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File:Http://hphotos-snc3.fbcdn.net/hs022.snc3/10965 215536638759 574108759 4196788 4476496 n.jpg

Hailing from the United States Edge Started PA in (Round One) with BlueTuba "Ooooomph!". In Round 2 Edge left BT to join an up and coming alliance called ICD and a love affair ensued. By r4 Edge was promoted to HC level. After the fall of ICD the game lost much of its attraction to Edge who now found himself wondering from ally to ally and become less and less active. In late 2004 Edge was blessed with a child "Edge JR" and retired from PA for the better half of a decade. Playing random rounds here and there. Edge has also been a member of Virus, NoS, Entity (HC), G-II, Orbit and Howling Rain and is currently playing r38 as a recruitment officer for Howling Rain.