Battle calculation
Since Planetarion's combat engine is based on predicatable formulas, some programmers use these formulas to create pages which accurately predict the results of a potential battle.
A Battle Calculation outlines an upcoming battle. Battle calculators (AKA bcalcs) use the ingame combat formulas to determine a battle's result, based on any range of inputted data.
The original battle calculator made by Joror and Gnomeking, which has not been updated in a while, can be found at Pilkara's.
Up-to-date versions can be found on Vision's and xVx's sites.
Other bcalcs can be found here:
A beginner how-to on the use of a battle calculator.
- Unit scan your target
- Copy & Paste the fleet from the Unit Scan into the box. Click "Add to Def"
- Copy & Paste your fleet from Overview into the box. Click "Add to Att"
- Add the amount of roids the target has on the Roids -row
- Calculate Battle
The ideal outcome is 25% roids taken from the target (defensive side) with little ship losses on your side. If you can not capture 25% of the roids you likely need more pods or to take on a smaller/easier target. Each race also has an ideal combination of offensive ships. You need to tweak your fleet in battle to maximize benefit for least losses: Add/Remove ships from your side to attain the best possible scenario.
When under attack this same concept applies vice versa.
Battle calculators allow you to save results (for distributing to your alliance or galaxy?). Here is a sample of such a saved calc: [1]
The pikara and visionhq calcs require you to hit a 'save' button on the calc page. The blern calculator automatically churns out result pages with separate, unique URLs.