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The Orbit alliance was started mid-round 14, when 3 small alliances decided to get together and take on the big boys. These alliances were: Unforgiven Sin, European Legion, and Liberators. Originally, the_powwer was supposed to be a part of Orbit and in the first stages of name thinking, it was PULSE - Powwer Unforgiven Liberators Sin European-legion. But after the_powwer was no longer a part and the HCs of each alliance consulted, a consensus was made on the point that during a merge, we should leave our pasts behind, hence Orbit.

Near the end of round 14, the alliance had some internal rage and came close to falling apart. But with the will of some hardcore members, round 15 Orbit was born from Xcel GeenPorem Ron7684 Brug and Phrazer with a new will to live on.