Virus Announcement

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Virus Announcement posted by Aaranaf

It is with the upmost sadness that i must announce the end of ViruS in Planetarion.

i never thought i would either contribute, or even force myself to write the following:

We've had our definate ups and our definate downs, and i don't regret being a part of either the ups or downs, cos both brought ViruS closer together as a sort of family, and definate friends. Over the past 9 or so rounds, almost everything ive had to do with planetarion revolved around ViruS somehow, the friends that i made when 1st joining, to the friends i made at the end and in between. The friends we've made with other people in other alliances who were coordinating with ViruS... for many a round now, its only been ViruS for me. Most of my memories in Planetarion are due to ViruS. Hell, it seems just like yesterday, where in round 5, ViruS held its own against the mighty Legion when they tried to pick on us, or when we were all in #monkeybusiness in round7 yelling at each other... be it sirad attacking Praetorian... or Sention attacking Singu (lo RaH... LENIN btw :P). Or even arguably destroying our legendary former ally, Fury, with Titans and LDK. Even to the massive upset known as VVOMM vs NARWEET... all of the big events i took part in in my planetarion career had to do with ViruS. Our undoubted highs were in round 7 and 8 where we had major contributions into who won those rounds, and even managing spots in the winner's circles.

When i think of most people who are in ViruS im often reminded of that argument of which comes first, galaxy or alliance- Most of ViruS, im sure, would pick alliance. ViruS was more the just a source of defence and targets for people. It was an established military might with an arguably incomparable community tightness. People were loyal to ViruS. I, personally, am amazed at how loyal some of our members turned out to be, after a round 9 like we had, being simply beat, an alliance split off... both of which we never recovered... its amazing that up until this post, i can think, and admire, every single one of our many members who have stuck it through until today. You wont EVER find a more loyal, nor proud group of players... friends... elsewhere in Planetarion.

ViruS, i can say with sheer glee, honesty, admirance, is a legend upon legends in this legendary game. and from this point onward, when it comes to Planetarion at least, that is all we will be. No longer are we an alliance.

Our reasons for this said decision is simple: while myself and everyone else are stil loyal to ViruS, we, as a whole, are no longer motivated for whatever the reason. And at the executive level, especially, we were no longer motivated either. We would simply rebuild... but for what? By the time that is done, there wouldnt be a game to show off for. Our loyal and proud members deserve a chance, somewhere where they can have the chance to be the great planentarion players that they are, with the support, and motivated leadership which they deserve.

Over the rounds, a rough estimate of 3000 people have come into virus, been infected... weither or not the name is gone... the universe will never be cured of those infected. ViruS has left a place in the hearts of whom it has infected...

"There is no cure..."

signed, the ViruS Planetarion Executives...

[ViruS]Aaranaf [ViruS]Adam sirad