Pronstars Split

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It is with great regret that we announce that Pr0nstars are splitting up. This has been due to the over activity of too many of our members.

We first saw the warning signs early on in the game when we had 8 members in the top 100 planets and 7 members in the top 10 of covert operations. We only had 26 members total.

Things unfortunately got steadily worse.

1) People started to apply to our alliance in game. Before that happened we had done our usual true to form stuff of just being spam whores. We never accepted them but they wouldn’t go away. 2)Our public channel had over 40 people in it and most couldn’t understand why they got verbal abuse 3) people would come into our public channel and PM people with @ for defence whilst we had a good laugh as all pronstars had @ and in our warm cosy private channel we would argue over who could be bothered to take the defence call. 4)We started using our covert teams to attack peoples planets prior to launching ships at them. 5)Members demanded two targets or at least two waves on our evening targets. 6) Our arbiter got full of coords and who they belong to

And then shock of shocks the final straw really, members themselves started asking for, and getting defence ( defence is for wimps )

So some members have decided that they needed to move to more active alliances and gain more score and this really goes against our core values. Even now members have left and joined other alliances. The rest will be moving on shortly. For the alliances that welcome them in as new members, you are getting a great person.

For us, as individuals we are back once again to being on opposite sides in future wars. Attacking each other when we know that person isn’t online :D