Olympians Announcement

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Olympians Announcement posted by Desse

Olympians HC hereby announce, that from today Olympians will not be playing Planetarion anymore.

The reasons for this are numerous.

Our members were mostly made up of veterans in this game, and as has been seen around the PA-Community, a lot of veterans are leaving the game. This has probably cost our alliance more than other alliances. We have lost almost 50% of our members to retirement. And since most of our HC are retired now, or are retiring after this round, we feel, that now is the time to disband Olympians.

We have had a couple of hectic rounds, but it has been a pleasure for us to participate.

HC will do our best to help our talented members, who are still playing, into the alliances, they want to. If your alliance have a home for some, please PM an Olympians HC in #olympians.

We wish everyone the best of luck for the future of the new "planetarion", and hope that Jolt and the Creators can improve on their "new game", so that it will be as big a succes as the original game.

On Behalf of Olympians HC. Desse Olympians Founder.