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Havoc is a special game mode that starts after the main round ends. After the round has ended and final ranks are recorded, each planet is given a large amount of resources, roids, structures and a full tech tree. Ticks are generally accelerated to one every 15 minutes and unpaid planets are upgraded for free.

Many players (usually active, high-ranked players) consider havoc to be worthless and use the time to rest up for the next round. Others take it very seriously, sometimes to the point that they only start playing when havoc begins. Over the rounds several havoc alliances have appeared on the stage, for example Factory, which later went on to play several rounds.

Round 13

Part of the round 13 havoc involved a test of a new type of game: Capture the Flag (CTF). Each galaxy was given a special flag roid, which had to be protected. You gained flag roids by successfully attacking the holder of the roid. Galaxies were scored as follows: their own flag was worth 5 points, and any other flags they captured were worth 1 point.