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Starting PA in Round2, after being dragged over from the Wireplay TFC gaming community. -=42=- was the alliance of choice of most WPTFCers and after a few weeks, Seth had managed to pester then -=42=- leader (Earthwalker) and was given HC rank!

Trying to improve the alliance and make it more organised, Seth experimented by creating an ICD Squadron named Howling Rain (which contained the 1337 of -=42=-). At that time a number of alliances had winged ICD (with -=42=- being one of them). Unfortunately for Seth, not all -=42=- HC agreed with his plans.

Unhappy with ICDs Command activity and unable to help -=42=- with his new ideas, Seth parted from -=42=- and created the Howling Rain alliance, where he has remained as Leader ever since!