Official MISTU Announcement

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Official MISTU Announcement posted by Realjames

As with immediate effect MISTU will stop existing as an Eclipse battle group and will become an alliance in its own right. The vast majority of you will not know of MISTU, but it has existed in various forms since round 2. It initially started up out of a group of students at UMIST but has grown into much more than that. In rounds 5, 7 and 9 MISTU as a galaxy finished top 50, and has had numerous members with high finishes.

In the recent era it has functioned as an Eclipse battle group with success, but it is the desire of those of us in charge to run as a full independent alliance for round 11. Currently the HC consists of adastra, Fork and myself with more names to be announced shortly. adastra has had HC experience in both NoS and Wolfpack. Fork and myself both come from Eclipse HC positions and have experience in Eclipse and Fury.

Recruitment details will be posted on AR shortly. If you wish to contact us for any reason please come to #mistu on netgamers.