Hidden Agenda

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Revision as of 13:27, 2 January 2008 by LordAlderaan (talk | contribs) (Updates for Round 25 and a addition about neutrality)
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Hidden Agenda is a alliance that focuses on new and returning players. They consider themselves a training alliance and are open to both paid and unpaid planets. They employ their own set of tools which include the MonkeyCalc and a set of private tools including a bot accessible through both IRC and a private website. The bot handles defense calls and scan requests and has a couple of other functions including some with pure comic value.


Hidden Agenda tries to maintain a sense of neutrality. They usually evade affiliations with top 10 alliances and prefer not to be dragged into wars. An affiliation with TGV in Round 22 is the only known exception. Affiliations and even mergers with minor alliances are more frequent.

High Council

Steady or frequently returning Hidden Agenda High Council members are:


Hidden Agenda caters to the casual Planetarion players, usually resulting in a recruitment thread with a comical undertone. For example one of the earlier threads stated:

Can you not stay on your alliance's IRC channel 24 hours a day, 7 days a week for one of the following reasons?

  • Work, for food
  • A desire to see the sun, or breathe fresh air
  • To see your children
  • School
  • Sleep
  • Sex

If you are a person who needs to engage in one or more of the activities listed here, then Hidden Agenda is an alliance for you.


Despite 'laid-back' attitude, HA has always been placed fairly highly amongst the midranked (top 15) alliances. They even managed to get into the top 10 of Round 24.