In Planetarion, resources are used to buy anything from ships to structures to waves. There are three types of resources, Metal, Crystal and Eonium.
Collecting resources
You collect resources from the following:
- Any asteroids you have. Each roid produces 250 of one resource type per tick and can be initiated on the mining page or stolen from other players using pods.
- Any refinery-type structures. There are refineries for each resource type. They produce 1000 of one resource type per tick. Refineries, like other structures, cannot be stolen, but they can be destroyed with structure killers
- The core extraction technology branch. There are four levels of research in this branch, from producing 1000 of each resource per tick (the starting level) to producing 12000 of each resource per tick. Core mining can neither be stolen nor destroyed.
- You can steal resources from other planets with the resource transfers covert operation.
- You can also gain salvage if you kill enemy ships in defence, either over your own planet or over the planets of overts
- Population: Assigning a percentage of your population to minin increases your production of all 3 resources by an equivalent percentage. This stacks with the bonus from finance centers, see below.
- Finance centers: finance centres are a type of structure. Each one you have increases your income by half a percent. You cannot build more than 60 finance centers.
- Government: Some governments give a bonus to income from roids, refineries and core extraction.
Bonuses are only applied to income from asteroids, refineries and core mining.
Spending resources
Resources are used for almost everything to do with your planet:
- Buying ships
- Building structures
- Performing scans
- Doing covert operations
- Hiring guards and agents
- Initiating asteroids
- Exiling
- Donating to the galaxy or alliance fund
- Paying alliance taxes
Before PAX, eonium was used as fuel when launching ships. Since then, Eonium has changed to a regular resource.
Buying ships
The ships of some races use certain types of resources more than others. In theory this could affect which targets you pick, but in practice the differences are so small as to be irrelevant. Terran, Cathaar and Zikonian ships require more metal, crystal and eonium, respectively. Xandathrii ships require all resources equally, while the ratio varies for Eitraides ships, according to which race the ship type originally belonged to.