Hidden Agenda

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HCs (2): SpacedMonkey elfy

HA has no problem with n00bs or unpaid planets.

Hidden Agenda is caters to the casual Planetarion players, as can be evidenced from their recruitment thread :

Can you not stay on your alliance's IRC channel 24 hours a day, 7 days a week for one of the following reasons?

  • Work, for food
  • A desire to see the sun, or breathe fresh air
  • To see your children
  • School
  • Sleep
  • Sex

If you are a person who needs to engage in one or more of the activities listed here, then Hidden Agenda is an alliance for you.

Despite the 'laid-back' attitude, HA places fairly highly amongst the midranked alliances.

(Stats as of round 15, tick 960)

Rank 16. Hidden Agenda
Average score: 1,124,653
Total score: 62,980,588