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Hailing from the Netherlands, Koen is a modern renaissance man with a wide variety of interests. Both a qualified architect and a world reknowned hockey coach, Koen has excelled in several online browser based games including Planetarion and Planetia. In an effort to find new challenges, Koen has recently turned his attention towards the animal kingdom. His main project is fish breeding, where he aims to create a new breed of guppy derived from the Endler's, but he also finds time to work as a translator, translating foreign language text into English for the benefit of IRC users. Koen's closest relationships in life include his adoring girlfriend, his sister Elke, and his best friend Theamion.


<KoeN> what did she say piglet
<pig> hoi
<KoeN> thats dutch
<KoeN> 'hoi'
<KoeN> it means hi