Structures are the physical facilities for your planet. You can build more then one of each and they can be destroyed in attacks with structure killers and by covert operations. Each structure has its own function and this is reflected in their cost and construction time. Some races are better at building structures (Terran) than others (Cathaar), and thus picking a strategy in advance is very important.
Building structures
There are a number of different structures and the function of which ranges from allowing you to scan hostile planets to building ships and from raising your alert to raising your income. The number of constructions you can have is limited by your level of infrastructure research. The maximum number of constructions is 250.
Each structure has a certain cost associated with it and requires a certain amount of contruction units, which your planet produces every tick. The amount of construction units your planet produces depends on your race, government and population settings.
Building rypes
There are 11 types of structures in Planetarion.
Light factory
This enables production of fighter and corvette ship class ships. Having more factories allows you to produce ships faster. You need to research fighter class hulls for this construction to be operational. Light factories take 500 construction units to build and have a base cost of 500 of each resource.
Medium factory
This enables Production of Frigate and Destroyer ship class ships. Having more factories allows you to produce ships faster. You need to research frigate class hulls for this construction to be operational. Medium factories take 500 construction units to build and have a base cost of 500 of each resource.
Heavy factory
This enables Production of Cruiser and Battleship ship class ships. Having more factories allows you to produce ships faster. You need to research siege weapons for this construction to be operational. Large factories take 500 construction units to build and have a base cost of 500 of each resource.
Wave amplifier
This increases the strength of your waves, making them more likely to succeed and allows you to scan targets with more wave distorters. Wave amplifiers take 1000 construction units to build and have a base cost of 2000 of each resource.
Wave distorter
This decreases the strength of incoming waves, making them less likely to succeed. If you have 5 distorters, you cannot be scanned by people with 4 or fewer amplifiers. Wave distorters take 1000 construction units to build and have a base cost of 2000 of each resource.
Each refinery will extract 1000 units of eithre metal, crystal or eonium per tick. Refineries take 750 construction units to build and have a base cost of 3000 of the type of resources they produce.
Research laboratory
These increase the efficiency of your research by a percentage decided by your ratio of research labs / total constructions. Maximum bonus is reached at 20 %, which you can obtain by having 1 Research Laboratory for every 5 structures. Research labs take 500 construction units to build and have a base cost of 1000 of each resource
Finance center
Finance centers will optimize the resource-flow, adding 0.5% to your income per finance centre. You cannot build more than 60 of them. Research labs take 500 construction units to build and have a base cost of 1000 of each resource
Security center
Security centres help against hostile Covert operations, raising your normal alert level. Maximum alert increase can be obtained by having 3 security center for every 10 structures, which increases your security by 60%. Security centers take 500 construction units to build and have a base cost of 1000 of each resource