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Heresy has its roots in The Federation, TF3 and its flagship has always been the infamous Three King's (ComradeRob/Killmark's) galaxy

Heresy was an Elite Planetarion Battlegroup founded by Killmark, Aneu/Diz, Leinad, Sev and Rumad. The battlegroup's codename was Core in the run up to Round 7, it was built around a "core" of 10 mixed Legion/Fury/FAnG galaxies with half the FAnG HC within the BG's galaxies.

At roughly the same time a Heresy divsion within Starsphere opened, with Killmark heading it with a variety of his galaxy mates, Starsphere Heresy worked as a wing within Obsidian Order a highly successful alliance until Obsidian disbanded at the end of the round and Heresy left Starsphere, having 3 top10 planets and 4 top 5 galaxies.

In the early part of the round Heresy went head to head with what was percieved to be its biggest rival, the BULL galaxies, this war was won with Heresy waving one BULL galaxy a night within days of leaving protection and within a week their moral had been decimated.

Alongside its its training wing of four galaxies Heresy was booking about half of FLVTT's targets, and until Killmark was deleted had 6 top 10 galaxies and the rest in the top 20, the junior division had all of its galaxies in the top60-80, however after his deletion Killmark's galaxy fell out of the top 10 with half the galaxy quiting, Leinad it turned out had been responsible for Killmark's bot being leaked in an effort to hijack Heresy and make it a full alliance in r8, this failed miserably as without Killmark's unique vision and leadership qualities various Heresy GC's started to butt heads with the remaining command members, in addition except for Leinad's galaxy there were no anti-Killmark Heresy galaxies in the top10.

With its CEO deleted for cheating Heresy effectively servered ties with Killmark who concentrated fulltime on the sucess of his Starsphere Alliance and Heresy there.

Within a week IRC had plummeted from about 70 active IRC members online at anytime to a miserable 30, with things dire the HC invited Killmark back to the command staff and Leinad's access was removed, with Killmark's return and some careful tactical manevevours Heresy regained a few of it ranks and IRC activity, it was to suffur turmoil again after Fury declared war on FAnG, another Heresy galaxy was to die but the rest saved themselves through careful politics.

At the end of Round 7, Heresy had 4 top 10 galaxies, 3 more in top20, one Heresy galaxy had left the battlegroup, Killmark's galaxy was on the edge of the top 100 and most of Diz's galaxy had been deleted for inactivity. The training wing however was a casulty of the Fury/FAnG war and could not be saved, as a result no trainee's were promoted.

Round 8, Heresy hid within MDK's (Murder, Death, Killmark) ranks and was to be mildly successful but a good proportion of Heresy quit at the end of the round due to poor galaxies as was the nature of the random round though several galaxies existed for r9 and r9.5 these were sucessful to a degree however after DoS attacks on the Heresy server coincided with DoS attacks on FAnG's and NoS, as well Wolfpack's server mysteriously delinked from WEET's network 5 minutes before Eclipse led an attack on Three Kings (arranged by Rob, a former Three King's and Heresy member), they left Planetarion for EVE-Online and Planetia.

Within Planetia Heresy consisted of 2-4 Galaxies, never finishing without atleast 2 of them in the top 5 and 3 members in the top 10, it had a special relationship in a number of Planetia round with the other top Planetia Battlegroup, Fetish which was led by Obli, in its last official Planetia round Killmark won.

In EVE-Online Heresy was a small but wealthy corp, until Diz a Heresy founder stole all of Killmark's and the corp's assets, robbing Killmark's personal funds of atleast 700m.