Dissolution of BlueTuba

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Original post of thread posted on Alliance Dicussion forum, Round 5:

It is with the greatest sadness that I report that the BlueTuba HC has decided to dissolve. This is due to a number of issues:

With the WTFVE NAP we were facing extreme boredom, in a situation where either the alliance would disentegrate or be committing suicide. As HC's of BlueTuba, it is our duty to protect the reputation and honour that we have built up over the past months, and we do not intend to let that happen as it has before. The simple fact of the matter is, we as Tuba believe that Tuba has nothing left to fight for, and the Tuba spirit which makes Tuba what it is is dying. We'd rather Tuba left with some pride, honour and respect than with none, as others have in the past.

I'd like to firstly apologise to the members who we're having to let down in this awful way. You are what mattered most in BlueTuba, and we as an HC will try our best not to abandon you - there maybe some we will fail completely, and that is something which is, in my opinion, unforgivable. I am personally willing to vouch for any Tuba member's loyalty and quality who wishes to join a new alliance - anyone who wishes to gain a solid reference for a Tuba should direct their questions directly to me. I personally apologise again to those who wished to continue in BlueTuba, as I believe I have failed them, as the HC before failed me and many other loyal devout members to the cause of BlueTuba - however, we as an HC will do anything we can to find you new alliances to keep yourselves and your galaxy mates safe - just because the alliance will no longer exist, does not mean we do not care and do not feel responsible for this - it is little compensation, but it is the best we can do.

There is little point debating in possible other reasons why Tuba has dissolved, and trying to bring shame onto the alliance, because I'm posting the real reasons here, and I believe them to be the whole truth. I'm sure there will be some who will attack Tuba anyway, but I leave it for the majority to judge us - had WTFVE split up and Tuba attacked, we'd have stand up and fought, and you know it.

I believe it should be noted that though Tuba has never been an alliance that has won a round, or coming close to it, the amount of success it has achieved after its virtual collapse and abandonment in round 2 is remarkable. I don't think there is any alliance out there who could have survived and recovered after what we have come through, and to carry on with the stigma of its past - Tuba as an alliance, initially under the guidance of McIvan (who I believe is the best member we've ever had, and one of the finest people ever to grace this game) with the help of DarkJedi's Sith project and then under the guidance of myself, Patrician, Miserableman and Vaio has been turned from an alliance on its knees to one that has earnt its position (self-destructive though it is) of being part of a ruling coalition of planetarion, however small a role it may be - we've helped in some function, and I'm proud that we gave all that we can give. Since I have been HC in Tuba, I believe we've always played fairly and honourably, and with a community that no other alliance could have - we played not only as HC, Officers and members, but as friends as well. But now, the alliance must end, let the friendships continue.

I can personally state it's been an honour and a pleasure to serve as a HC of BlueTuba - I'm personally going to quit the game at the end of the round, but I will keep my planet running for the sake of my galaxy mates. I just ask all those who believe that BlueTuba should carry on, to simply be proud that they were a member, and find something new - as it was for me, and for many others, it was extremely hard work - and I think it would be best that we keep BlueTuba remembered for it's glorious defiance and survival against all the odds, thanks to its almost unbreakable spirit.

On Behalf of the BlueTuba HC

