Round 3, Zeus, Spinner and Jakey

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Session Start: Sat Feb 10 06:23:04 2001
[06:23] *** Now talking in #discuss

[06:23] <Jakey_coding> Hello
[06:23] *** Spinner-home ([email protected]) has joined #discuss
[06:23] <Zeus> lo
[06:23] <Spinner-home> invite only from here on please
[06:23] <Zeus> chris jakey, jakey chris
[06:23] <Spinner-home> (-:
[06:23] <Spinner-home> Hi Jakey!
[06:23] *** Zeus sets mode: +si
[06:23] <Jakey_coding> Hi Chris!
[06:23] <Spinner-home> Glad to meet you mr Coding (-:
[06:23] <Jakey_coding> Haha, thanks :)
[06:24] <Zeus> let figure out how jakey can get access to ftp on portal.
[06:24] <Spinner-home> Right
[06:24] <Spinner-home> All I have here
[06:24] <Spinner-home> Is the username and passowrd for the NT Administrator
[06:24] <Spinner-home> Proble is
[06:24] <Spinner-home> Tat user does not have FTP access
[06:24] <Spinner-home> And so
[06:24] <Spinner-home> I dont know what to do
[06:24] <Spinner-home> NT = New to me
[06:24] <Jakey_coding> I see. Do you have Terminal Server client installed on your home machine?
[06:25] <Zeus> i believe its got terminal server on it..... remote operate?
[06:25] <Jakey_coding> I have the client installed on this end.
[06:25] <Spinner-home> hubba?
[06:25] <Spinner-home> (-:
[06:25] <Spinner-home> k
[06:26] <Spinner-home> So I assume you can tro to remote control with it?
[06:26] <Jakey_coding> It would allow me to operate is if I was sitting at the server.
[06:26] <Spinner-home> If it is installed there, yes
[06:26] <Spinner-home> How to find out then?
[06:26] <Jakey_coding> Yup.
[06:26] <Zeus> this is what harry did also
[06:26] <Spinner-home> I nkow
[06:26] <Spinner-home> But I dont know if its the same prog?
[06:26] <Jakey_coding> It would have to be tested to find out. I can check documentation to look for a certain port to scan.
[06:26] <Spinner-home> Anyway
[06:27] <Spinner-home> Is the Administrator info what you need?
[06:27] <Spinner-home> or is there anything I have to do on the box on Monday?
[06:27] <Jakey_coding> If you give me the Admin account you would then have to change the password on it afterwards.
[06:27] <Zeus> erm
[06:27] <Jakey_coding> That account needs to be protected.
[06:27] <Spinner-home> of course
[06:27] <Zeus> if we gave you admin account to do this could you jakey?
[06:27] <Spinner-home> As all you need is an FTP account
[06:28] <Zeus> setup accounto n FTP then we change admin accounton monday
[06:28] <Jakey_coding> Try loggin into using ftp with the account info first.
[06:28] <Jakey_coding> See if you can get through.
[06:29] <Spinner-home> didnt work
[06:29] <Jakey_coding> k
[06:29] <Jakey_coding> Give me a sec to weight trying the terminal serer
[06:30] <Jakey_coding> Ok. I'll give it a shot. I'll need the IP or address of whichever server is the one which would have Terminal Server installed.
[06:30] <Jakey_coding> Or wait...
[06:30] <Spinner-home>
[06:30] <Spinner-home> the very same machine
[06:30] <Jakey_coding> Isn't there a way to modify the portal via the built in admin pages?
[06:30] <Jakey_coding> Does it support viewing directories?
[06:31] <Spinner-home> dont think so
[06:31] <Jakey_coding> Ok. I'm ready for a login/pass
[06:31] <Spinner-home> The Administrator one?
[06:31] <Jakey_coding> Yes.
[06:31] <Spinner-home> Administrator
[06:31] <Spinner-home> funky90
[06:32] <Spinner-home> Forget them quickly afterwards
[06:32] <Spinner-home> (-:
[06:32] <Jakey_coding> trying...
[06:32] <Jakey_coding> :)
[06:32] <Jakey_coding> Generally you rename the administrator on your server and give it a new name.
[06:33] <Jakey_coding> Any "hackers" will always attempt to break into the Admin/Administrator accounts first
[06:33] <Jakey_coding> Also you never browse the net from the server when logged in as Admin.
[06:33] <Spinner-home> right
[06:33] <Spinner-home> We never us it mate
[06:33] <Spinner-home> Never
[06:33] <Jakey_coding> Ppl have proved that the net is unsecure due to hashed password breakers.
[06:33] <Jakey_coding> great
[06:33] <Spinner-home> The metal machine just stands there
[06:33] <Jakey_coding> Yup. Server installed
[06:33] <Spinner-home> NO monitor
[06:33] <Spinner-home> no nothing
[06:33] <Spinner-home> (-:
[06:33] <Jakey_coding> Logging in!
[06:34] <Zeus> you in?
[06:34] <Jakey_coding> Yup.
[06:34] <Jakey_coding> Gimme a sec here to check for the user manager
[06:34] <Zeus> ok now careful in their pls:)
[06:35] <Jakey_coding> Don't worry, I'm proficient with NT server.
[06:35] <Spinner-home> Oi mate, any way I can install such a program here on my WIn2000 machien as well?
[06:35] <Spinner-home> To remote admin it?
[06:35] <Jakey_coding> Yup
[06:35] <Zeus> just use terminal server
[06:35] <Spinner-home> k
[06:35] <Jakey_coding> Harry can supply you with the client
[06:35] <Spinner-home> Ok, will have to ask him, if ever resurfacing
[06:35] <Spinner-home> ANywhere I can download it?
[06:35] <Spinner-home> (-:
[06:36] <Zeus> ill check his ftp server
[06:36] <Spinner-home> - he said, trying not to look like a user of pirated software
[06:36] <Jakey_coding> I believe you may be able to download it from Microsoft
[06:36] <Zeus> not that idownloadc warez or anything from it honestly:)
[06:36] <Jakey_coding> Either that or from, I think I found the portal folder..
[06:36] <Jakey_coding> haha
[06:36] <Spinner-home> phone
[06:38] <Zeus> nope not on his ftp
[06:39] <Zeus> Jakey_coding: you sorting your access ok?
[06:39] <Jakey_coding> Ok, I found the images. I'm checking out the situation with them
[06:39] <Jakey_coding> I can do it directly via Admin account.
[06:40] <Jakey_coding> I'm going to check permissions on file..
[06:40] <Jakey_coding> images I mean
[06:46] <Zeus> how goes it Jakey_coding
[06:46] <Jakey_coding> The permissions look fine on the files. They exist there. I'm checking to see if IIS has some blocks on themn
[06:46] <Jakey_coding> Yup. Found problem.
[06:47] <Jakey_coding> IIS (Internet Server) hasn't been told they were uploaded
[06:47] <Zeus> can correct?
[06:47] <Jakey_coding> yup
[06:47] <Jakey_coding> Working..
[06:48] <Zeus> while their jakey
[06:48] <Zeus> could you look at the links on left hand site.
[06:48] <Zeus> most are not working..
[06:48] <Zeus> Story So Far
[06:49] <Zeus> Getting Started
[06:49] <Jakey_coding> Ok.. We'll see if they work after this is done
[06:52] <Jakey_coding> Aaah. I believe the portal exists on E: and not C:
[06:52] <Jakey_coding> Let me check it
[06:53] <Jakey_coding> Ok, I'm going into the shell for a minute. I'll be unresponsive..
[06:53] <Zeus> we just added a new hdd for the allaince hosting
[06:59] <Spinner-home> phew
[06:59] <Spinner-home> long phone call
[06:59] <Spinner-home> Mysternal (:
[06:59] <Spinner-home> WHat we clal a social call (-:
[06:59] <Jakey_coding> Success!!
[07:00] <Spinner-home> woot!
[07:00] <Jakey_coding> Alright, now which links on the left column were buggy?
[07:00] <Jakey_coding> I can't believe no one sumbitted my SL pics :(
[07:00] <Spinner-home> its the article.asp
[07:00] <Jakey_coding> k
[07:00] <Spinner-home> That asp does not work
[07:00] <Spinner-home> or
[07:00] <Spinner-home> The links rteturn the wrong article id
[07:00] <Jakey_coding> k
[07:00] <Spinner-home> so
[07:00] <Spinner-home> Getting Started
[07:00] <Spinner-home> Wap Guide
[07:01] <Spinner-home> Story So Far
[07:01] <Spinner-home> are the ones not working
[07:01] <Jakey_coding> k
[07:01] <Zeus> she ok chris?
[07:01] <Spinner-home> And I have posted an aritcle as well, but no worries about that one
[07:01] <Spinner-home> She is ok
[07:01] <Spinner-home> Will be here tonight
[07:01] <Spinner-home> Party for Therese
[07:01] <Spinner-home> (-:
[07:02] <Spinner-home> Jakey, oh you master of NT
[07:02] <Spinner-home> QUick question
[07:02] * Zeus is jumping on plane in an hour...should be thier and make it in time:)
[07:02] <Zeus> hehe
[07:02] <Zeus> having party sdame place as yours birthday party?
[07:02] <Spinner-home> Asp requires IIS?
[07:02] <Spinner-home> NO mate, that place was rented out, so it will be here at home
[07:02] <Spinner-home> ):
[07:02] <Jakey_coding> Not really.
[07:02] <Jakey_coding> You can use ASP on unix boxes too.
[07:02] <Spinner-home> I can run ASp on my Windows Apache machine?
[07:02] <Jakey_coding> Yup.
[07:02] <Spinner-home> heh
[07:03] <Jakey_coding> You have to get the right interpreter for it though
[07:03] <Spinner-home> Ah, right
[07:03] <Jakey_coding> I believe that was something new from last year
[07:03] <Spinner-home> Figured I would have to learn it some day (-:
[07:04] <Zeus> yep images work:)
[07:04] <Jakey_coding> Test your articles men
[07:04] <Spinner-home> heh
[07:04] <Spinner-home> Wow, Articles work again!
[07:05] <Zeus> at last:)
[07:05] <Spinner-home> rofl
[07:05] <Spinner-home> May I ask what you did Jakey?
[07:05] <Jakey_coding> :)
[07:05] <Jakey_coding> Yes, I replaced the old ones with the new ones.
[07:05] <Jakey_coding> New drive is E: , old is C:
[07:06] <Spinner-home> Harry must have been...erm..tired not to manage that (-:
[07:07] <Zeus> yea:(
[07:07] <Zeus> but ill still call him this evening
[07:07] <Spinner-home> okies
[07:07] <Spinner-home> Zeus, now that we are up and runnign again
[07:07] <Jakey_coding> We aren't 100% I believe.
[07:07] <Spinner-home> Can the last creators hour log be added?
[07:08] <Jakey_coding> If those files made that difference, there must be more
[07:08] <Spinner-home> hm
[07:08] <Spinner-home> k
[07:08] <Spinner-home> Testing all links then
[07:08] <Jakey_coding> k
[07:08] <Spinner-home>
[07:08] <Jakey_coding> k
[07:08] <Spinner-home> the right menu link called #planetarion stats
[07:09] <Spinner-home> I duno what it is supposed to hold though
[07:09] <Spinner-home> >eus?
[07:09] <Spinner-home> Zeus?
[07:09] <Zeus> getting..
[07:10] <Zeus> erm..
[07:10] <Zeus> thats the irc stats page
[07:10] <Spinner-home> Jakey:
[07:10] <Spinner-home> In the left menu:
[07:10] <Spinner-home> The RULES link
[07:10] <Spinner-home> Could you have it open in THE SAME WINDOW?
[07:10] <Spinner-home> Not a different target?
[07:10] <Jakey_coding> k
[07:10] <Zeus> yes
[07:11] <Jakey_coding> The stats/planetarion doesn't seem to actually exist.
[07:11] <Jakey_coding> I may have to nil that link.
[07:11] <Jakey_coding> I'll do that Rules first.
[07:12] <Zeus> erm.
[07:12] <Spinner-home> All other links tested
[07:12] <Spinner-home> It was only the article.asp I think
[07:12] <Jakey_coding> k
[07:12] <Jakey_coding> I have to tract down the offending A HREF's TARGET tag, one sec
[07:13] <Spinner-home> k
[07:14] <Spinner-home> Zeus
[07:14] <Zeus> Jakey_coding: what time over thier at the moment?
[07:14] <Zeus> yes?
[07:14] <Spinner-home> The dropdown on default2.asp
[07:14] <Jakey_coding> 6:30 am
[07:14] <Spinner-home> YOu know it goes outside screen?
[07:14] <Jakey_coding> hmm. Nope.
[07:15] <Zeus> yes.
[07:15] <Spinner-home> k
[07:15] <Jakey_coding> I'll add that to my list
[07:15] <Zeus> Jakey_coding: you have seen the dropdown?
[07:15] <Jakey_coding> Don't believe so.
[07:16] <Spinner-home> default2.asp
[07:16] <Spinner-home> But there are lots of faults on that page
[07:16] <Spinner-home> Some weird banners and stuff
[07:16] <Spinner-home> (-:
[07:16] <Zeus> have a look at it. harry last told me he had the new images that correct the size & position.
[07:16] <Spinner-home> ah
[07:16] <Jakey_coding> I'll check it right after this one. I found the offending tags to fix. Should I make all offending tags open in same window, or just a select few including rules?
[07:16] <Zeus> 6:30AM!!!
[07:16] <Zeus> have you slept?
[07:16] <Jakey_coding> No. I don't need to sleep, I'm a programmer :)
[07:16] <Spinner-home> actually Jakey
[07:17] <Spinner-home> heh
[07:17] <Zeus> rofl:)
[07:17] <Spinner-home> All others can be as they are
[07:17] <Spinner-home> Except for the rules one
[07:17] <Jakey_coding> k
[07:17] <Spinner-home> oh
[07:18] <Spinner-home> And while you are here(-:
[07:18] <Zeus> well if your not going to sleep and feel upto it .... check the dropdown code over and impliment if possible.
[07:18] <Jakey_coding> k
[07:18] <Spinner-home> Is there any web reporting tool running on this machine?
[07:18] <Spinner-home> Like a stats page for the site?
[07:18] <Spinner-home> Pages, hits and so on?
[07:18] <Zeus> the whole right hand links to be taken away
[07:18] <Jakey_coding> I'll check
[07:18] <Zeus> i believe there is.
[07:18] * Zeus trys to rememebr its name
[07:18] <Spinner-home> Might be
[07:18] <Spinner-home> I just dont know where to look for it
[07:18] <Jakey_coding> Rules fixed
[07:19] <Spinner-home> thank you!
[07:19] <Zeus> is it webtrends?
[07:19] <Jakey_coding> Is that for me?
[07:19] <Spinner-home> ?
[07:20] <Jakey_coding> <Zeus> is it webtrends?
[07:20] <Spinner-home> ah yes
[07:20] <Spinner-home> He was wondering if the web reporter was called somehting like that
[07:20] <Spinner-home> I wouldnt know
[07:20] <Zeus> webtrends = makers of the reporting stats tools
[07:20] <Jakey_coding> Aah. I see.
[07:20] <Jakey_coding> I'll check after I look at default2.asp
[07:20] <Zeus> ok
[07:20] <Spinner-home> Okies
[07:21] <Spinner-home> I have to go get a shower
[07:21] <Spinner-home> Jakey, Thank you thank you and THANK YOU!
[07:21] <Zeus> but i do know if you run it on the log will take a few hours to finis the report:)
[07:21] <Spinner-home> rofl
[07:21] <Jakey_coding> Your welcome Chris :)
[07:21] <Zeus> k chris...wish tress happy birthday!
[07:21] <Spinner-home> I will!
[07:21] <Jakey_coding> I'll see you later Chris!
[07:21] <Spinner-home> YOu sure will!
[07:22] <Zeus> <Laser> zeus you here?
[07:22] <Zeus> <Zeus> yes?
[07:22] <Zeus> <Laser> um you know when spinner is comming on?
[07:22] <Spinner-home> WHere are you located Jakey?
[07:22] <Zeus> -Laser- i have a beta question for him
[07:22] <Spinner-home> sigh
[07:22] <Zeus> u want to take that m8ty?
[07:22] <Jakey_coding> I'm in Canada.
[07:22] <Spinner-home> I will go into betatesters for a while
[07:22] <Spinner-home> AH, ok
[07:22] <Spinner-home> catch up later!
[07:22] <Zeus> roger
[07:23] <Jakey_coding> Ok. The default2 has its div tags going outside the borders.
[07:23] <Jakey_coding> This has to be remedied by offsetting them so they don't exceed the right hand side.
[07:23] <Zeus> k
[07:24] <Jakey_coding> That menu as it sits is off to far to the top right and isn't convinient.
[07:24] <Zeus> the menu also imho was too small
[07:24] <Jakey_coding> Yes
[07:24] <Jakey_coding> The most commonly used links always have to be one click away. They can't be hidden inside nesting.
[07:24] <Zeus> i wanted the menu starting from middle of the page going right
[07:24] <Jakey_coding> Sounds great.
[07:24] <Jakey_coding> About Zwang's portal design:
[07:24] <Zeus> yes?
[07:25] <Jakey_coding> The design implements frames to seperate the top menu from the bottom.
[07:25] <Jakey_coding> He prefers it this way but frames steal a % of web page realestate which is precious
[07:25] <Zeus> I like the look, but theres a lot which needs amended.
[07:25] <Jakey_coding> Yes.
[07:26] <Zeus> and the frames is nono
[07:26] <Jakey_coding> We kinda debated the frames and came to a conclusion to each want the opposite.
[07:26] <Jakey_coding> I agree.
[07:26] <Jakey_coding> Hopefully he'll scrap it without a battle. He really likes his frames :)
[07:26] <Zeus> I asked him to set time for us to discuss it further.
[07:26] <Jakey_coding> Yes, this Sunday.
[07:26] <Zeus> so expecdt email from him
[07:27] <Jakey_coding> I'm free to do whatever is on your list next.
[07:27] <Zeus> you sure?
[07:27] <Zeus> you havent slept
[07:27] <Jakey_coding> yes.
[07:27] <Zeus> :)
[07:27] <Jakey_coding> Thats ok. As long as the projects aren't too long.
[07:28] <Jakey_coding> I have to do some tech work in two hours for a while.
[07:28] <Jakey_coding> I'm too dedicated to computer work. Its my only passion
[07:28] <Zeus> well dropdown and your poll implimentation is prorities
[07:28] <Jakey_coding> The poll comes #1 then.
[07:28] <Zeus> its ready?
[07:29] <Jakey_coding> No. I still need to finish it. I thought I was going to have it done tonight but other small projects came around.
[07:29] <Jakey_coding> The secret is to close down IRC and not respond to outside influences.
[07:29] <Jakey_coding> Do you have MSIM?
[07:30] <Zeus> no
[07:30] <Jakey_coding> There is also a scripting error on the drop down menu system.
[07:30] <Zeus> we use icq
[07:30] <Jakey_coding> Ok. I can use ICQ then. My contact info in on the new forum.
[07:30] <Jakey_coding> My ICQ is 669243
[07:31] <Jakey_coding> I see the layout of the portal changing so drastically. I really like the current look we have though
[07:31] <Jakey_coding> If we could preserve this look and do some changes to reflect the old look then we'll be in business.
[07:31] <Zeus> 13549791
[07:31] <Jakey_coding> k
[07:32] <Zeus> also pnn needs to become more promiate..
[07:32] <Jakey_coding> Definatly. The most popular/commonly used links will be the easiest to get to and the first ones listed.
[07:33] <Jakey_coding> Welcome to my ICQ list :)
[07:33] <Zeus> :)
[07:33] <Zeus> dont give to anyone pls as Im fedup declining
[07:33] <Jakey_coding> No problem. I'm 100% private.
[07:34] <Jakey_coding> I know what its like to have 100 ppl wanting on your ICQ list. I'm the Founder of a Starcraft clan with 100 members :/
[07:34] <Zeus> ok i gotta talk some merchandising so be back later
[07:34] <Jakey_coding> I felt bad declining them all
[07:34] <Jakey_coding> ok, later matey
[07:35] <Jakey_coding> Have you ever slipped an extra 100 frigs into someone's base before :)
[07:35] <Jakey_coding> Wait, I don't want to even think that thought !
[07:36] <Zeus> hehe
[07:36] <Jakey_coding> Once something like that starts happening it can cause unbalances big time
[07:36] <Zeus> indeed
[07:36] <Zeus> we avoid if at all possiblew
[07:37] <Jakey_coding> Yes. I agree.
[07:37] <Jakey_coding> I'll let you get to work here... I have some poll coding to do
[07:38] <Zeus> k:)
[07:38] <Zeus> gl
[07:38] <Jakey_coding> :)
[07:46] <Jakey_coding> Ok, about the /stats/planetarion that extension of the site is turned off but it does infact exist. Its just "stopped" and needs to be started. Session Close: Sat Feb 10 07:47:08 2001