The Sad Death of Cluster Alliances

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The Sad Death of Cluster Alliances posted by hardin

Although I am having great fun this round there is one thing that saddens me and that is the death of cluster alliances and their accompanying intrigue, backstabbing and general mayhem.

Now I could be wrong but as a pe0n in one of the largest clusters it has become increasingly obvious that cluster alliances have become pretty much irrelevant and fairly useless.

Why is this?

Well I think the change of the of the incluster eta bonus from eta 2 to 1 (for defence) and the complete removal of an attacking eta bonus has played a considerable role - alongside the introduction of Overburn Defence and Attack and the randomisation of the universe.

In the past galaxies often lived or died by the availability of cluster defence (particularly against incluster attacks). With the removal of any eta attacking advantage there is no benefit to be gained from incluster wars and as such there is no need for galaxies incluster to bad together for protection.

....and Overburn defence means that alliances can now protect thier members at low etas almost as effectively as any cluster alliance.

Yes there is still an eta 1 advantage for incluster defence but with the randomisation of the universe people do not take advantage of it because cluster alliances now offer potentially more hazards than benefits.

Many people will no longer idle in cluster channels because they know people from oppsing alliances are sitting there and reporting on every move they make. When they are online, when they are offline, when they are attacking, when they are defending etc etc etc.

Yes this did happen b4...but when cluster alliances and friendships were often very important people would be less reluctant to cause trouble for people who may the next day be their saviour..

ATM the risk of involvement in cluster alliances outweighs the potential eta advantage and means that cluster alliances are doomed.

So why do I think this is sad? Well as someone who enjoys the political cut and thrust and interplay of the game almost as much as actually roiding I find it sad that one more source of intrigue has been removed.

Some cluster wars were fantastic events in there own right and it is sad that this element of the game has been removed.

Cluster alliances also opened the game up to new players. How many people in top alliances are there as a result of impressing in cluster activities - my impression is certainly a great many. Great alliances and attack groups also grew out of cluster ties. This no longer happens.

In a way the PA World has shrunk with the irrelevance of the cluster alliance. People now socialise with their alliance, attack group and galaxy and one other avenue of interaction (and new friends) has been removed...

Am I over-emphasisng the importance of the old style clusters and are you also sad (or even happy) to see them go?