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News / Soapbox

Round 14 Havoc starts at 21:00 GMT- less than half an hour away. 100m of each resource and 500 of each roid type! w00t! Let the battle begin!

It's over, folks. Ticks closing to and end. A jolt of pretentious coolness sweeping #planetarion in anticipation of a brief celebration for those whom took part and not least the winner's of R14. The tapping of thousands of fingers on keyboards throughout the world, while it could substitute for a raving enthusiastic applause it doesn't even come close to the real thing. For the #1 planet, alliance and galaxy from the ever kind PAWiki admins I give you the closest thing to the real thing itself. For all the wanna-be winner's in 1up behind elviz, better luck next time, suckers.

Respect to all the new players battling it out in the cold universe amidst all the merciless roid runs. Of all the alliances I'll have to say well played to Tides of Fire, xVx, F-Crew, Vengeance and The Galactic Vikings. A special mention for the crazy G-II players; nothing quite like being offered defence channel infoes from a G-II player (myself being the GC) while noting on Sandmans that he's the only one listed in the whole alliance.

Is there a way to briefly sum up R14? Black comedy comes to mind. All the fluctuation in the alliance front had good comedy value, yet made it easier for the hardened mushroom staff to wrap up the round. Blocking with their flak alliance being #1 from start to finish kind of says it all about the weak opposition they had this round. LCH. Please. Disband. Also, could Sid please step up and give some information to all the "HCs" of other alliances on how to steer real no-nonsense alliances? The kids don't get it.

Until we meet again in another life I bid you all farewell.

-- GC of the Elysium Devils (7:8)