Planetarion Database Dump

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The Planetarion Database Dumps are files with ingame information from Planetarion. They show planet, galaxy and alliance information, such as score, size and value. They are generated at the end of the tick and will usually be available at xx:01. Changes to the format are posted on the Forums.

These dump file(s) are usually used in Arbiters and the various tool kits.


The dumpfiles are available at:


Each file starts with information about what the file contains. eg:

Content: Planetarion Planet Listing (sorted by x, y, z)
Author: Appocomaste
Version: 1.04
Tick: 97
Separator: '	'
EOF: 'EndOfPlanetarionDumpFile'


Format: 'id	x	y	z	"planet name"	"ruler name"	race	size	score	value	xp	"special"'


Format: 'x	y	"galaxy name"	size	score	value	xp'


Format: 'rank	"alliance name"	size	members	counted_score	points	total_score	total_value'


Many alliances write their own tools using these dumpfiles and sites such as Sandmans also utilize them.

Below are some basic php code examples on how to use them. Note: these are untested.

mysql_connect( "host", "user", "pass" );
mysql_select_db( "database" ); 

preg_match_all( "/(\d+)\t(\d+)\t(\d+)\t\"(.+)\"\t\"(.+)\"\t(.+)\t(\d+)\t(\d+)\t(\d+)\t(\d+)/i", 
$planetList,  $planetArray, PREG_SET_ORDER );

mysql_query( "TRUNCATE TABLE planets" );

foreach ( $planetArray as $planet )
       mysql_query( "INSERT INTO planets VALUES ( $planet[1],  $planet[2], 
       $planet[3], '$planet [4]', '$planets[5]', '$planet[6]', $planet[7], 
       $planet[8],  $planet[9],    $planet[10] )" ); 

And here is the MySQL table structure to go with it:

CREATE TABLE `planets` (
 `x` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL default '0',
 `y` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL default '0',
 `z` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL default '0',
 `planet` varchar(70) NOT NULL default ,
 `ruler` varchar(70) NOT NULL default ,
 `race` varchar(15) NOT NULL default ,
 `size` bigint(20) unsigned NOT NULL default '0',
 `score` bigint(20) NOT NULL default '0',
 `value` bigint(20) NOT NULL default '0',
 `xp` bigint(20) NOT NULL default '0',
 PRIMARY KEY  (`planet`)

Usage notes

Employing an overly aggressive polling policy is frowned upon and PA Team reserves the right to revoke your access to the dump files.