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Revision as of 01:06, 23 March 2005 by Chika (talk | contribs)
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Probably one of the most controversial New Age PA players of today. Learned of Planetarion in late round 3 from friends at work. However, wouldn't say he deserved to be called a PA player until late Round 6. Due to being hindered by RL issues, he skipped a few rounds and was able to return in round 9.5, where he joined the Alliance ETY, under Korenchin (his favorite HC). He did fairly well in RD 9.5, and decidied to countinue to play PA into Round 10, where he Joined HR due to ETY disbanding. In HR he did fairly well, ending thier 3rd biggest planet at rounds end. A shift in RL occured and Chika was able to play PA full-time at the start of round 10.5. He joined FAnG in that round and ended Planet Rank #2 Gal Rank #2 and Alliance rank #2. Due to undisclosed reasons, at the end of round 10.5, Chika left to join the Newly formed alliance 1UP, headed by Synthetic_Sid. 1up proved to be the New Dominant force in PA. But due to RL Chika had to leave Mid Round as the Top Zik and rank #26 at the time of deleting his planet. Chika was to return in Round 12, partly to prove that he wanted to be ranked amoung PA's elite, finishing #6 after a controversial dumping of 1UP alliance with just 4 days left to go in the round, costing him at least 3 positions in the rankings. At present time, Chika is set to play RD 13.