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Insurrection was created in round 17 by Ptraci and Exothermic who wanted to help new players get the hang of the game. After a slow start, Insurrection gathered a few active players who worked together and allowed the alliance to finish 30th.

Special thanks go to those round 17 players - Laneghen, Kibbutznik, ToshN, Hoth, Ashes, Awie, you guys played a crucial part in getting Insurrection off the ground, and also, thanks to Jeffers, the Orbit BC who helped train the above members and generally lent a hand.

Insurrection is back for round 18, we take any players of any ability who want to learn how to play the game better or who want to help train newer PA players. If you're interested join #Insurrection on IRC and talk to Ptraci or Exothermic.