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Tentacles --Ngarskel

What's to say... started somewhere around round 2, and noobied my way through to round 4 where I met vidmar, helstad, carlow, hearne, okon, and a bunch of other NewDawn/NoS/WolfPack weenies ;)

Vidmar pulled some strings and got me into Wolfpack. Being canadian, I became pretty popular in doing nightwatch, and was eventually taught how to DC. Upon figuring out DC'ing, I rose up the ranks and eventually found myself as the defence HC of wolfpack sometime later. About when caliban buggered off without letting most of us know I think.

Had an exec named evilmonkey who did sweet F-all before buggering off to eclipse iirc. All power to him I guess :p

Greenie/supermiet/iruja/me was a fun time in PAX. Faking sirtalis, eryx, nasicus and various other ships as one another was a great amount of fun, and caused a great pain to those who attacked us. Proudest moment would have been the night where 40+ calls were covered via the launches/recalls of 5 guys including myself all 3 fleeting defence all night.

Later on though... the time came to leave Wolfpack, and I found myself with a new home with NewDawn. The_Fish got me in... Being ex WP-HC, I tried to make myself a little bit more hidden, and joined ND under a fake nick. That lasted a while until JDD ratted me out. The bugger.

Have been with em since, save for a stint being a Multihunter which I found I just couldn't give the proper amount of time to anymore.

I am part of the support team though, have been for about a year. I write humor articles for the portal news pages, and occasionally get to hassle some folks in the beta with covert ops amongst other things ;)

I took over maintenance of the PA wiki when jesterina found that he was running low on time to devote to the project. I'm able to do so in my spare lunch breaks at school, and thus decided to try taking on the project, as I would really like to see the wiki continue on.


A Llama and Support Lemming...

<3 :) --Anonymous source :p