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Revision as of 21:38, 9 October 2006 by (talk)
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  • Full Name: Scythe
  • Public IRC Channel: #ss
  • Alliance motto: Destroy Or Be Destroyed
  • Affectionate nickname: N/A

  • Scythe was run for a whole round with only a single HC.
  • Scythe was created late in round 13 after the fall of a small alliance.
  • Scythe finished its first round (round 13) rank 25th with 27 members, and finished its second round (round 14) rank 17th with 76 members at peak.
  • Scythe is currently Ranked 16 in Round 15, and their quest to become more powerful icons in the universe has never subsided to this day and they remain seeking bigger and better goals.
  • Scythe are currently at war with G-II, a move which has been one of the talking points of the Round so far.
  • Scythe were the biggest alliance in round 15 at one point. having 85 members!
  • The Scythe vs G-II war ended when former HC of the Scythe alliance (Lurchleaf) left and with that brought the war to a close.

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