BlueTuba Day

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BlueTuba Day was the idea of an unknown individual, who created a website encouraging people to launch an all out attack on BlueTuba on a certain day. At the time there was much whining and complaining on the forums due to Tuba's apparent domination of the universe, hence the website appealed to all small planets to launch at your venerable local Tuba. The alliance didn't expect much to come of this, however it was put on alert due to the possibility that established hostile alliances may take the opportunity to launch in the confusion. On the day nothing happened; however a few weeks later Legion and Fury declared war on Tuba, and with the help of Concordium - created a few 'BlueTuba Months'; which we very much enjoyed:

Well Folks, Here are the starting details of the first of many BT-Day's to come! We are still organising this massive scale attack - here are some preliminary details for you to nut over while you make your arrangements with all your friends!

These details are subject to change - so please make sure you email us with your planet co-ordinates and details so we can check that you are not a spy - and keep you informed of final launch times.

The Plan:

Attack all Blue Tuba alliance members :- Offensive launch starts at 12:00 CET Saturday September 2nd. IF YOU HAVE A 9 HOUR TRAVEL TIME. If sending Battleships as well, launch at 11:00 CET.

These travel times are if you are leaving yours galaxy. This is the current theory .. it may change yet.

Expect some losses, there will naturally be some casualties in this offence, the losses will be more than made for in the following weeks as we feed on the dying husks of the BlueTuba planets.

Attack strong Blue Tubas within your own galaxy first - even better if this is done several days before BT day. If you have destroyed the Blue tubas in your galaxy or have none then its time to pick another target - maybe someone who has attacked you or a friend, but any Blue Tuba tag will do :)

Know that others in your galaxy will support you. Send a good proportion of ships to attack (say 50%) in this first wave leaving 50% to defend with. There should be very little retaliation to this strike as attacks will be occuring on BT through out the universe.

If the BlueTuba stench in your galaxy is too strong then await backup on BT day. Remember that you will have others in your galaxy launching also.

Keep an eye on the galaxy news thread to make sure your galaxy mates are also launching. Keep an eye on the galaxy news thread to see if your BT opponent launches his fleet and where to. He can only attack a few people at most, most BT will stay and defend though.

Note the locations of any fleets coming from outside the galaxy to defend. So that all who help in defences can also be made to pay!

04:24, 6 Jan 2005 (GMT)04:24, 6 Jan 2005 (GMT)04:24, 6 Jan 2005 (GMT)04:24, 6 Jan 2005 (GMT)04:24, 6 Jan 2005 (GMT)04:24, 6 Jan 2005 (GMT)04:24, 6 Jan 2005 (GMT)04:24, 6 Jan 2005 (GMT)04:24, 6 Jan 2005 (GMT)04:24, 6 Jan 2005 (GMT)04:24, 6 Jan 2005 (GMT)04:24, 6 Jan 2005 (GMT)Patrician 04:24, 6 Jan 2005 (GMT)

Most of all get everyone involved - BT-Day will eventually be a day of feasting and celebration.... but first there is work to be done.

The Figures:

The game has approximately 30000 players, 15000 large enough to make a difference. Blue Tuba has 2000 members - with possibly 1000 allies foolish enough to help defend.

This is a very very do-able task - and in fact I believe we'll find it enjoyable too!