Channel Access

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Channel access is a measure of your ability to use P within a channel. Access ranges from 0 (not added) to 500 (channel owner), although the CSC admins can temporarily hold higher access to do things such as change channel's owners.

500OwnerAble to use all commands in the channel. Able to suspend or ban supporters
499SupporterAble to use all channel commands but unable to suspend or ban the owner
400Senior OpAble to add and remove channel access for other users
100OpAble to Op in the channel
25VoiceAble to Voice in the channel

A user may only edit another user's access if they have more access than them, ie a level 400 user may not remove a level 401 user. A user may also not suspend a user who has equal or greater access than themselves. However, a user may perform most commands, such as kick or ban, on users with higher access. For this reason it is important to only give access to users you trust not to abuse it. To be a channel owner you must either be given a channel by its owner, take an idle channel or register a channel. To be a channel supporter you must be chosen by the channel owner.

To check your access on a channel you can use:

/msg p access #channel your_registered_nick


/msg p info your_registered_nick

will give a list of all channels you have access to.