Titans Allies

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Titans Allies posted by Titans HC

Titans has had a very energetic start to its Planetarion life - the alliance which was subject to a split from the Legion has been recently looking at allies, what happens and what we need to do for this round.

After much contemplation, and after much negotiation, we have allied with Legion and napped with Fury.

This has been done for several reasons - firstly we looked at all sides of the pa universe, we tried to be involved and feel comfortable, but we are as I say a Legion breakaway and still have a linked infrastructure for gals and this is not congenial to our initial strategy.

Secondly our alliance members are still friends with Legion members - since we were more and more being seen as a hostle alliance to them, it was straining friendships to the extreme. This causes huge problems in that members become bitter and causes more bad blood and this continues to the extent that we would end up in a grudge war with Legion, one which neither Legion nor we want to fight. Also, we do not wish to be seen as merely the 'next Wolfpack', traitors and betrayers. We hope this is interpreted as an act of good will within Legion.

Finally I would like to thank Deus Ex Machina, New Dawn and hirr. You three alliances have my highest respect and to break away like this is frustrating, but due to our internal situation, it would prove to be impossible for us to be as valuable part of that alliance as we (and you) would wish.

It is sometimes difficult to determine which path is the best for a group of people, what to prioritize and what to not. It is our hope that this is the best for the Titans. Apologies to those who feel disappointed by this. This was a hard choice, for us too, but one that had to be made