cans tied with a length of string.

'Tbfh I think I underestimated their numbers.' He spoke into the tin can. When he recieved no response he tried shaking it. 'Is this thing even working? Hello?'

'Ahahaha!' Someone behind him laughed. Lionne recognised the voice; it sounded like Zimra. 'Gotcha!'

'What?' Lionne turned around. Zim was standing there with a pair of sciccors and was grinning like crazy. The string from Lionnes can to Blizz's further inside the base had been cut. 'Zim! This isn't a joke! Why the hell did you do that?'

'For fun?' Zimra gave Lionne the finger.

'Gtfo. Now.'

'What? Are you abbreviating everything now?'

'Y.' Lionne replied simply.

'Fu.' Zimra spat back.


Zimra shrugged and left the room, leaving Lionne on his own. Lionne threw the now useless can onto the floor and turned back to monitor the defences. Around 10 men were lined up in the docking bay, armed with a couple of pistols, flowerpots, chair legs and broken bottles. F-Crew didn't own many conventional weapons. It was a decision made by Jonny many years ago. If there was a fully stocked munitions room then F-Crew would have been turned into a slaughterhouse the day after it was set up.

Unfortunately, it didn't give them much to use against any invading enemies.

They had a few machine guns, but they could only be used while they were stationary, and their positions had to be picked wisely. Blizz, for some reason, had set them all up around the BC-Control room. Lionne sighed. They could have been put to much better use in the docking bay.

'How's it going Lionne?' Jonny laid his hand on Lionnes shoulder. 'You need someone to keep watch with you?'

Lionne turned to face Jonny, momentarily taking his eyes off of the docking-bay.

'That'd be great, Jonny. Tbfh I was getting pretty bored being here on my own. Do you want to play eye-spy or something? Or maybe a little Reversi?'

Let's play eye-spy!'

'Wait a second. Do you say it as eye spy, or I spy?' Lionne queried.

'You just said the same thing twice.' Jonny grinned widely.

'No. Eye spy, as in eye. Or I spy, as in I spy with my little eye.'

'Still not following you.'

'Okay. Eye, as in your eye. Or I, as in I.' Lionne was sounding frustrated now.

'What?' Jonny looked blank.

'Forget it. I spy with my little eye, something beginning with R.'

'Hmmm.' Jonny looked around. 'Robot? Radio? Raccoon?'

'No. Give up yet?'

Jonny listed another twenty five guesses before admitting defeat.

'It's R for retard. And you're the retard, Jonny.'

'Huh?' You could almost hear the gears inside Jonnys head grinding together.

Suddenly from down below there was a commition. Shit, Lionne thought, I've not been paying attention. He turned to look, and saw a small figure running into the docking bay. He couldn't quite tell who it was from this distance, but they slightly resembled Nika. At the same time, a huge amount of people were being offloaded from the Beth-Crew dropships. The Beth-Crew army formed up their ranks quickly, and charged the first line of defence.

Ten members of F-Crew versus at least four hundred horny guys. It was going to be a massacre.

'No need to fear! I'm invincible!' Nika yelled, running towards the approaching army.

Juice and Markie heard Nika approaching behind them.

'What the hell is this? More trouble?' Juice sighed, taking a swig of beer. He chugged down the rest of it then dropped the can next to his feet. There were already twenty or so empty ones piling up.

'Looks like it. Why do we always get the shitty jobs?' Markie replied.

Juice and Markie had been selected by Blizz to guard the docking bay. He figured that the two of them combined would be strong enough to take down a couple of dropships. How exactly he had come to that conclusion, no one was sure. They couldn't disobey the order, as Blizz liked to kill people who didn't do what he told them to. So, in simple terms, they were fucked. They both knew they were going to die, but they just didn't know how or when.

Beth-Crew were almost upon them now. Juice and Markie took shelter behind a hastily erected line of tables and readied their pistols. The rest of the defense group weren't as fortunate, their only weapons happend to be whatever they could find lieing around. The Beth-Crew soldiers, on the other hand, were equipped with a bizzare array of combat implements. Most of them were carrying huge 15inch long dildos as if they were swords. Others had large strings of anal beads which they whirled around their heads at mind boggling speeds.

'Here they come...' Juice whispered.

'I can't do this.' Markie suddenly blurted out. 'I don't want to die. Not yet. I have one thing left to do.'

Before he could finish whatever he was going to say, Nika ran past them in a blur of motion. He flung himself head first into the ranks of the Beth-Crewers.

'I AM INVINCIBLE!' He screamed at the top of his lungs.

The Beth-Crewers backed away from him in surprise. This gave Nika even more confidence in his own immortality. It was like there was an invisible barrier around him that no one else could penetrate. One of the Beth-Crewers had dropped a dildo, and Nika picked it up. He drew his hand back and then thrust forwards with all his might, hurling the dildo at his nearest opponent.

  • WHACK*

The dildo struck true, knocking one of the Beth-Crew members onto the floor.

'Mother fucker!' Maskaler groaned in pain and tried to sit back up. 'Why me? I only just joined Beth-Crew!'

Nika growled in anger and charged, jumping on top of Maskaler. His hands shot out like a pair of vipers and clawed Maskalers face to pieces. Before anyone else could react, Nika was on his feet again, lunging at anyone who came near him. The Beth-Crewers ranks swayed and looked like they were about to break.

'Maybe he is invincible?' One of them queried nervously.

'I think he's fucking crazy.' Another pointed out.

The Beth-Crew army broke file for a second as someone walked through their ranks. Juice and Markie watched in shock as Beth herself approached Nika. She was wielding a huge butchers knife expertly. Nika didn't notice her approaching and continued his relentless assault. He had already killed four people, and was starting on a fifth.

'now now nika u used to be on of my boy s. don make me do this to u i dont like hurting peploe.' She shook her head sadly as she approached.

'Huh?' Nika whirled to face her. 'Beth? Heh. I'm invincible you stupid bitch. Don't even try it.'

'u are as full of bs as zimra is'

Without another word she swung the butchers knife through the air and sliced Nika's arm clean off at the shoulder. Nika blinked in confusion. He slowly looked at the wound and his eyes were wide with disbelief. He tenatively touched the bloody stump with his right hand and then withdrew his fingers with a sharp intake of breath. His eyes which had moments before been full of madness where now dripping tears.

'My.... My arm! MY ARMMM!!!!!!' He cried, howling in pain. His mind was a mess of agony, insanity and confusion and he yelled the first thing that came to mind: 'HOW CAN I DRIVE WITH ONLY ONE ARM?'

'your driving days r over nika' Beth tried to console him.

Meanwhile, Juice and Markie were formulating a plan. They had drilled a couple of holes in the table that they were hiding behind that was just big enough to fit a gun barrel through.

'Okay, stick it in.' Markie told Juice.

'Is that far enough?'

'You're not even in yet. Left a bit. No, left, not right. Okay, up. Up! Hmm, will it fit?'

'I'm not sure.'

The gun fired and recoiled violently, cracking the wood around the hole. The bullet whizzed through the air on a course straight for Beth's heart. One second before it hit, disaster struck.


One of the Beth-Crewers took a suicidal leap directly in the path of the bullet. He was hit dead-center in the chest and the impact almost threw him over backwards. He tried to keep walking but collapsed after a couple of steps. It was a pathetic sight to see; he lay there on the ground, dieing, blood oozing out of the massive hole. Beth raised the cleaver and ended his misery quickly, then wiped the blood off on her jeans.

'Fire again Juice!' Markie slapped him on the back. 'That was a good try!'

'I love you, you know.' Juice looked him in the eyes.

'I love you too, Juice.' Markie stared back, getting lost in Juices eyes. They were beautiful, a whirlpool of emotions that sucked him down and refused to let go. He shook his head, trying to break the trance. 'But fucking shoot her! If she lives then we won't have a life together! You have to kill her!'

But... What if I miss?' A tear slid down Juices cheek.

'If you don't shoot in the first place we'll die anyway. Now, do it for me. For you. For us, and for baby Juickie.'

'You... You remember him?'

'He's all grown up now and looking for his parents.'

Juice's eyes flooded with pain. He gave Markie one last look and let out a muffled sob.

'Get out of here Markie. You'll be a great father. Tell him I loved him, okay? I loved him very much.'

'Juice...!' Markie struggled to his feet. 'Don't do it!'

'Don't try and stop me!' He roared so fiercely that Markie took a step backwards. 'DON'T YOU FUCKING TRY AND STOP ME!'


Juice leaped over the barricade with an animalistic roar and flung himself headfirst into the ranks of the Beth-Crew forces. He fired his gun randomly, shooting down everyone who got into his path. Markie gripped his pistol with both hands and took aim, firing a shot at anyone who got too close to Juice. Blood flew in all directions and a within half a minute over a dozen Beth-Crewers lay dead or dieing.

But their pistols didn't have infinite ammo, and before long Markie had run dry. Juice was now deep within the enemy ranks, heading towards beth. He raised his pistol and drew a bead on her skull. Beth whirled round and gasped in shock. Juice's finger tightened on the trigger...

  • click*

'Fuck!' Juice cried.

Half a dozen Beth-Crewers rushed him and rapidly beat him to death with their dildo truncheons. His skull was smashed with one well placed blow, and Markie could easily hear the sickening crunch it made.

'JUIIIICEEEE!!' Markie screamed. 'NOOOO!!!'

The Beth-Crewers turned at his cry. They left the destroyed body of Juice and started their advance towards the blockade. Although around two-dozen of them had been slain, their numbers continued to increase as fresh troops arrived from the Beth-Crew Fleet. With a tremendous screech they charged, running straight at the blockade. Markie stood there in shock, not even trying to fight back. As he was uncerimoniously beaten to death by a hundred dildos he sent one last prayer up to god.

'Please, let me and Juice be together... For one more second...'

Then a pair of anal beads wrapped themselves round his throat and crushed his wind pipe. He was left there for dead, slowly suffocating, thinking only of his love. Juice...

Up on the balcony at the back of the Docking Bay, Lionne reviewed the scene. The Beth-Crewers had overrun the barricade and were now free to enter the rest of the HQ from any point they chose. This was not good news at all.

'Blizz is going to want to know about this. Come on Jonny, let's go.'

The two of them made a quick retreat just before the Beth-Crewers reached them.


ETA - Outer Space

It was a wonderous sight to behold. The F-Crew HQ was almost invisible behind the swarm of ships. They seemed to be everywhere at once. The ships flew around with expert precision, never hitting each other, always making sure one of them was unloading fresh troops into the docking bay. They were an excellent military machine. They weren't perfect, however, for they had missed something.

Hidden behind a nearby asteroid was a small troop carrier. It was armed to the teeth with guns; they protrouded from every available surface. Coincidentally enough, it was named The Porcupine.

'Okay fuckers, how are you all doing?' The Captain asked. He was a dashing man who radiated power and command.

'We're good to go, Captain.'

'Good.' He grinned, flashing his perfect white teeth. 'Then we shall begin our attack.'

The Porcupine's engines flared, bursting to life instantly, and the ship rocketed forwards, heading towards the Beth-Crew armada. If they had known who was piloting the ship, they would have run for their lives. But they didn't.

Only a few knew the identity of the Captain, for it was a closely guarded secret.

His name was...



ETA - The perimiter has been breached! All survivors please report to #F-Crew.Members (Looping message set by Cm)

Blizz was dripping with sweat. Not even his cyborg implants were helping him now. He was getting defence calls from all over the HQ and was having trouble reading them, let alone even sending defence to them. There was no way he could win this battle, but that didn't stop him from trying. The HQ had already been breached in over fifteen places, and new reports were coming in every minute.

He walked over to the bewildering array of tin-cans and picked one of them up. It was for station 15:5:2. The light next to it was flashing, meaning somebody had incoming to report.

'Hello?' He asked sharply. 'Who's this and what've you got?'

'This is Abdullhi Al-Kamir. You order take out, yes?' The voice sounded faintly middle-eastern. It also, however, had a slight scottish tinge to it.

'No I did not. I'm busy right now.' Blizzard replied, staring anxiously at another light that had started blinking.

'You did. I know this to be true. I have order here.' There was a slight snicker on the other end.

'Who the fuck is this?'

'It's Zim.' The snicker turned into all out laughter. 'Okay, okay, man. I'm sorry. I've got about 50 guys armed to the teeth-'

'Fuck off and die.' Blizz slammed down the tin-can and crushed it to pieces.

Blizz reached for the other tin-can and wrote down the details. Over the next ten minutes the calls kept on coming in thick and fast. He didn't have enough defence to send out, so he spread it thinner instead of concentrating on only a few areas.

'Blizz!' Somebody shouted behind him.

'What?' He whirled round rapidly. 'I don't have much time so make it quick.'

'Calm down man, jeez.' Entropy smiled at him. 'I've got some defence for you. They're ma boyz. I've trained them to fight since childhood. They're pretty good anti-queer but usually perform better against metros. Can you use them?'

'Yeah yeah. Send them down to 11:10:3.'

'Wow, that was fast. You got this all worked out have ya?' Entropy quickly handed out the orders to his boyz.

'Something like that. Now piss off so I can get back to work.'

Entropy backed away from Blizz in a hurry and took a seat near the back of the room. After around ten minutes he was starting to get slightly bored, so he let his mind drift. Sighing happily, he turned his mind to his favourite subject. His boyz were finally going to see some combat. They were good boyz, too, not a single bad egg among them. They could be counted on in any number of tight situations. He loved each one like his own kid, and had special pet names for all of them. If one of them didn't come back...

'Hey Blizz?' He piped up, trying to take his mind off the subject. 'Any news on my boyz yet?'

'Yeah. They all died, mate. Sorry.' Blizz said nonchalantly.

'WHAT?' Entropy cried, sitting up so fast it was almost superhuman. The chair flew to the ground as he got up and smashed into pieces. 'MY BOYZ ARE DEAD? HOW COULD THIS HAPPEN? WHAT THE HELL? DIDN'T YOU EVEN CALC IT? DIDN'T YOU EVEN THINK, FOR ONE MOTHER FUCKING SECOND? WHAT THE HELL BLIZZ? WHAT THE HELL IS WRONG WITH YOU?'

'Calm down man, they're just boyz. You can get some more if you have enough res.'


'There are hundreds of others identical to them. Get over it.' Blizz was begining to get irritated.

'YOU KILLED MY FUCKING BOYZ!' Entropy bent down and grabbed a hold of one of the broken chair legs. He wielded it like a club and advanced on Blizz. 'THEY WERE MY FUCKING BOYZ!'

'Ffs.' Blizz sighed and pulled out a knife. 'Back the fuck off.'

Entropy ignored him and advanced, swinging the chair leg crazily, not caring what he hit. His first strike smashed into the array of tin-cans. They fell to the floor and were scattered widely, becoming mixed up in a giant tangle of wires. Entropy swung again, knocking the knife out of Blizz's hands.

'You... Killed... My.... Boyz....' Entropy breathed heavily, his chest heaving. His eyes were pure red with anger that glowed like a forge.

He raised the chair leg one more time and brung it down on Blizz's head, knocking him senseless. With an insane laugh, Entropy skipped out of the room and down a corridor, leaving Blizz unconcious while the defence call lights bleeped incessantly.

One by one, all of the barricades fell. The HQ was being totally overrun, and nobody could do anything about it. Once the Beth-Crewers made it into the defence call room, they set upon Blizz's senseless form and raped him. They left him for dead, with four dildos stuffed up his ass.

Now nobody could save F-Crew.



Sakato ran as fast as he could through the corridors, almost tripping over his own feet. The pounding of footsteps behind him made him increase his pace. His heart beat loudly in his ears and blood coursed through his veins hotter than wildfire. He couldn't keep up this pace for long, already his heart was beginning to feel constricted. Too many damn crisps, he thought to himself, and not enough time spent outside.

'Where the fuck can I hide?' He gasped, looking around desperately.

As he ran he saw a sign coming up to his left.

--F-Crew Gym, Locker Room A--

Good enough, he thought, and headed for it. He ran inside and quietly closed the door behind him. Just in time, too. The Beth-Crewers who were giving chase ran past the door seemingly unaware of Sakatos little detour. He let his breath out in a great woosh when he heard their footsteps dissapate.

He looked around. The locker room was mostly deserted. It seemed that the Beth-Crewers hadn't made it this far yet. That was good, it would give him a chance to hide. He walked over to one of the lockers and tried to tug it open. It was jammed.

'Piece of junk, why won't you open?' He asked it.

Without warning, the locker door suddenly released, and a body fell out on top of Sakato. He didn't recognise the face because it was so badly battered, but he did know one thing. It terrified him. He let out an ear-splitting shriek and tried to push the corpse off of him. Eventually he succeeded and quickly leaped to his feet. His heart was pounding double-time, threatening to burst out of his chest, and he looked for somewhere to sit.

'DOWEN' A voice from behind him said.

'What?' Sakato gasped, turning around.

Eight Beth-Crewers stood round him in a semi-circle. They had their arms crossed and were grinning triumphantly.

'Shit.' Sakato breathed. 'Eight waves just for me? You guys are pussies.'

Before he could speak again they charged, whipping out their dildos and bashing his head in. He hit the ground, stunned, and was unprepared for the cold object that entered his ass. Soon all of his holes where full; his nose, ears, mouth, urethra.

As the life flooded out of his body, his mind manage to perform one last feat.





Meanwhile, in the F-Crew kitchen, Cm was cooking up a storm. He was frying, boiling, saueteing and god knows what else. Delicious smells wafted up from the food, causing anyone nearby to drool. Luckily for him, no one was close. At least, none of the Beth-Crewers.

'I'll fucking take you down.' Zimra growled as he flipped over a rack of lamb.

'Bring it on.' Cm grinned cockily.

'Oh, I will. Trust me.'

Zimra had recently made a quick escape from his defence point, 15:5:2. After pissing off Blizz, he had realised it would have been suicide to stay. Taking Desert_Fag with him, he headed towards the kitchen, deciding a couple of sausages would be the perfect accompaniment to what must be imminent death. When he had arrived in the kitchen he had run head first into Cm. Instantly the two of them had challenged each other to an F-Crew Iron Chef contest.

Now they were locked into a cooking duel to the death. Their fate would be decided by lobsters, lamb, roast beef, sausages and maybe a yorkshire pudding or two.

'Hah!' Zimra yelled in triumph as he plated up. 'Finished!'

'Same here.' Cm replied, his tone neutral. 'Shall we see who's dish is the best?'

'That sounds like a plan to me. Fag!' He yelled. 'Get your ass up here and taste these dishes.'

Desert_Fag appeared from underneath the kitchen unit and wiped his mouth with the back of his hand. He quickly zipped up Zimra's trousers and approached the food. Looking them over, he took a bite of Cm's first, and then tried Zimra's.

'Hmmm, this is hard.' He placed a finger to his lips and supported his elbow with the other hand in a poncy gesture. 'If we were talking about how both of you taste, rather than your food, then Zimra would win. But this is a hard decision to make...'

Abrubtly, Zimra pulled out a whisk from his pocket. He whirled it round in his hand, showing off his well practiced techniques. The whisk made a disconcerting whirling sound as it spun through the air and Cm took a step backwards.

'Why the hell was there a whisk in your pocket?' Cm stalled while he reached for something on the table.

'Maybe I'm just happy to see you.' Zimra replied.

Zimra darted forwards, swinging the whisk with expert precision, aiming for the bridge of Cm's nose. In what must have been a world speed record, Cm raised a pot lid to block the shot. The whisk rebounded off of the tough surface and flew out of Zimra's hand.

'Shit!' Zimra cried, feeling the shock run through his arm and momentarily numb the right side of his body.

'A fucking whisk? I'm no amateur chef, a whisk ain't gonna stop me.'

Cm dropped the pot lid and picked up a blender. He pressed the button and the blades made a menacing whirrrr. Zimra looked around for anything that could aid him, but failed to see anything. It appeared that his defeat was imminent. Cm advanced, holding the blender infront of him to keep Zimra at bay.

'This is where you lose, buddy.' Cm grinned, punctuating his sentence with another whirrr of the blender.

Suddenly the doors to the kitchen burst open and Puss ran in, with what looked like half of Beth-Crew on her tail. They were drooling in anticipation, their faces wild with passion. She was too fast for them, though, and was ahead of them by a long way. She took a running leap and jumped onto one of the kitchen units, nimbly skipping over anything in her path. All was going well until a second later, she slipped, and knocked a frying pan into the air.

Zimra and Cm followed it's path through the air. Everything seemed to go in slow motion. As the pan flipped over in mid-flight it disgorged it's load of burning hot oil. Cm let out a cry as he realised what was going to happen. The oil splashed onto his face and he released his grip on the blender and screamed in pain. The blender hung in the air for a second and Zimra pressed his advantage. He quickly spin-kicked it, directly into Cms groin.

The results were evident. The whirrring sound was replaced instead by a horrific, meaty grinding noise. Cm's oil scalded eyes tried to open in shock as his groin was torn to pieces. He let out another horrific scream that ruptured his vocal cords and then fell to his knees, crying tears that never appeared.

'Looks like I win!' Zimra grinned and then took flight, running up to an air vent. He took off the vent cover and scurried inside, vanishing into the darkness.

Puss saw him and followed, dissapeering inside the vent with him. The Beth-Crewers stopped in mid chase and looked around in confusion. They had just seen a man lose what is most precious to him via a simple kitchen blender. What were these F-Crew members made of?

'Let's put him out of his misery.' One of them said, looking down at the groaning form of Cm.

'Nah, man. He's hurt enough already. I couldn't touch him him even if it would be the right thing to do.'

'Yeah, I guess so, let's just leave him.'

'What about that guy?' One of them said, pointing to Desert_Fag.

'Whoa!' Fag protested, holding his hands out infront of himself. 'Please, let me live!'

The group of Beth-Crewers laughed at him cruelly and grabbed him. They looked around the kitchen and spied the large catering-size oven.

Please, let me go! I'm good at giving head! I'll be your sex slave! JESUS DON'T DO THIS!' Fag screamed in terror.

They opened the oven and it made an ominous creaking sound. Quickly, they stuffed Fag into it, and slammed the door shut. He panicked and started trying to punch through the glass and get out. He hit it again and again and again until he couldn't see through his own tears of frustration. His fists were bruised and painful and he was quickly running out of strength. Fag tried moving around, tried clawing at the corners, anything to get out of his claustrophobic prison.

As he moved around, his butt suddenly pushed against a solid object on the floor of the oven. He suddenly lost his panic, and a lazy grin spread across his face. The oven creaked as he started to grind his ass against the protrusion and he let out soft little moans whenever it pushed against him.

'Bye bye, queer.' One of the Beth-Crewers said from outside in disgust. He switched the gas on.

Fag continued grinding against the hard lump until a strange smell entered his nose. He sniffed, but couldn't quite put his finger on what it was. Then it hit him.

'Oh shit.' Fag whimpered.

The Oven door opened and a lit match flew inside, seemingly in slow motion. Fag screamed away the last half-second of his life.

The kitchen was blown apart in an instant as the gas caught fire and ruptured the main line. The unlucky Beth-Crewer who had been selected to ignite the gas was torn to pieces, along with the rest of the kitchen and a couple of slow-coaches who hadn't quite made their way out yet. The whole HQ shook as the shockwave from the explosion made itself felt.



The few remaining members of F-Crew had made their retreat to the F-Crew.members room. Most of them who were alive were in a sorry condition. Imperial was leaning against the far wall, a sly grin toying with his lips. Jonny was sharing a cigarette with Grif, although whether it contained tobacco or something else was questionable. Lionne was infront of the main computer, talking on a tin-can with someone else.

Anyone who wasn't here was presumed to be dead.

'Tbfh I don't care if you still have prisoners down there. If you want to live then you'll get up here.'

'But,' Skrittak whined, his voice sounding tinny through the bad connection, 'I can't leave my boys down here. What's the point in living without them? I'd rather die with them.'

Skrittak was still down in the F-Crew Jail. He was very attached to his prisoners, most of whom were young boys, and it was well known that he would rather die than have anything happen to them.

'Don't be an idiot!' Lionne yelled. He was angry, the whole day had just gotten worse after every minute and it was finally getting to him. 'Get your ass here right now!'

'Wait a second, someones coming. I'll be right back.'

Lionne heard Skrittak put the phone down. There was no sound for a few seconds, and then suddenly he heard an animated conversation take place.

'Entropy? Izzat you bud?' Skrittak asked, his voice sounding shocked. 'You look like hell, man.'

'Did I hear you say boyz?'

Lionne immediately tensed up. Entropy's voice didn't sound right. There was something... odd about it.

'Yeah, you did. My boys are here and I can't leave without them. But with you to help me, I think we could safely get them to the members room.'

'You've got my boyz in your cells?'


'My boyz. Have you got my boyz?' Entropy's voice was rising in pitch until it sounded like he was shrieking.

'Hey, back off bud. What are you doing? Put that down!!' Skrittak cried. 'Holy shit! Is that blood? What the hell have you been doing? Don't come near me!!'

There was a terrific crashing noise and then the sound of a body hitting the ground.

'Skrittak!' Lionne yelled into the reciver, 'Answer me! What's going on down there? Damn it, man!'

There was no reply. Unwilling to give up, Lionne kept the tin-can next to his ear for a minute or two and then sighed. Another man lost. Great. How the hell were they going to get out of this alive? Just as he was about to put the tin-can down, a voice sounded on the other end. It was Entropy.

'I've got my boyz. Now I'm coming home.'

Lionne flinched as static streamed through the line. Entropy must have smashed the can.

'Mother fucker!' Lionne screamed, throwing the now useless tin-can against the wall. 'Tbfh I've had enough. I can't take this shit anymore. Tbfh, tbfh, tbfh... TBFH I'M DONE WITH IT!'

'Whoa, Lionne.' Imp walked up to him. 'Calm down, we're safe in here. No one else has the passcode. We can wait out the attack safely. Don't worry, okay?'

Lionne sighed and slumped wearily into a nearby sofa. It was all too much. So many of his friends had died. He'd witnessed the death of Juice and Markie first hand, and had overheard their conversation. It was too much to take in. The whole world was reeling around him and he was powerless to rein it in. What was he going to do? How could he stop all of this? Was he even going to live out the night?

There were no answers to his questions.


ETA - Outer Space

The Porcupine raced gracefully through the lines of Beth-Crew dropships. None of them were heavily armed, and most of them didn't even have any guns at all. They were easy prey for his heavily-armed carrier. All of The Porcupines guns were firing at full cycle, reaping death and destruction wherever they aimed. There wasn't a single decent ship in the entire Beth-Crew fleet. How these jokers had managed to defeat WP and CT was a mystery.

'Alright Wolfs, listen up. We're going to take the docking bay. Prepare to fire all guns as we land. Make sure there are no survivors, is that understood?' Ceadrath commanded, getting up from his seat and heading towards the rear-section of the troop carrier.

'Aye Captain!' They all replied in unison.

He walked up to the gunners one by one and patted them on the shoulder, telling each one individually that they were doing a great job. This raised his mens morale considerably and they started to fire in even tighter patterns, destroying the enemy more efficiently.

Ceadrath was about to issue the order to start landing, when a Wolf Pack member came up behind him and tapped him on the shoulder.

'Yes?' He asked.

'We've sighted some strange activity on one of the monitors. I thought you'd like to see, Sir.'

'Make it quick, then.'

Ceadrath followed the WP member to the bank of viewing consoles and peered at them. Surely enough, he saw something that piqued his interest. Through the windows on the rear side of F-Crew HQ, he could see a bunch of figures running around. There was a large group of them and they looked to be chasing someone. Ceadrath zoomed in the camera and gasped in shock.

It was Cm.

His face was scarred and blood was streaming from between his legs, but still he was running. The Beth-Crewers were rapidly catching up with him, though, waving their dildos in the way only an angry mob knows how. Something had to be done. He had to try and save Cm.

'Gunners, open fire on these coordinates.' He quickly ran off a long list of figures. 'On my mark.'

Half of The Porcupines rear guns swivelled to face the target.


The Porcupine shook as a dozen of her guns fired at once. Ceadrath rubbed his hands together in anticipation as he traced the path of the attack. It was going to work! It was genius! The Beth-Crewers in the HQ suddenly stopped their advance as one of them pointed out the window. They stared in abject terror as the brightly coloured lasers flew towards them at an unbeliveable speed. There was nothing they could do.

Metal shrieked and screeched as the lasers impacted, blowing a hole in the side of the HQ. The Beth-Crewers were annhilated instantly as a massive fireball tore through the corridor, stripping the flesh from their bodies before blowing them to smitherines.

Cm turned as he heard the massive explosion. He stood still for a second, wondering what had happend, before he felt something pulling at his face. With his hand he swatted at the invisible assailant, but it refused to go away. Instead, it got worse, and soon his whole body was felling the force.


Cm knew what that meant. He was as good as dead.

'Woohoo!' Ceadrath cheered, punching the air. 'We saved him!'

'Uh, sir?' One of the WP members pointed at the monitor?

'What?' Ceadrath snapped, irritated at being cut off during his victory dance. He peered at the monitor again.

The hole that had been blown in the side of the HQ by The Porcupine was increasing rapidly in size. All manner of debris flew out of the wound, hurled deeply into the unlimited depths of space. Ceadrath knew what was going to happen before anyone told him.

Cm was torn out of the hole in the side of the HQ. He tried to hold onto something, but the pressure was too much and his fingernails were torn out at the roots. Within seconds he was thrust into the vastness of space, his body completely unprotected. With the last few seconds left to him, he managed to squeeze his scarred eyes open and faced The Porcupine.

'Sir, he's flipping us off.' One of the members reported.

'God, we deserve it.' Ceadrath sighed, closing his eyes so he wouldn't have to see what happend next.

When he opened them, Cm had vanished.

'Poor guy,' Ceadrath commented, 'He deserved better.'



'What the hell was that?' Imperial demanded.

The whole HQ was shaking and everyone was holding onto something to stay on their feet. Grif looked rather queasy as he was thrown from side to side, and he scurried over to a plant pot to throw up in it. Lionne remained seated on the sofa, lieing down on his back, not seeming to care what happend anymore.

'I don't know.' Lionne replied lazily. He was in a dream world now. Nothing seemed real anymore.

Before long, the shaking quelled down and finally died completely. Grif got unsteadily to his feet, placing one hand on the wall to steady himself, and wiped his chin.

'Fuck.' He groaned. 'My body wasn't made for this kind of shit.'

'Ditto.' Jonny grinned. 'My body wasn't made to ever shit.'


'It's a long stor-'

'Ignore him.' Imperial cut off Jonny before he could reply. 'He must have space-psychosis or something.'

'Ah.' Grif nodded. 'I've seen it before. Zimra has a pretty bad case of that.'

As if invoking the devils name summoned him, Zimra popped out of an overhead air vent. Puss landed on top of him and they collapsed in a tangled mess.

'Get off of me!' She cried.

'You're the one who's on top of me.' Zimra retorted, running his hands all over her. Whether he was trying to remove her or was doing something else entirely was up to debate. Then he stopped and grinned. 'Are you enjoying this as much as I am?'

She slapped him across the face and got to her feet with as much dignity as she could muster.

'You're a pig.'

Everyone in the room looked on in shock. They couldn't believe that the two of them were still alive. On one hand they were happy that puss was alive, but Zimra was an entirely different matter. With that idiot in the room they were all surely doomed. Lionne let out another sigh(he was managing two a minute) and punched himself in the head. Grif ran over to the plant pot and threw up again. Jonny just stared blankly, not quite sure what was going on.

Imperials mind was busy calculating the odds. He decided he had no other choice, and pressed a button on his wrist watch. There, he thought to himself, in two minutes it'll be done.

'So, how're you all doing?' Zimra scanned the faces in the room. 'All guys, huh? Must have been quite a sausage fest in here, heh.'

'Fuck you.' Everyone else said in unison.


ETA - Outer Space

Ceadrath grinned widely and surveyed the creation infront of him. It was absolute genius, there was no question about it. With this device he could save F-Crew and be the hero of the day! He was tempted to pose like an evil genius and laugh insanely, but he had the respect of his fellow Wolf Pack members to consider. Calm and controlled would have to do. He could let out the mad scientist later, when he was with one of his many whores.

Before him stood what used to be a missile. Now it had been hastily retrofitted with extra boosters, a cockpit where the munitions used to be, and manual controls. The armor had been hastily reinforced too. It was perfect for his plan.

'Is everyone ready?' Ceadrath turned to face his men.

'Aye Captain!'

'Good. Wish me luck, because I'll need it. No one has ever attempted anything like this before.'

None of them wished him luck, because it was one of the worst hexes you could place on a person. He had asked to test their resolve, and was pleased with the result. Without wasting any further time, he lay down flat in the missile and took hold of the controls. The missile hatch was shut on top of him without delay. The whole pod jerked as it was slid into one of the launch bays.

Ceadrath flicked on the intercom and gritted his teeth. 'Launch me.'



And then, everything happend at once.

Suddenly all of the lights dimmed. Red emergency lights burst into life, flashing bright crimson on the walls. Lionne sat up in shock, thinking his death was imminent. At the same time an urgent pounding began on the door to the members room. Imperial ran to the door and opened the slide, peering through.

'Holy shit!' He cried, 'It's Cm!'


Imperial opened the door hurriedly and Cm limped in. He looked horrible. His face was a scarred mess. His eyes were almost sealed shut, his lips melted until they resembled left over candle wax. Blood dripped from between his legs onto the floor where it began to form a small puddle.

'Jesus,' Imperial took a step back involuntarily, 'What happend to you?'

'First, I had SCALDING oil spilt all over my face by that BITCH over there,' he pointed at Puss, 'Then, if that wasn't bad enough, Zimra kicked a fucking BLENDER INTO MY GODDAMN GROIN. And, finally, to add insult to injury, somebody shot the damn HQ and sent me out into space. That damn near KILLED me.'

Imperial looked confused.

'You're wondering how I survived in space, huh? Well, let me tell you-'

Before he could finish the sentence, all of the lights died. The humming noise that usually prevailed throughout the entire structure trailed off. A voice sounded out of nowhere:


'What the hell?' Imperial cried.

He tried to close the door, but it was jammed. Apparently one of the 'various sub-systems' included the door mechanisms. Imperial cursed futuristic technology and looked around for something to try and help him lever the door shut. But it was too late. A loud scream sounded from outside and, as he peered out, a swarm of Beth-Crewers approached the door.

'Fuck! Somebody help me close this door!' He pleaded.

Zimra and Puss ran to his side and between the three of them they started to make some progress. However, it wasn't enough, and the Beth-Crewers were approaching rapidly. Their ranks bulged, pressing against the walls, and then parted. Beth appeared at their head, running at full speed with her butchers knife in hand.

Meanwhile, Cm and Lionne where in another world together. They were both so detatched from reality that they instantly bonded.

'So, new buddy, how did you survive in space?' Lionne asked him, oblivious to anything else that was happening.

'Well, it was pretty simple actually. All I really did was-'

Cm's sentence was once again cut off by the shrieking cry of tearing metal. The whole room shook from the impact and Lionne was thrown off of the couch. He looked up in terror at the scene that was unfolding before him. Where Cm had once stood, there was now some kind of shiny. cylindrical metal object. Cm was lieing on the floor, groaning in pain, having been torn in half at the waist. His legs were jammed under the mysterious object, no longer any use to him.

There was an ominous hissing sound and small jets of steam shot out from the object. It split in half, one part raising upwards towards the roof, revealing the inner workings:


'Fuck yes!' Ceadrath cried. 'My missile-shuttle worked! I'm here to save the day everyone!'

At the same time, Beth burst through the door and into the members room. She raised the butchers knife and brought it down on Imperial, cleaving his skull in two neatly. Zimra panicked and fumbled around with his belt. Quickly he drew the revolver he had taken from GiR earlier and pulled the trigger.


A novelty flag popped out of the end, tickling Beth's nose. She growled and swiped the gun out of his hand, sending it clattering onto the floor. It spun round and rolled under the couch. Zimra let out a shriek of terror and backed away hurriedly.

'Fuck off Beth! I don't want to die! Please! I'll do anything!' He begged.

'no it is to late for that, u must die now.'

She raised the butchers knife again, ready to end it.

Grif suddenly appeared at Zimra's side and pulled his coat open, revealing row upon row of C4 explosives. Beth let out a short cry and took a step backwards, lowering her weapon. The ranks of Beth-Crewers behind her halted and looked ready to run. Grif grinned and held up the remote-detonator.

'Don't take another step, missy, or I'll blow us all up.'

'u woudl not hurt a girl would u grif? u r my boy and i want to lov u and make u mine.'

Grif looked unconvinced and his finger hovered dangerously close to the detonation trigger. Beth decided she would pull out the big guns. She pulled her top up momentarily, revealing her rather large breasts. Grif stared in awe and involuntarily reached out to touch them. This was the chance Beth needed. The butchers knife arced through the air like a graceful bird and severed Grif's hand cleanly at the wrist. The detonator fell to the ground, now made useless.

Luckily for Beth, Grif was a rather shabby explosives designer, and didn't have an self-destruction failsafe incase the detonator was put out of comission.

'Oh my god, did you see those tits?' Grif laughed, grinning from ear to ear, apparently unconcerned about his missing hand. 'Wow! Real tits! No joking about it either! That was awesome!'

Beth kicked Grif to the ground and rounded on Zimra once more, raising the cleaver in one fluid movement. He raised his arms to shield himself, knowing it was useless. Behind her, the mass of Beth-Crewers swarmed into the room, crushing Grif's body as they ran over him.

However, luck was on F-Crew's side. The floor suddenly bent upwards as if hit by a massive force, and then burst, spraying metal shards everywhere. A dozen Beth-Crewers went down, along with Jonny, as they were mortally wounded by the lethal flying debris. From the hole came a sight no one expected. A huge hulking monster pulled itself into the room, breathing heavily. It looked around quickly and then let out a roar of pain.

'MASTER IMPERIAL!' Man_At_Wero screeched the name so loud that everyone had to cover their ears, even Beth. The beast lumbered over to the body of Imperial, knocking Beth to the ground in the process, and cradled the limp body in his arms. 'WHAT HAVE THEY DONE TO YOU?'

The monster let out another roar and looked round the room, his eyes flicking from one person to the next. Everyone tried to hide and get as far away as possible. Lionne, however, was oblivious, and stood calmly in the center of the room. Man_At_Wero picked up Lionne by the neck and smashed him against the wall.

'Hey!' Lionne gasped as he was brought back to reality.


'It wasn't me!' Lionne managed to choke out. He was barely able to breathe with those massive fingers wrapped round his throat.

Beth managed to get back up to her feet. She looked at her Beth-Crew soldiers and growled. They were all cowering like a bunch of wimps.

'u have to destroy that monster boys, please. i will show u my boobs again.' She tempted them.

Her words had the same effect as a bottle of water does to someone who is dieing of dehydration. Instantly her soldiers were revitalized and they charged at Man_At_Wero, dildos in hand. The beast dropped Lionne and turned, swinging it's massive fists in all directions. Beth-Crewers were killed instantly, their necks broken or skulls shattered, and thrown against the walls. But still they advanced. There was a chance to see real tits here.

Using the distraction to her advantage, Beth rounded on Zimra one last time. She stopped in shock as she came face to face with Ceadrath. He was holding a gun to her head.

'i thohgt u were with WP. why r u not on my side?' She asked, confused.

'Hun, I don't need e-boobs to get my rocks off. I can actually pull women if I feel like it.' He grinned at her.

Ceadrath's finger tightened on the trigger as he got ready to shoot. Then, once more, something else happend. There was a hollering warcry and a blood-soaked figure raced into the room. It was a terrifieing sight to behold. The man was covered in blood from head to toe. Small hunks of flesh were stuck in his hair, along with what looked like a finger and part of an eyeball. He looked around madly, searching for something, and then raced towards Ceadrath.

'It's Ent!' Lionne shouted. 'Look out!'

'WHERE ARE MY BOYZ??' Entropy screamed at Ceadrath. He ran at full speed, his hands held up and fingers clawed.

Ceadrath switched his aim to Entropy. He couldn't help it, it was an reflexive action to save himself. The pistol fired, blowing Entropy's head to gooey mush, sending his body hurtling against the wall. Beth took her chances and grappled Ceadrath, throwing to the ground before he could react. Now Zimra was infront of her and there was no stopping her. It was time for Beth to get her revenge, for what he did to her.

'Shit!' Zimra moaned in fear.

'now u r going to die, u fucker. for everything u did to me. for every moment of pain n confusion i have suffered at your hands. you will pay for this, u shit. i hate u and all u stand for.' Beth dropped the axe and wrapped her hands around Zimra's throat.

Tears were dripping down her face but she could still see his eyes bulging in terror.

'Ughh,' Zimra choked, 'Stghopp, plheeasee....'

Zimra clawed at Beth's face as he began to suffocate. Her hands round his neck were so strong that he was in danger of blacking out within seconds. His hands shot out, trying to hit her, any part of her, just to try and make her stop. Suddenly his fingers found a purchase on her hair, and he pulled with all his might.

What happend next shocked everybody.

The skin of Beth's face slid off, along with her hair. She released her grip on Zimra's throat and reeled backwards, almost falling onto her back. Zimra blinked to clear his vision and looked at what was in his hand. It wasn't her skin that he had pulled off, but a mask. He looked at 'Beth' and his eyes widened with recognition.

'Mother of God...' Zimra whispered.

'Fuck!' McMinge cried. 'I am discovered!'

Every set of eyes in the room turned to look at McMinge, the true identity of Beth. Even Man_At_Wero stopped fighting. McMinge's face was truly disgusting. It was half man and half woman. Long eyelashes, delicate cheekbones with a strong dimpled chin and a crooked nose.

A couple of Beth-Crew members ran out of the room and threw up violently. Grif, who had been picturing her breasts in his mind, suddenly regained control of his mental faculties. He stared at the bleeding stump of his arm, then at McMinge, and then at his arm again. It was too much for his mind the handle, and he fainted. Lionne shook his head violently and blinked repeatedly, trying to make sense of what was happening.

'McMinge...' Zimra walked up to the deformed man/woman. 'Why?'

'You bastard!' McMinge shrieked with rage. 'You made me this way, you fucking shit! I was in love with you, you know, back when I was a man. But you didn't want me like that, it wasn't good enough for you. You wanted a pretty face to look at. I tried to change, I really did. Something went wrong, though. Imperial made a mistake...'

'Imperial did this to you?'

'Yes. That's why he created Man_At_Wero, too, he knew it was one of the only ways to stop me.' McMinge pointed at the horrible beast that was staring dumbstruck in the center of the room. 'But now that bastard is dead. Imperial has paid for his sins. Now you are the only one left.'

McMinge drew a concealed dagger from a his/her boot and lunged at Zimra. The blade struck true, sinking deep into the neck, severing blood vessels and arteries. A great spray of blood shot out, coating McMinges face and clothes. Zimra tried to speak but all that game out was a pathetic gurgling noise. He fell to his knees seconds later, reaching out to try and grab McMinges legs. The dagger struck again, slicing through Zimra's skull and into his brain, ending his life for good.

Nobody spoke for the next minute. Everything was quiet. Only the wounded and dieing made any noise, moaning pathetically as their lives slowly slipped away.

'Well...' Lionne eventually spoke up. 'Zim is dead. I didn't see that one coming.'

'Me either.' Puss agreed.

'So, we all good then?' McMinge smiled at them.

'I don't see any reason for us to fight anymore.' Puss commented.

'Yeah, she's right. Tbfh I never really cared for Zimra anyway. Kind of a douche bag if you ask me.'


With that said, everyone went their seperate ways. McMinge and Man_At_Wero left together and eventually married, living their lives happily together and giving birth to many deformed children.

Lionne was comitted to a mental hope after the traumatic events and attended weekly evaluations with a highly-trained psychiatrist. After 20 years he was deemed safe to return to society, and left the home. He committed suicide within a month, though, as he couldn't stand living 'on the outside'. His tombstone reads: 'Life sucks, tbfh.'

Puss left F-Crew and settled on a quiet planet somewhere, hoping to forget everything that ever happend.

Ceadrath shed a single tear over the death of Zimra before returning to Wolf Pack where he spent the rest of his days testing new designs to the missile-shuttle. He died in an unfortunate accident while testing his new design: The Cluster-Missile Shuttle. It took them years to track down all of his body.

Nobody else in F-Crew lived to tell the tale.

Apart from Cm. He was found a week later by a rescue team, living off of a packet of teabags he'd found lieing on the floor. Nobody believes his story though. He never gets a chance to finish it.

Grif was dead, as far as we know, even if his ending was ambigious.