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Revision as of 00:15, 3 January 2006 by Furball (talk | contribs)
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News / Soapbox

  • Furball 00:15, 3 January 2006 (GMT)

eXilition wins Round 15, defeating NewDawn who take second. Angels unsuprisingly end 3rd, while LCH pip 1up to fourth. Subh, VGN, TGV and F-Crew bring up the rear.

Insomnia loses war with LCH. Said alliance also disbands, not due just to losing the war, but also due to their HC's having real-life problems. Here is a notice that Jonas posted on AD: http://pirate.planetarion.com/showthread.php?t=188795

The political stability in Planetarion R15 has again been rocked by Insomnia's declaration of war upon LCH - these two alliances are surprisngly evenly matched and the outcome is far from certain. Meanwhile, the Scythe/G-II war has come to an abrupt resolution when the Scythe HC who instigated the conflict resigned from Scythe, leaving G-II unable to attack anyone else because of bash limit restrictions :D. The Subh/TGV war has stepped down in intensity, apparently as the TGV average roid count makes most of them too unprofitable to attack (though aggregate roid counts are about even), though it could be due to other alliances interfering as at one stage both alliances lost a significant amount of roids. Passionate insults over body hair continue to be flung back and forth, however. :)

The war between G-II and Scythe was almost over before it even started, with both sides negotiating for a cease-fire. Negotiations broke down, however, when G-II said they would only cease-fire when Lurch posted a full surrender notice on AD. Suffice to say that he didn't, and both sides are sure to initiating military action in the near future. Most people still seem to favour G-II due to their higher level of experience. As Phil^ rightly stated, it's a case of Quality over Quantity.

New developments in the Political situation for Planetarion R15 have arrived. Whilst the top four alliances (Angels,eXilition, NewDawn and 1up) still have much of the universe's attention (and their roids :p), the focus is shifting to competition and conflict between "lesser" alliances. We have already seen the middle ranked Subh declare war on TGV, whilst the results of that war remain far from clear, there is also action at the smallest end of the scale, with Scythe declaring war on G-II - whilst 85 Scythe to 30 G-II sounds unfair, G-II is a tight knit group which many players believe will eventually triumph. But war has yet to start, and the large amount of activity in the political situation this round has made life interesting for all players, regardless of what level they are.

Whilst all the focus has been on the top four alliances, there is still some serious competition to be had in the middle ranks. Today, Subh declared war on TGV in a memorable exchange where body hair was threatened with razors! :). Both alliances in this war are very new to this universe, and as the first set-piece battles commence it should provide both with immense insight as to how far they've come.

  • Banned 17:32, 10 November 2005 (GMT)

The new round is heating up into a contest between the top 4 alliances. Led on by EXilition; Angels, ND and 1up have formed a gap back to TGV, who passed Insomnia to take fifth only yesterday. While rumors of cooperation are fluttering about, the B word has yet to be invoked, which can be taken to be a good sign so far.

In unrelated news the wiki now has some anti-spamming measures, so anonymous edits have been reenabled.

  • Banned 10:51, 27 October 2005 (BST)

With the new round only a day away, AD has taken on an ominous silence. With the return of EXilition, many expect the round to be revolve primarily around the EX/1up rivalry, though NewDawn's very independant play last round suggests there may be some outsider surprises. LCH returns with reinforcements from ToT, while NoS bows out after 14 rounds. Angels once again stand on their own, though rumors would have it that they've been reinforced as well.

Outsiders, old alliances returning and a reigning champion hungry for more; This round has all the makings of a classic.

  • Banned 12:21, 24 October 2005 (BST)

The upgrade from 1.3 to 1.5 seems to have gone seemlessly. If you noticed some downtime on October 22 it was due to the upgrade process. Hopefully the new features of 1.5 should make the trouble worth it.

One such feature is the red exclamation mark on the Recent Changes page. These mark 'unpatrolled' edits. By following the diff link you can patrol an edit and mark it as patrolled (the link is in the new edit's column). This is designed to show people that an edit has been checked out, so people don't need to duplicate the work.

  • Banned 09:18, 9 Oct 2005 (BST)

Due to widespread vandalism/spam on the evening of the 8th of October, the wiki now requires users to login before editing pages. I apologize for the inconvenience this causes and hope it will not prevent anyone from contributing.

Round 14 Havoc starts at 21:00 GMT- less than half an hour away. 100m of each resource and 500 of each roid type! w00t! Let the battle begin!