TFD Waves Goodbye

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TFD Waves Goodbye Posted by Jeltje

After 11 rounds, I have to announce with pain in my heart, that the planetarion division of The Fyingdutchmen Alliance is no longer. With no new players coming into the game, there is no feeding ground for an allliance with not the goal to win but to play and have fun. Where it doesn't count how good you skills are but more the fun you have in the game. After a few rough rounds supported by our loyal allies Rock we decited to merge into them.

I hope that in the future the universe will grow again and that there will be space for an alliance like us.

I would like to thank all the people who took time to invest in the game to make it better or support it. I Also want to thank all people who have been member of TFD-planetarion and i hope u all enjoyed your stay with us. Thanks to all HC's, Bc's,Dc's and inviters.

TFD will continue to exist in several other games. Please visit us on or on and offcourse our anual Rucphen meet will continue and evrybody is welcome to come. Expect an anouncement about the exact date soon.

Resigning from Duty
