Elysium:R9.5 Random Strategy Thoughts

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To start with the most modest and most reliable race during all the rounds, i choosed to name Terran. This race always was easy to handle, had mainstream ships but as many other ppl named, its major flaw was the stop in development since r6. While other races were tweaked, changed, trimmed and upgraded the Terranship was kept in the same shape, this lead over the time from an advanced race slowly towards a decaying star. The most notable ships in a Terran fleet are Pegasus,Demeters,Wyverns,Dragoons,Harpies,Phoenix, Chimeras and maybe Gryphons. Hardly any other ship is worth to invest ressources into it.

Before i go totally into detail of specific ships i want to light up the situation background of this round abit more. There will be lots of Ziks&Xans and the Para/Cluster setting will reduce attacktimes even more while overburn defence is gone. This means in the longrun especially fast attacks get more and more dangerous, something terrans can not well reply to. The Harpy is and always was a modest fighter good armor combined with good firepower just not outstanding, especially WITH vrshak fighters on the same side it was able to reduce the devastating effects of hostile fire.


Known for its efficience in blocking things, hated for its lack of killing the enemy or "winning the war". My personal view on this was always very splitted, effective while not beeing able to make it on their own. Something the Cathaar always had as a major flaw.

Loved from many officers for its ability to turn the tide in big battles or to defend a single incoming with less ships. You see from all of this remarks its more a choice of personal taste. For eclipse i would recommend to have a good portion emp but the number should not be over 15-20% of our total memberbase as Emp doesnt win a war. Now i go to a brief overview of ships:


Prolly the most noteable race of last round. It was/is highly advantage by the (in r8 changed) milscans and its heavy firepower. Tho it went through some serious changes and downgrading this round which i will illuminate now abit more.

From what we all know a Xan only needs FI/CO, his frigs or destroyers and any capital ships normally dont appear in the fleets and if only to serve a single purpouse i.e. to fight of BS attacks. As seen in the past Xan is very powerfull, especially the fast eta raiding fleets and its huge fighterswarms are welcomed in attacks and defences by alliances. Combined with the huge advantage of faking attacks in milscans and the always present fear of not knowing what the enemy sended in a xan fleet gives them a huge edge


The race of the many faces you may call it. Before you decide to go into this race you must throw all feelings of order overboard. Your fleet will be a chaos and you will end up half the time recalcing and reevaluating your own fleet to the universal situation. This might sound like a bad thing but it is their biggest advantage. No other race is able to adopt a universal weakspot as quickly as Zirkonians. If you see the universe is having a hard time to defend vs DE attacks, be sure Ziks wont take long to cap a few De-Pods and to join the race. This gives you after the gamestart endless chances to adjust your own fleet to your needs.