Initiative determines the order in which the different ships fire in battle. Ships with the lowest initiative fire first, then sequentially higher initiatives fire. Ships with equal initiative fire at the same time.
Initiative is one of the most important ship statistics in the game (after targetting). If two fleets of ships with similar offensive and defensive power fight, initiative can mean the difference between a decisive victory for one fleet and a decimation of both fleets.
EMP ships always fire first, because they only stun the enemy for the tick, they do not kill. Init 0, 1 and 2 are usually to reserved for EMP ships. Normal and cloaked ships fire next. Within these groups, Xandathrii tends to have lower init ships while Terran has higher init ships. Normal ships have inits between 3 and 10. All steal ships fire after all normal ships, mostly at init 20. Last, pods and structure killers fire, at init 30 and 40, respectively.